
Chapter 452 If you could read a woman’s mind

"Can I come in?"


A female warrior wearing light leather armor and two ornately decorated long swords under her waist opened the car door generously and stepped into the RV with a smile on her face.

"Lin Di, a second-level knight of the Kingdom of Fakere, I'm glad to have the opportunity to have a conversation with such a peerless master like you."

"A peerless master? Well, thank you for the compliment."

Lin Di stands out among the many warriors in the Kingdom of Fakere. I have a slight impression of her. When faced with the invasion of silver giant ants, she kept fighting and followed closely beside Gu Yali and Meishu. , much braver than her companions.

I had no intention of getting up. I just snapped my fingers and summoned a bottle of fine wine from the private collection of a certain high-ranking **** official. This was a reward for being a temporary robber.

The wine bottle tilted slightly in the air, and the transparent wine filled two tall glasses. I picked up one of the glasses and asked casually: "Want to come?"

Lin Di showed a strange look, stretched out his hand to hold the wine glass suspended in the air, and asked in a low voice: "Do you always like to use such magical magic to enjoy life?"

"Oh, not often, because I rarely have the opportunity to enjoy life, and most of the time I am fighting...Although I don't like days like this at all, is always out of my control."

"With your strength, do you have the trouble of being unable to defeat the enemy?"

Lin Di touched the wine glass gently with her lips. I suspected that she didn't drink at all, but it was none of my business. It was just polite to give her something to drink, not to share.

I drank up the wine in the glass. Although this bottle of wine was worth tens of thousands in terms of money, the taste was far inferior to the overflowing fragrance of the pair of wine glasses given by Mostema that could never be finished. There is no comparison between the two. After all, the pair of wine glasses are treasures beloved by both gods and demons.

Seeing that I had no intention of answering, Lin Di had to change the topic, searched in the RV, put the wine glass on the bar, and sat down on the sofa next to the bar. He held his cheeks with both hands, blinked his eyes, and said with a smile: "Today is the most dangerous day in my life, but I didn't expect that getting through the crisis would be so dramatic. I am very curious about how you managed to get through the flames you released. Those giant silver ants are burned into another species."

"That's just an ability. You will also have the opportunity to learn it, as long as you can defeat the undead from Alcatraz Island."

Lin Di shook his head and said: "I have always been very proud of my swordsmanship, but the appearance of Faith Hill, Meishu, and Gu Yali completely shattered my pride. They are too powerful. Even **** Those well-known strong men in the world may not be able to surpass them. Even they are afraid of the undead, and are forced to leave their hometowns by these terrifying warriors. I don’t think it’s funny that you are teasing a woman like this.”

"When did I tease you?"

Lin Di looked at me seriously, as if she didn't hear my protest. After a long time, she sighed with satisfaction: "You are so young, younger than my brother!"

Lin Di's imaginative topics made me unable to relax any longer. I sat up from the bed and had some desire to talk to this female warrior from the Kingdom of Fakere.

"Your skills are not bad. I think you are at least as good as a fifth-level knight. Judging from your appearance and the weapons you use, you should be pretty good at life. Why don't you just spend your life leisurely instead of doing these adventurous things? "

"Because I don't want time to pass by without leaving anything behind."

Lin Di smiled brightly, and then I noticed the appearance of this female warrior. She was not very stunning, but her simple face was full of confidence. With her well-proportioned figure and frank manner, she looked Don't be charming.

When she said this, I responded to another sentence almost without thinking, which was also said by many people: "Only by experiencing it can you know how happy it is to wait for death."

Lin Di chuckled and said, "You are challenging my life creed."


It was quite easy to talk to Lin Di, and I gradually came to know that this seemingly straightforward female warrior was actually the eldest daughter of the most famous wealthy family in the Kingdom of Fakere, and her younger brother was the most powerful in the military of the Kingdom of Fakere. One of the promising military generals. Although his reputation is not as good as that of the Fast Court, the five mighty generals of the Border Guards, or strong men like Adonis, he can still be regarded as a powerful and promising young man.

When Master Faith Hill took the remnants of the Demon Sealing Mercenary Group to land in the Middle East from Skull Island, he colluded with several low-level gods and began to infiltrate the politics of these small countries under the guise of religion. The adventure-loving Lin Di ignored the opposition of his family and resolutely joined the ranks of demon sealing.

After going through layers of screening, Lin Di came to the hands of instructor Meishu to receive combat training. This time, Feng Mo did not think that he would definitely be able to get the legendary artifact, but many forces had already entered the Dark Mountains. Faith Lord Hill hopes to eliminate several leaders from hostile forces.

Through chatting with Lin Di, I also gained a more detailed understanding of the achievements of Demon Sealing. Li Lisi's information is always a bit one-sided and is not as intuitive as the impression gained through such exchanges.

Lin Di was very interested in Red Lotus Fire and brought the topic to this topic several times. I tried to read her brain and saw some very interesting things. This female warrior had no idea that someone had unknowingly stripped away her mental disguise and revealed her naked heart.

A person's heart is very complex. In fact, most people's thinking activities are completely undefended. Ordinary people just don't have the means to read them. Even successful spiritual magicians will be confused by the information they get at once. Clutter, and the inability to read one's mind.

Under normal circumstances, being open to accept other people's thoughts is equivalent to opening your closed nose and ears. All kinds of smells and sounds will come in one after another. Only a trained veteran can block all kinds of interference.

I don't like reading other people's minds. Firstly, peeping is dirty, and secondly, many people's thoughts are boring.

If you can read someone's heart, you can easily gain their favor and even trust. With just a few cleverly disguised lies, Lin Di's heart was completely opened to me, and to that extent, it can be called love at first sight.

A female warrior who was originally wearing a military uniform showed a lazy posture in front of you and spoke with this spring breeze. It felt really good. I don't remember how long it had been since I touched a woman. It seemed that Lin Di had a fresh taste. More challenging than beauty favorites.

"If you are willing, I can teach you some relatively quick swordsmanship. Although it is not up to a very high level, it will be useful for this adventure..."

On the outside, Lin Di is a very strong woman, brave, proud, not afraid of any danger, decisive, and independent, but inside she is a little scared, confused, and even wants to escape many times.

For example, when entering the Dark Mountains this time, many warriors from the Kingdom of Fakere were very afraid. After all, this mountain range is known as the most dangerous place on the continent, and even the gods are unwilling to set foot there. But with the strength of the Demon Sealing Mercenary Group, they were unable to oppose this action. At the beginning, the tyrannical strength shown by Meishu and Gu Yali allowed everyone to maintain a certain degree of confidence. However, after encountering the silver giant ants, these people's confidence was broken, and they even began to have various negative thoughts.

My appearance has made most of the people in this team place their hopes. Lin Di's knocking on the door in the middle of the night is also an inevitable result of this undercurrent. Without her, there will be others looking for me. shelter.

It's just that many soldiers can't come up with the conditions that make my eyes shine. In everyone's mind, there is no reward without paying the price. Lin Di had the courage to come to her because of her confidence in her own intelligence and a little bit of confidence in her appearance.

I refused to explain the secret of Honglian Yehuo, which was expected by Lin Di, but I can't say that I was disappointed. When he heard that I was willing to teach her some quick swordsmanship, Lin Di asked curiously: "If I can fight against The swordsmanship of the Warcraft in the Dark Mountains can only be called magical. Why do you seem to think that this swordsmanship is not up to par?"

"Because the original version of this swordsmanship is very powerful!"

I covered my eyes, and a dark golden halo replaced my pupils. I found the secret treasure that I had not used for a long time again. It was the Evil-Breaking Sword Box that I got when I went to Skull Island for the first trial. There were The ten alchemical flying swords and most of the alchemical flying swords were damaged in repeated battles, but the sword boxes made by alchemy were still intact.

With my alchemy skills, repairing this sword box is just a piece of cake. Moreover, I have already thoroughly studied the secrets of alchemical flying swords, so it is not difficult to refining it.

The alchemist's heart was activated, and the evil-breaking sword box originally hidden inside was re-refined and shrunk in half. The ten alchemical flying swords were also re-forged. In just a moment, I took out this newly repaired treasure and handed it to Lin Di.

"There is magic control on the sword box. As long as you keep the sword box in your hand, you can command the long sword hidden inside to fly out a hundred steps away to attack the enemy. The original version of this sword technique was spread from the Eastern Continent. You have no chance to practice the art of flying swords and flying immortals, because I don’t know how to do it. However, although this imitation version is lacking in functions, it does not require any conditions. As long as it is a human, it can be activated. In the future, if there is a battle, you You can stay as close to me as possible, and no one can hurt you."

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