
Chapter 425 The stupidest people are those who don’t know they are stupid

"The most stupid people are those who don't know they are stupid."

Although Ming Yanhai is a relatively old-fashioned person, his skills are one of the best among the ten people brought by Yai Zhenfu this time. Although Lei Gongyuan was able to become the commander of a thousand cavalry, it was mainly because he was able to please his superiors, was tactful, and was good at leading troops. In terms of personal force, he was not better than the several leading knights under him.

After Lei Gongyuan Ming Yanhai listened to the order, he stood blankly on the spot without any reaction. He shouted with some displeasure: "Go and give the order quickly!" Ming Yanhai lowered his head and replied: "Yes, General!" But he He answered like this, but did not move out. Just as Lei Gongyuan was about to reprimand, Mingyanhai had already lengthened his body, and a ball of multicolored flames exploded in his palm, turning into a three-meter-long flame knife, bright yellow, blazing white, and green. , blue, red and five-color flames flowed, and with just one knife, Lei Gongyuan was chopped from head to toe. Lei Gongyuan was struck by his flaming knife, and his face was lifelike, as if he had not been harmed at all.

The level of the colorful flame snake is very low. It is very difficult to cultivate it to the tenth level and become a phantom hunting beast. However, the successfully cultivated colorful flame snake can be transformed into any weapon, and the power of the flame attached is even more fierce. Therefore, eight Many people in the hunter group under Jing Zhenfu are willing to patiently train one, but only few succeed.

Ming Yanhai is a subordinate of Yai Zhenfu. He is one of the few masters who can train colorful flame snakes into phantom hunting beasts. With a strike of the flame sword, everything will be burned. He slashed through it without even looking at the hit. Lei Gongyuan turned around and walked out of the commander's tent, disappearing into the chaos.

Lei Gongyuan in the tent, after a long time, he just spit out fire from his seven orifices, and a burst of heat exploded from his belly, overturning the entire tent. The raging fire suddenly started burning and spread to the entire camp of Hu Leiqi in an instant.

I was watching all this indifferently from a distance. The underworld butterfly conveyed all the changes on the battlefield to my eyes, and I could grasp everything without any effort. Everything Ming Yanhai did was crisp and clean. This man was a rare talent.

"Okay, you guys go too!"

The Red Rabbit Beast Cavalry has turned the Tiger and Thunder Cavalry camp upside down. The Shining Tribe warriors were itching to feel it. When they heard my promise, they all screamed strangely, holding out the scimitars in their hands and howling. After joining the battle, they were already on the verge of defeat. This 3,000-strong prairie cavalry rushed in. The warriors of the Tiger and Thunder Cavalry could no longer maintain their fighting spirit. Starting from a few people, it soon spread to everyone. , began to flee.

I am not worried at all about these fleeing Tiger Thunder Cavalry. Among Lei Gongyuan's cronies, there will definitely be Wolf King and Yai Zhenfu, as well as the subordinates they brought from Alcatraz Island waiting for opportunities to assassinate them. There is no need to kill all the remaining recruits. We need these inexperienced recruits.

Seeing the completely one-sided battle situation, I completely lost interest in joining the battle. When the sky gradually became clearer and the **** sun rose from the horizon, there were no living people left in the military camp of the Tiger and Thunder Cavalry. Three thousand Shining Spirits The clan's cavalry has withdrawn from the battlefield and gathered around me.

"Everyone did a good job! However, enemies like this are not enough targets for the warriors on the grassland. Next time we will attack Wangjing City, every one of you will become the richest person on the grassland."

My understatement of encouragement made these warriors of the Shining Tribe furious and their fighting spirit high. The warriors on the grassland are martial and tough. As long as they win one victory after another, they will naturally develop a sharp and unparalleled aura.

Such an army cannot fail, but under my men, it will be difficult for them to defeat.

I looked at the Hu Lei Cavalry camp from a distance. Lei Gongyuan’s head had been hung on a high flagpole. This was a very obvious provocation. On the grassland, this was a sign of killing the enemy and annihilating the tribe. , I believe this approach will definitely offend a big shot far away in the Imperial Capital. I randomly found a hidden forest and settled these prairie cavalry. I left alone to find the Wolf King and the others.

The defeated troops of the Tiger and Thunder Cavalry were quickly intercepted by the Wolf King and Yai Zhenfu who had left their team intact and went out for "training". Among these defeated Tiger Thunder Cavalry, no one had more prestige than the Wolf King and Yai Zhenfu. Gao, naturally he was gathered into his own team by these two guys who pretended to be selfish.

By the time I found them, these two men had already taken over most of the defeated troops of the Tiger and Thunder Cavalry, and they looked as majestic as two newly rising warlords. When they saw me coming back, they didn't say hello, they just gave me a slight wink. I smiled slightly, blended in with my battalion of soldiers, and watched them bring the team back to the Tiger Thunder Cavalry camp.

The Wolf King was extremely straightforward in his work. He summoned all the leading knights that afternoon and held an impromptu military meeting. He took the initiative and spoke first: "Those damn prairie barbarians not only rushed into our camp and killed our brothers, they even killed the commander. Moreover, they hung their heads on the flagpole, which is unbearable." Who is intolerable? We will definitely take revenge severely!"

"But, how can we take revenge and go back? Even the commander is gone?"

"Yes, yes, we'd better go back to the second prince. We can't stay here any longer. Maybe those barbarians will come in again later."

"I am willing to follow you, sir, to take revenge on those prairie barbarians!"

The speeches made by the thirty or forty leading knights were completely inconsistent. Some of these people were arranged by the Wolf King, some were at a loss and were encouraged by the Wolf King, and some were really scared. The numerous speeches made this meeting look chaotic. , although the Wolf King and Yai Zhenfu are strong, they have not yet formed absolute authority in this team. These two guys have already prepared their next move. When the Wolf King looked at me, I shrugged my shoulders and said no. In doubt, the Wolf King shouted loudly: "Everyone, listen to me first!"

"We have lost our commander, but we need someone who can temporarily command the entire army. I think the leader, Knight Yun Donglai, is the oldest member of the Tiger Thunder Cavalry and has been with the commander for many years. He is the most suitable person to be the temporary leader of this army. Commander, what do you think?"

Hearing these words from the Wolf King, all the leading knights fell silent and looked at the cool male general with cold eyes and no expression at all.

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