
Chapter 428 The Temptation of Immortality

"It turns out there are three flaming lions. Are you the leader of the flying camel thieves?" The ruthless and ruthless general with a jade-like face shouted in a low voice. He didn't seem to have much hostility, but he was quite surprised. I pushed the giant shield to the ground, sat down casually, and said nonchalantly: "I am Wang Lin, and I got the three-headed flaming lion shield not long ago. I came here this time to know that I also got the Goddess of Wind. Whose gifts are they?"

"We are the commander of the Wind Tiger Legion. Even if you are also a holy warrior chosen by the goddess, you have no mercy this time. Unless you are willing to surrender, we can still give you in front of the commander..."

"Fart, it smells so bad! You two thousand cavalrymen have been chasing me for so long and haven't even eaten the dust. Who are you qualified to say this to me?"

The cold-faced general chuckled and said, "In this case, there is nothing to say. Since you dare to break into my camp, you should have some sense of consciousness." A long black stick flew up in his hand like a poisonous snake, slightly With a tremor, he struck down the killer.

Another military commander with a dull expression and a handsome face that was not like a stranger also drew his sword with lightning and threw it away. Although this man seemed to have lost all his emotions, his mind was extremely sharp. I dare to go into the camp alone, with three heads. The Flame Lion is such a huge shield, so even if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to defeat me in a short time.

However, such a huge shield must not be able to rotate flexibly when used. It has to be pulled by a general wielding a stick. His sword throw came out of the blue, and he was 70-80% sure that he, the leader of the flying camel robbers, could be pinned on the spot.

The two men joined forces, their coordination was flawless, and they were killers. They showed no mercy. They fully demonstrated the ruthlessness and decisiveness of the leading general. If it were another person with martial arts similar to them, I'm afraid this blow would be difficult. Escape from justice.

Of course I would not be frightened by their combined attacks. I did not even take the three-headed flaming lion shield that was lying on the ground. I clamped hard with the five fingers of my left hand and locked the long sword that came first in my palm, even the hilt. Without turning around, he just fought three moves with the stick-wielding general. When the sword hilt and stick end were brought together, a powerful internal energy was released, which immediately shocked the stick-wielding general. After walking seven or eight steps, his legs softened and he sat back to his original position.

I flicked the long sword in my hand, shook my head and sighed: "This is the Blue Blood Changhong Sword. It is indeed a good sword. It's a pity that the owner is too weak, and the pearl is cast in secret." With a slight shake of my hand, I took the Blue Blood Changhong Sword. After throwing it back, the faces of the two generals suddenly changed color.

They are all well-known generals among the four major legions of the Border Guards. Together with Bro and two others, they are collectively known as the Five Strong Generals of the Border Guards. They are all extremely arrogant people with unparalleled martial arts skills. Today, they were unexpectedly snatched away by a big bandit leader and defeated the two of them. They were already embarrassed, and now they are being ridiculed by the magic pearl in their hands. Then One can imagine the anger.

"Your Excellency's martial arts skills are astonishing. My brothers and I are far behind. However, you can't be killed. If you have the ability, you can kill us. I won't even frown."

"Why should I kill you?"

I reached out and made a move, and the three-headed flame lion shield automatically flew up from the ground, turned upside down, and turned into a tabletop, with three wine glasses and a long-necked wine bottle automatically appearing on it.

I filled the wine glass, picked one up, raised my hand, and the three-headed flaming lion shield automatically flew in front of the two of them.

"What do you want, your Majesty?"

Neither of them raised their glasses, and I didn’t force it. I tapped the bottom of the glass gently and said with a gentle smile: “Now that there is civil strife in the Fast Court, I believe that someone will become the new emperor of this great empire in the near future. But what if the emperor changes? Why don’t you waste your youth on this border? Apart from petty fights with barbarians on the grassland, what achievements can you achieve? If you stay here for a lifetime, you will not be promoted to an official position. When you get old, you will just I'm afraid that even supporting the family will be a problem. Since ancient times, beauties are like famous generals. They are not allowed to grow old in the world. It's pitiful for soldiers and horses to work hard for the emperor's family, but they can't even...

"That's enough. Are you speaking on behalf of the fourth prince? Our border guards will never interfere in the chaos at the Fast Court. No matter who is the final winner, we will ultimately have to rely on us to guard the border. But if we are If you are involved in the struggle for the throne, as long as you fail, it will be the disaster of annihilation."

"It's really ridiculous. I have no interest in who will be the emperor of the Fast Empire. I'm not here to come to you for this trivial matter."

I pointed my hand at the ground, and a strange plant sprouted out of the ground. In an instant, it formed a red flower as big as a bowl. The flowers were fragrant, and the entire camp was immediately filled with fragrance.

"Aman Tuo Tuo flower! You...can actually make it bloom instantly!"

The Oman Tuo Tuo flower has dozens of aliases in the world, but the most well-known is the "immortality flower". Legend has it that anyone who eats the Oman Tuo Tuo flower will be free from all diseases and live to be hundreds of years old. A lifetime of youthful appearance. However, this flower is extremely rare and has only appeared three times in the world. Each time it was accompanied by earth-shattering competition, and countless countries even perished for it.

I was able to show such a miracle, no matter how unruly these two generals were, they couldn't help but be moved.

"I was originally a mortal, but after traveling to countless continents, I finally found a way to break away from the mortal body and enter the gate of the gods. However, this method is not complete and still lacks the final level. After embarking on* ***Afterwards, I accidentally obtained the three-headed flaming lion shield given by the Goddess of Wind. After eight days and eight nights of meditating with my supreme wisdom, I finally understood the true power of this artifact."

I used my spring tongue to tell the lie as if it were true. Anyway, the two Fast Empire generals couldn't tell the flaw in it.

"With this three-headed flame lion shield, I finally took the last step and gained immortal life like a god. You are also holy warriors who possess the Goddess of Wind's artifact. As long as you agree, abandon everything and follow me to practice. You will definitely gain the same abilities as me within a year.”

I looked at the two generals. These words were extremely tempting. They placed the greatest temptation in the world in front of them. There was no way they wouldn't be tempted unless they believed in me.

After waiting for a long time, the general wielding the stick whispered: "Is there really anyone in the world who can become a god?"

"If you want to know the coldness or warmth of water, you can only touch it yourself. If you want to know the secrets of all things in the world, you can only touch the endless knowledge. I can answer this question for you, but to make people with a strong mind like you believe that only by letting You can practice it yourself."

What I said is the condensed wisdom of thousands of years of cunning on the earth. It is even more believable in the ears of people who are dubious, making people feel that this is indeed the case.

I didn't lure these two people out of the blue. The eighteen holy warrior-specific weapons of the Wind Goddess must not be as simple as ordinary artifacts. If I can coax all these eighteen holy warriors into my hands, I will only be afraid of this goddess. It's a big blow. What's more, these two people are also considered outstanding talents. I am short of generals who can lead troops.

Moreover, although these two people are highly skilled in martial arts, they have obviously not yet come into contact with the soul hidden in the Wind Goddess's weapons, and their sanity has not been affected. Once they are controlled by the weapons, they will become unswerving believers of the Wind Goddess. At that time, It's too late to recruit.

"This Aman Tuo Tuo flower is my gift to you two. If you believe me, please eat it and follow me on a long journey. It is not so easy to become a new god. This is This path is more difficult than martial arts training. If you didn’t hold the artifact given by the Goddess of Wind, you wouldn’t even be qualified to embark on this path.”

"We are willing to follow the master and embark on this road to godhood."

Hearing the words of these two generals, I was immediately elated. I stretched out my hand and an invisible force lifted them up. In the eyes of warriors of their level, this skill was not considered a great ability, but I It is done with such ease and effort, and the strength comes naturally due to the intention. It is already a superb master craftsman's technique.

Except for that mysterious Imperial Master, no one in the world is more profound in martial arts than me. A few tricks can be enough to shock the world.

After the two generals surrendered in good faith, they reported their names. The one with a cold face and wielding a stick was named Meng Han, and the one with an expressionless face and wielding a sword was named Ning Ao. Both of them have bad tempers and have few friends in the army. They were both originally members of the troops directly under the imperial capital. Because one of them had an eye on his forehead and the other was dumbfounded and had no eyes, they were demoted to the border guard army. As a result, they started to fight each other. They sympathized with each other and became good friends.

The two of them accumulated military exploits and fought countless battles with the grassland tribes before being promoted to the rank of commander of a thousand cavalry. This time, they were sent to do this thankless task of hunting down the flying camel robbers, and they felt a little depressed in their hearts. Anger in the belly.

Meng Han even said bluntly to me: "If you are good at it, give it to those guys who can flatter and flatter you. If you get into trouble, just leave it to us. We brothers are not wiping people's butts! Just put this problem aside. Let’s see who can afford it.”

Meng Han’s words touched my heart deeply, and Ning Ao has been silent for ten thousand years. The martial arts of these two people have been cultivated hard since childhood. Although they are not as fancy as the various combat skills on Alcatraz Island, they have a solid foundation. , more powerful than most adventurers on Alcatraz Island who have mastered the tenth level of combat power. Being able to conquer such two generals was a really unexpected surprise.

"My flying camel bandits are being repaired nearby. Since you are willing to follow me, you can abandon these soldiers, or let your men take them back to the border defense camp."

Meng Han hesitated slightly and asked: "Master Wang Lin, since you also lead three thousand flying camel thieves, can we also take these warriors away?"

I chuckled and said, "Of course there is no problem. Although I cannot make these soldiers have immortal life, settling down is not a problem."

Meng Han chuckled and said: "I brought this army out single-handedly. I don't want to give it to any bastard cheaply, and I don't want to hide this from you."

People like Meng Han are very ambitious. Although they are tempted by my immortality skills, they may not be able to let go of the power in front of them. I am not a Taoist priest who deceives people to become an immortal. It is more beneficial to me if they cannot let go of their power. .

Meng Han is a very decisive person. After making the decision, he immediately stood up to summon his subordinates and took back the reconnaissance cavalry released one by one. Ning Ao also gathered the troops without saying a word. From this matter, he could It can be seen that the two have completely different leadership styles.

Meng Han was cold and ruthless, and his soldiers also had a cold air. Although Ning Ao remained silent, from the arrogance of his soldiers who were all lazy but seemed to be born with contempt for others, we knew how arrogant and arrogant this guy who didn't like to talk and was always expressionless was. .

I set up a teleportation magic circle. Although the two thousand cavalry were very surprised by the sudden appearance of a stranger in the camp, no one asked a question, which shows the severity of the two men leading the troops. When Meng Han passed through the teleportation magic circle and saw the dream-like scenery of Paradise Island and the newly built and yet-to-be-formed city, he immediately eliminated the last trace of doubt in his heart.

The emerging city on Paradise Island is built on the seaside. Facing the direction of drifting from Paradise Island, standing at a slightly higher place, you can see the sea water flowing rapidly. This city is built according to the modern urban style on earth. The first thing that rises is the Paradise Island Hotel. This hotel is larger than the one on Alcatraz Island and consists of five ancient Chinese-style tower-like buildings connected by sky bridges.

No matter which room you are in in the Paradise Island Hotel, you can overlook the infinite scenery. On one side you can see the Temple of Uriel on the highest peak of Paradise Island, and on the other side you can see the ever-changing vast surface of the Sea of ​​Death.

Closer to the Paradise Island Mountains is a cavalry camp. It was modeled after the most modern military base, including dozens of residential areas under construction, huge training camps, and Warcraft breeding grounds. I pointed there and said: "This military camp is designed to accommodate 500,000 people, but it has not been completed yet, so it can only accommodate a few thousand people. The flying camel thieves are the Shining cavalry I borrowed. You are temporarily We can only stay here and try not to cause too much conflict."

Hearing my resistance, Meng Han and Ning Ao were slightly shocked. They knew that the Shining Clan's cavalry had never expected that I could train these nomads into such excellent Warcraft cavalry. They were immediately interested in investing in me. There was a little more expectation among the people.

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