
Chapter 388 True Christian Church

"After I received the authentic holy power practice taught by Michel, I established a religious group in the United States called the True Christian Church. It now has more than 2,000 members, 18 churches, and more than one billion in fixed assets. U.S. dollars, with more than ten companies under his name, and control of three mafia groups, wouldn’t it be more suitable for us to cooperate than with the Guan family?”

"Hey! Ax, you really have great potential. You have organized such a huge organization in such a short period of time. Does Mihir know about this True Christian Church?"

Ax shook his head and said: "Mihir is a woman with great ambitions. How dare I let her know that? No one in this world even knows that I founded this sect except you and me."

Ax's words moved my heart. European and American countries are not so strict on religious restrictions, and it is very easy to create new religions. I have Paradise Island in hand, and it is easy to create an alien base like Alcatraz Island. The members recruited by Ax will definitely believe in the True Christian Church as long as they see all the strange things on Paradise Island.

With an endless stream of believers, I can pull together a force that is ten times more powerful than the Locke Group. As the highest authority manager of Paradise Island, I can distribute the Book of Paradise at will, allowing these believers to gain powerful power.

I have seen the powerful power of the death belief of Nana and the Humpback Dragon, and I am also quite interested in this power. If the belief in the undead is concentrated and has such powerful energy, then the living should be similar, although I don’t know yet. Use these pious methods, but sooner or later I will find it. When the time comes, I will look for a large number of believers. Regardless of whether I have the energy or not, I cannot afford to waste my time. I will use an ax to pull up this true Christian church first. Maybe it will be used at some point.

Putting down the wine glass, I asked thoughtfully: "Where is your Skeleton Book?"

"I'm still here. I have also cultivated the Hunyuan Scripture to great perfection. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to achieve such achievements in the cultivation of holy power."

"Okay, I'll give you this Book of Heaven, and I'll give you these hunting cards of the Colorful Flame Snake. Change the cards in the Book of Skulls here!"

"The Book of Heaven?"

Ax looked at this book filled with divine brilliance in astonishment, full of questions. I didn't give him a chance to explain, and said slowly: "You can find an uninhabited island in the Pacific, or a relatively secluded place in Africa. , build a base as large as possible, and then I will build a teleportation magic circle to allow followers of the True Christian Sect to travel freely between the two worlds."

"Let everyone go to the world of Alcatraz. How can we invest so much money? I also know something about that world. A wish fruit costs at least one billion U.S. dollars. As for the teleportation magic circle, it seems that only a few large groups can do it. master."

I still don’t know the axe, the strength I have on Alcatraz Island, and I don’t understand that the teleportation magic circle technology that was once only in the hands of a few organizations such as the Locke Group and the Demon-Sealing Mercenary Group has almost become widespread in the Phantom Troupe. Yes, although these teleportation magic circles are only used by internal members, the control is very strict. Only a few of us group leaders can use them at will.

Of course I will not explain this to Ax. As long as these believers enter Paradise Island, no accidents can affect this plan.

"I can now set up a teleportation magic circle that can teleport three to five people every day. You try to select as many people as you can. I will give you a teaching later. Only the most devout believers are valuable in cultivating them."

Ax came to me for cooperation because he just wanted to grow his power even more. The conditions I provided made him hesitate. Seeing through his hesitation, I laughed in a low voice: "I will not interfere with your control of the true Christian sect. I have no interest in those at all. I need an agent on earth, and you need someone who can help you." For those who have gained power from another world, the cooperation between us is just to get what we need."

After hearing these words, Ax's expression softened. Of course, he would not believe these words, but Ax also understood that I did not want to seize his control of the sect.

"What you need is not the support of the true Christian church, but those believers who are not so clear-headed and believe that there really is a heaven on earth, right?"

"That's right. But occasionally you may be needed to help provide some supplies. Your True Christian Sect had better expand its smuggling channels. If you need it, I can provide a batch of large-capacity space cards."

What I need is the most devout believer. Ax is just a religious cloak. Although he should have a certain belief, but if I want a senior member of the underworld to become a saint who can wash away the blood on his hands, Mihir is an angel. It's not qualified yet. At least you have to be at the level of God to be able to do it.

Ax was able to form such a huge organization in such a short period of time. He gained great power on Skull Island and got help from Mihir. This was partly due to his personal ability.

A thoughtful person would not put all the fruits in one basket. Cooperation with Guan Yu does not mean that the Phantom Troupe will place all its contacts with the outside world in the hands of this ambitious underworld godfather. , the passage on the multi-axe side will play an unexpected role.

Paradise Island is completely my territory. As long as the axes continue to send believers of the True Christian Sect and cooperate with the power of the Book of Paradise, they will build a miraculous city on Paradise Island, which belongs entirely to my people. I like humans more than Warcraft. Only humans can have the wisdom to build and learn.

Ax was lost in thought, and I had no intention of disturbing him. The two of us just sat quietly in the hall, each thinking about our own thoughts. It wasn't until Guan Ling and Li Lisi drove back that the silence was broken.

"Wang Lin, look what we bought today? There are no such things on Alcatraz Island..." Guan Ling was very excited when she saw me. She and Li Lisi sat next to me respectively, and her mouth opened in embarrassment. I couldn't help being treated as nothing, so I got up and left quietly, but he sent me a message on the communication card.

"In ten days, I will give you an alternative location for the base."

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