
Chapter 47 Immortal Snooker

Although it was in broad daylight, Snooker, with bullet holes all over his body and his body penetrated by Jack's silver thorn, gave us a spooky atmosphere.

"Wang Lin! We must chase him. This Snooker is most likely an evil monster created by Western magic. Every time he is seriously injured or killed, he will be resurrected with mysterious power and gain greater power. Damn it, how could we meet such an opponent!"

After Yai Zhenfu reminded us loudly, he started chasing us, while Wolf King and Jack started a little slower. After I ran for hundreds of meters following Yai Zhenfu, I felt that the two of them were not following me.

"What are the immortals and what special abilities do they have?"

I watched Snooker running faster and faster in front of me, and I couldn't help but regret not letting Li Lisi fly the helicopter to catch up. With our two legs, we probably wouldn't be able to catch up with this monster Snooker.

“Let’s ask these questions later!”

The Yai True Talisman was unlike me who had practiced unnamed martial arts and could maintain steady breathing while running wildly. He looked very hard when he answered me, so I really didn’t want to ask any more questions.

Seeing that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch up with Snooker, I suddenly felt so blessed that I got on the Flying Flower Sweeping Leaves Leg, and my steps immediately became extremely light. Flying Flower Sweeping Leaf Leg is a fourth-level martial arts card, and its effectiveness is still higher than that of Dongtian Xiaoyao Palm and Kuangsha Sword Technique. As I used this leg technique, I suddenly felt that the internal energy in my body was flowing out continuously, my body became three points lighter, and my speed suddenly increased.

"If you practice this leg technique to the fullest, the effect of increasing speed and jumping ability will probably be better than the additional ability of the long sword Gu Yue, and it will be much more convenient when you practice the flying flower sweeping leaf kick, at least No need to carry a big knife in your hand!"

In front of Yai Zhenfu, I was not very embarrassed to take out the long sword Gu Yue. I originally had the idea of ​​​​trying it temporarily, but I didn't expect that the Feihua Leaf Sweeping Leg was more powerful than I imagined. With a few leaps, I narrowed the distance between me and Snooker. Under such circumstances, I didn't want to show off the stolen goods to stimulate Yai Shinfu.

"Snook, I don't want to kill anyone, but I don't want to be remembered all the time. If you want to blame, blame your own bad temper." I stretched out my foot and kicked lightly, hitting Jack's silver rod that penetrated Snook's body. The long thorn, under such high impact, the silver long thorn took the spin of my leg and flew out from Snooker's body.

Being hit hard again, Snooker couldn't help but scream strangely and threw himself to the ground despite his strong body.

I took advantage of the momentum and somersaulted in front of him, reached out and picked up the silver thorn, but I couldn't help but be stunned when I picked it up. This thing was so heavy. When Jack threw the silver thorn, it seemed to be an understatement, with no effort at all. I also regarded the silver thorn as its weight. But this thing, which was less than 40 centimeters and as thin as a finger, weighed at least 20 kilograms, which made me doubt Jack's strength.

Except for the sharp edge, this long silver thorn is covered with strange symbols. It looks like some kind of complex incantation. The toughness of the thorn is amazing, and it makes a buzzing tremor when shaken lightly. The sound is more advantageous to my hand than the long sword Gu Yue.

"You all deserve to die!"

Snooker stood up slowly and roared loudly. Being attacked by me and Yai Zhenfu in tandem, he had no room to escape.

Yai Zhenfu showed off the knight's sword that he got from someone, and shouted: "Snoke, if you want to kill us, ask yourself if you have the ability first!" He stretched out his hand and touched the cross sword, and A wisp of blood slowly formed a strange rune on the knight's sword. With a flick of Yai's real rune's wrist, Snooker was shrouded in the light of the sword.

If nothing unexpected happens, Yai Zhenfu's sword can definitely cut Snooker into eight pieces.

Yai Zhenfu's swordsmanship is far beyond my imagination. This person must have real skills. He is much better than me who only knows one move.

Snooker fought with his arms, but he didn't dodge or dodge. He counterattacked forcefully. Yai Zhenfu's long sword hit his body as expected, but it made a dull sound of cutting into a thick tire. Can hit him hard.


Yai Zhenfu showed a stunned expression, and his skills slowed down for a moment. This slight flaw could be fatal in the hands of a fierce person like Snooker. I threw the silver thorn in my hand hard, hoping I could catch it in time.


With a dull loud noise, the Yai True Talisman was hit by Snooker and flew up, and the silver thorn I threw hit Snooker's left shoulder. The powerful silver thorn belt contained Snooker's fierce... The person's body swayed, and the next kick towards Yai Zhenfu hit the ground.

Even from this distance, I could feel the earth being kicked up and flying. "What a powerful kick this kick must have! If the Yai True Talisman loses its fighting ability, I won't be able to take down this guy on my own!"

I was a little worried, but the movements of my hands were not slow at all. The power armor instantly covered my whole body. I punched out from the air. The strength value was as high as 30,000, fully displaying my domineering strength.

Snooker turned around indifferently and punched out. His usual fighting style is so straightforward. My choice was exactly what he wanted. "Idiot, if you had 30,000 strength points, you could just kill the four of us. Why run away!" I cursed in my heart.

The steel arm is stronger and stronger than Snooker's body, so when the fists of the two sides clashed, I could hear the sound of his bones breaking, which is probably what it feels like when a train hits a car.

Snoke responded with a flying punch, and I shook my arm slightly. Although the power armor was protected by a protective device, my right hand was still numb from this hard punch. Seeing Snooker who had been knocked to the ground, I slowly walked over disapprovingly, reached out and grabbed the silver thorn nailed to his shoulder, and pulled it out with force.

Neither the Wolf King's bullets nor Yai Shinfu's long sword can cause fatal damage to Snoke, but this silver spike has a very strange power, and may be the best weapon to deal with monsters like Snoke.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Snooker asked me while vomiting blood with an extremely angry expression on his face.

"Not necessarily. If I were sure that you wouldn't come to kill me in the future, I wouldn't have planned to be so bloody! It's a pity that you didn't give me this confidence!"

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