
Chapter 373 Guan Ling’s Brothers

I already have a shopping list in my hand. There is no such thing as collective equipment on Alcatraz. Everyone needs to prepare and carry the weapons and various survival necessities by themselves. Although the Phantom Troupe has A preliminary charter has been drawn up to provide some benefits when members are asked for their services, but overall, it is still something between a mafia organization and a foreign mercenary.

Most of the supplies I purchased this time will be put up at the Phantom Troupe's internal auction, allowing the members of the Reclamation Troupe to choose and buy on their own. Although the prices will be cheaper than those at Alcatraz Island's auction house and Alcatraz Island Supermarket, they are still available. There are still high profits.

I have to say that my idea in advance was a bit simplistic. There is a base of the Demon Sealing Mercenary Group near this small town, and naturally there is also a distribution of supplies, from various weapons coming in from underground channels to various camp equipment purchased through formal channels. , high-calorie food, military uniforms, quilts, cars, and even some luxuries that are rare even in medium-sized cities. It's just that these goods are very insufficient. Even if I sweep all the supplies sold near this city, it will not be enough for this trip.

"It seems we have to find some ways. Li Lisi, you are originally a mercenary. You should know where to buy these things!"

Li Lisi smiled and replied: "As long as you have money in this world, everything is very convenient. However, it is impossible to buy these things through formal channels. Only a few underground smuggling groups will prepare all the goods in the shortest time." ! I do know the contact information of several smuggling groups, but they are all closely related to the Locke Group. Do you think it’s okay? "

"The Locke Group transported a total of 30,000 people to Alcatraz Island. Their strength on the earth should have been emptied. They have to sell their headquarters to others to support such huge expenses. We don't have to worry about the Locke Group at all. They There should be no more energy left to cause trouble on the earth.”

Guan Ling patted my arm and said, "Don't forget, although my father has gone to hide in the world, my brothers are still here. If they are okay, I can ask them for help."

I really forgot about Guan Ling. She was from a mafia family. Although the power of Guan Ling's family is not as deep-rooted as that of the Rock Group, it is also a very powerful family. I have never asked about the specific situation of her family, and I still don't. He planned to ask, but just said to her: "If your father's troubles haven't been solved yet, I just want to help you a little."

The strength of the three of us is already considered extremely strong in Alcatraz Island, and we are naturally invincible in the real world. No matter how much trouble Guan Ling's father is in, it should be nothing more than a piece of cake. In this regard, the little girl Guan Ling is more confident than me.

"That's great, I'll contact my brothers right away."

Guan Ling took out her phone and dialed a few simple numbers, and someone answered quickly. Since entering Alcatraz Island, the communication card has become our only communication equipment. Although the first-level communication card can only make calls within a certain range, I will never be able to contact the Wolf King on Alcatraz Island on Paradise Island, nor can I contact him on Alcatraz Island. It is possible to contact people on earth, but it is still much more convenient than a telephone. At least it does not require a base station to transmit signals.

I have never seen more advanced communication cards on Alcatraz Island, and maybe no one on Alcatraz Island can make more advanced communication cards.

"Brother! I am Guan Ling, where are you now?"

"Sister! Why are you back? Dad didn't send you to a safe place. Don't leave no matter where you are. The family is in danger now."

"What about the second brother, the third brother, and the fifth brother? Are they all okay now?"

"They are all fine. It's very difficult here in Europe, but it's relatively better in Asia. The three of them can still hold on. But sister, you must not leave a safe place. Brother has no ability to protect you now."

"Okay, I will arrive in Italy in one day. Brother, please wait for me!"

"Hey! Damn girl..."

Guan Ling slammed the phone shut, ignoring the ringtone that rang again, and said to me: "My brother looks very bad, otherwise he wouldn't even dare to let me go back. Let's go to Italy as soon as possible!"

"Okay! Which brother is this for you? It seems that you two have a good relationship!" I asked casually. Guan Ling's eyes were a little red. It was rare for a little girl to have such an expression. I stroked her hair and comforted her. He said: "As long as we go, nothing will happen to your brother. Don't worry."

"The fourth brother has the same mother as me, so I always call him brother, and he is also the one who protects me the most. Among my father's children, the fourth brother is the most outstanding, so my father handed over the family headquarters in Europe. Let her take care of it, but this time our family has suffered a crazy attack from the enemy, and my father is gone. The fourth brother doesn't know how difficult it is to maintain it, and the other brothers may not be willing to help him!"

"I don't know who your father unfortunately got into trouble with. It seems to be related to Alcatraz Island. Since he was able to hide away in the world and sent you to Alcatraz Island, he must be very capable. He will definitely give it to your fourth brother. What means of protecting ourselves have been left behind? We have been on Alcatraz Island for so long, and your fourth brother is still standing, which shows that he is quite capable!"

Guan Ling laughed at what I said and said proudly: "My fourth brother is very capable. He has never been unable to do anything I asked him to do since he was a child. Maybe he can't know as many strange abilities as you. , but among ordinary people, no one can compare to him. If he comes to Alcatraz Island, he will definitely establish a huge force in the shortest possible time that is not inferior to the Phantom Troupe."

"Maybe there is a possibility. If he is willing, I can take him to Alcatraz Island."

Her brothers are the heads of big underworld families. They are ruthless and ambitious. They are capable of manipulating a country's politics. Entering Alcatraz Island might really stir up some waves. Although there has never been a shortage of such talents on Alcatraz Island, if they can pull together a force, they can also become a friendly force against the Locke Group.

To me, the more chaotic and intricate the forces on Alcatraz are, the better. I don't want to unify Alcatraz at all. As long as others don't unify this island, we can live very well.

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