
Chapter 477 The Five-Turbaned Warrior

The primordial divine principles of creation correspond to the seven realms of heaven and earth, creatures, wisdom, underworld, soul, energy, and rules.

These seven creation gods include all the origins of the world. The gods of heaven and earth can create continents, oceans, skies, rivers, mountains, and swamps. The gods of life can create all living things, plants, animals, and everything that can breathe. ; The God of Wisdom can give life the ability to think and create; the underworld will give these lives a resting place after returning to dust; and the soul is the biggest difference between a life and a puppet. A thing that can move and think may not necessarily They are intelligent creatures, perhaps terrifying magical creations.

Energy is the foundation for the operation of the world. In the Chinese divine system, energy is represented by the five elements. In the Indian divine system, energy is represented by the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and air. In the Western divine system, energy is represented by the seven elements.

In addition to these, if you want a world to work, you also need a rule. With these rules, the moon will not fly to Mars, humans will not take out ice when drilling wood, and thunder and lightning will split trees. Power, people will move forward when they take one step, not backward or left or right.

Among the seven divine principles of Taichu, what I got are the soul, energy, and the underworld. Although these three divine laws are not as powerful as the divine laws that created the world, nor are they as powerful as the living gods that can create fighting creatures, they have unexpected effects. At least after I obtained these three divine laws of the beginning, I have been able to perfect them. Manipulate the five-color continent.

The energy source of the Five-Color Continent is the most unique five elements of the Chinese god system. The energy source of the entire continent is not in the continent itself, but in the billions of five-color giants. These five-color giants are the Five-Color Continent. Originally, the continent itself was just their nest.

These five-color giants are not gods, nor do they possess any divinity, but they possess the purest power of the five elements in the universe.

For a god, the source of his power is the country he created, and the attributes of his power come from divinity. How powerful a god can be is determined by the divine body they build for themselves.

Many gods are not powerful in nature, but their bodies are extremely powerful, so they can often defeat many high-level gods in battle. A typical example is the 600 billion angel legion of the heavenly system. All angels are servants of gods, but they are more powerful than many main gods.

The essence of the five-color giants is similar to that of angels. Although these five-colored warriors are not gods, they have powerful divine bodies. If I do not count the sacrifices, this five-color giant army can even sweep many weak gods.

Compared with divinity, the divine body is not important to a god. It can even be created when needed and destroyed immediately after use. But the technology for making divine bodies is different for each god. Among the gods, the best at making divine bodies, and the one who creates the most powerful divine bodies is the supreme god of the heavenly system.

It is this kind of technology that is not valued by the gods that has created the most powerful angel legion in the heavenly system.

And my five-banded warriors, both in size and strength, are no weaker than the 600 billion angel army of the Heaven God. The only difference is that the 600 billion angel army of the Heaven God System has conquered countless divine kingdoms. Fighting against demons and gods tens of millions of times, countless low-level angels were trained in the battles and became tyrannical beings that were feared by gods and demons.

These five-colored warriors have not experienced many battles, and their potential has not yet been fully realized. Only by repeatedly training in battle after battle, and through the baptism of blood and fire of war, will this army of five-colored giants become a powerful force. I challenge the foundation of gods and demons.

I gently raised my arms and easily tore a passage to the Five Color Continent. Normally I could summon at most a dozen Five Turban Warriors, but this time I summoned a hundred thousand Yellow Turban Warriors in one go. These tall giants, With the support of the Taichu Law under my control, I no longer have to worry about the lack of the five elements of energy. As soon as I arrived at ****, I continued to expand, and my body surpassed Xu Pinglion, the Titan, the Twelve Sacred Mountain God System. The first generation sun god.

"Go and catch me the betrothed Lion. I will bestow the divinity of his Titan on all the Yellow Turban Warriors!"

After receiving my order, half of the 100,000 Yellow Turban warriors were first divided into a dragnet, tightly covering the entire city, and then the remaining half joined the battlefield. The earthly energy possessed by these yellow scarf warriors can restrain all divinities. Xu Beiliong was shocked to find that these mysterious giants were not afraid of his divine power, which shattered even his last belief in restraint.

Suriya and God Amon were also very surprised. Suriya had seen me summon the five-turban warriors and ask questions to the Golden Crow that he had restrained, but he could not get any answer. Although this Golden Crow retained its divinity, it did not Leave no soul and memory behind.

Among the gods, some are primitive gods, and some are acquired gods. Among them, a very small number of primitive gods only have divinity and do not have any emotions, thoughts, memories, or things that are possessed by various living creatures. These are called natural gods. Gods, divinity is the purest. They have no ambitions, no desires, no knowledge of love and hatred, only instinct.

There are also some acquired gods who had accidents when they became gods. They easily abandoned their feelings, turned themselves cold, and lost the basic characteristics of living beings. Such gods were called mechanical gods. Whether they are gods of nature or gods of machinery, they no longer have the possibility of gaining divinity and leaping to a higher level because they themselves have lost their desire and motivation.

This Golden Crow is after I took away the other divinities, leaving only the laws of the Sun God to form the acquired mechanical god. Suriya has been using all his divine power to fight Xu Beiliong. He has never thought about the golden crow under his seat, only his instincts are left.

Faced with such a strange scene, the two sun gods showed great suspicion, and they couldn't help but distance themselves from each other, strengthening their own sun god flames.

"Promise Leo, as long as you surrender, you will not lose anything. You are one of the twelve Titans, the most powerful sun god. As long as you can avoid losing this battle, you can easily defeat Amon next time." and Suriya. If you continue to fight, when they work together to plunder your unique Sun God Law, they will become more powerful. Even if someone rescues you, you will no longer be able to defeat these two enemies. You will Will become the weakest sun god."

I kept sending my thoughts of persuading him to surrender into Xu Peleion's mind. A god of his level is far from comparable to the twelve-headed gods of Mount Olympia. Even the most powerful God Queen Hera and God King Zeus , but it's not worth being betrothed to Li Weng.

If the Titan insists on fighting, even if there are 100,000 yellow scarf warriors and the assistance of two sun gods who are not inferior to him in rank, it will take at least hundreds of years of long war to completely defeat Xu Beilion.

Such a long time may make this battle attract the attention of a certain supreme god. Even if there is another powerful god who can compare with Xu Beiliong, I will lose this rich fruit of war.

"I will never surrender!"

Xu Beili Weng let out a shocking roar, and his body suddenly expanded ten times. He grabbed a yellow scarf warrior with both hands and tore him into two pieces. The torn yellow scarf warrior turned into a cloud of yellow mist, which was inhaled by a yellow scarf warrior next to him. The yellow scarf warrior immediately roared, his red upper body muscles expanded even more, and his arms used force to tightly hug Xu Bei. Leon.

The two yellow scarf warriors took advantage of the opportunity created by their companions and slammed four huge fists as big as hills onto Xu Beiliong's head. God Amun also saw the benefits, transformed into a golden disc, and cut it fiercely, cutting off the betrothed Lion's head and body.

"I won't give in!"

Xu Beiliong roared, and countless tentacles sprouted from under his head, turning into a huge monster like an octopus. Countless black and white eyes sprouted from his body, and he continued to fight crazily with his brilliant light.

In just an instant, more than a hundred Yellow Turban warriors were torn apart by the mutated Xu Beiliong. However, these torn Yellow Turban warriors turned into rich earth elements. After being absorbed by their companions, the remaining Yellow Turban warriors were Become stronger.

A fighting machine that becomes stronger in battle, watered by the sacrifice of its companions and the blood of its enemies, this is the appearance of the Yellow Turban Warriors.

Although Li Weng's head turned into a monster, his body had black and white eyes, and his fighting spirit was even more crazy and high, the number of one hundred thousand yellow scarf warriors was too huge.

The longer they fight, the more they learn.

Although there are tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of these Five-Turbaned Warriors, they have only one brain, which is the five-color light cocoon on the Five-Color Continent. This light cocoon is responsible for the scheduling of all Five-Turbaned Warriors, thinking and learning on their behalf. ,evolution.

The fierce battle reached the most critical moment. The eight-piece Dali sky mirror I had been sitting under, the real fire on the edge of this sun fire mirror, burned fiercely, turned into a golden sun wheel, and fell rapidly from the sky, towards the majestic Xu Bei Li Weng. The giant body chopped down.

Xu Beiliong's will to fight is so firm, far beyond my expectation. I can't let this war last forever, so I can only use a little conspiracy.

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