
Chapter 182 The Commander of the Undead and the Two Evils of the Undead

"damn it!"

The weapons of the Nuokans were indeed average, but their number was more than ten times greater than that of the group of adventurers. They used swords and guns, magic and martial arts, and soon a melee broke out.

Noguan's fighting methods were extremely despicable. He forcibly divided the group of adventurers from Locke Group into two groups, then surrounded the smaller group and attacked fiercely. He quickly knocked down the four adventurers without killing them. Under the protection of his accomplices, he chopped off all the hands and feet of the captured prisoners, and then allowed these people to roll around in pain. He stabbed them from time to time, and deliberately did not strike at the vital points.

The other seven or eight adventurers shouted in horror: "We are also from the Locke Group. We are in the same group. Stop fighting..." However, the Norse guests did not listen to their explanation at all and just shouted: " We are the Holy Judgment, and all sinners must be punished! You will be nailed to the Pillar of Shame and suffer eternal pain! Surrender immediately, otherwise you will end up like these people..."

However, the cruelty and despicability of the Nokki has obviously spread throughout the island. No matter how much the Nokki tortures their companions, these adventurers from the Locke Group have no intention of surrendering. Instead, they stimulate all their potential and fight desperately. .

Seeing that the enemies refused to surrender, the Norsemen tortured the prisoners with extremely cruel methods, and for a while the miserable screams could not be heard. Although the Locke Group is my enemy, most of their members are humans from Earth. Letting these Norsemen slaughter pigs and dogs made my inner anger surge to the highest level.

Yan Tianhong reached out and grabbed me, and said calmly: "You can't save them! I don't know who in the Sifang Group hired these Nuokes. They don't know how to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. As long as there are lone people, they will attack and rob them with all their strength." Money and treasures.”

"Are those people idiots? They hired Nuoguan to attack their accomplices!"

"They originally wanted to kill their accomplices!"

Yan Tianhong and I retreated to the safe area of ​​the Alcatraz Hotel and suppressed our anger. The Sifang Group was originally a combination of interests. Now that the Rock Group has taken the leadership, the other three parties may not be willing to surrender. Whether it is beneficial to yourself.

It's not that I have never killed people, but it was all for survival. Either you die or I die. There is no reason to explain. These guests just enjoy killing people, and they are cruel to the extreme.

"Those who kill will always be killed! These guests should not live in this world at all!"

Yan Tianhong sighed softly and said: "They are not creatures of this world. There are at least twenty magic teleportation arrays on Alcatraz Island, which are in the hands of Nokia. That's why they continue to appear on Alcatraz Island." , anyway, according to the current trend, sooner or later this place will be occupied by Nuo guests."

"Why don't the other races on the island work together to kill all the Nokhias first?"

Without waiting for Yan Tianhong to answer, I smiled bitterly and shook my head: "Unity and foresight are excellent qualities that any nation understands but is difficult to implement."

I noticed that there was no one around, I stretched out my palm, and a black magic with a skull pattern came out strangely. When I grabbed the hilt of the breath of death with five fingers, my body transformed into a tall and ferocious figure with white bone armor. The undead lord covering his whole body, with blue flames dancing in his eyes, is an image I have never shown in front of others.

Yan Tianhong was slightly surprised, but quickly calmed down and said calmly: "You have the same weapon, can you lend me one?"

I originally had two breaths of death, so I took out the other one from the heart of the dead warrior and handed it into Yan Tianhong's hand. When I saw this beautiful iceberg girl transforming into a body covered by a close-fitting bone armor, she was exquisite and graceful. The Undead Demon Swordsman also understood that Yan Tianhong had the same idea as me.

"If you look like this, you won't be afraid of the retaliation from the Nuo guests. You don't have any problem killing as many as you want, right?"

Yan Tianhong made a gesture of approval to me, and immediately turned into a whirlwind and rushed out of the safe area of ​​the hotel again.

The seven or eight adventurers could no longer hold on any longer. Several Nokians holding long hooks kept extending their hooks and stabbing them among them. One adventurer accidentally had his ankle penetrated, and Nokki shouted. Then he pulled him out alive, and immediately cut off his palms with two more knives.

I was a little slower than Yan Tianhong, but I also saw this unbearable scene. I immediately let out a roar from my dantian and jumped up in the air. My legs turned into afterimages all over the sky, and I kicked them down hard.

After transforming into the undead lord, the breath of death no longer takes the form of a magic sword, but becomes the sword thorn on the undead lord's arm. It can be retracted into the bone armor arm guard at any time, and it can also be spit out like a poisonous snake at any time to hurt people.

This kind of transformation is actually more suitable for combat, and it is more flexible than when I use two breaths of death.

The three Nokia guests who bore the brunt of the attack were not on guard against someone trying to mess with them. I kicked them in the head before they could even raise their heads. The soul fire full of evil aura wrapped around the bone armor in an instant and was absorbed by me. In the heart of the dead warrior.

The bone armor that covers the entire body of the Undead Lord is formed by the breath of death, so every move and every part of my body carries the magic power of the breath of death.

Yan Tianhong's undead demon swordsman transformation is one level lower than that of the undead lord, but her martial arts skills are still above mine. After getting familiar with the state of reduced body weight, her sword skills have changed in vain, full of chilling aura, and vicious viciousness. The spicy part is still better than mine, I don’t know which sword technique is used.

There are nearly a hundred people in the promise, so I don't dare to have any reservations, and I don't want to have any reservations. I will go all out when I take action. These Norsemen deserved their death, and I did not feel any uneasiness when I killed them. I punched, kicked, poked, and elbowed, and every available limb was turned into a weapon. In an instant, more than ten Norsemen were killed by my hands. .

These Nooks are different from the undead on Skull Island. They all carry the Book of Devil. After they die, the treasures and cards they drop fall into the air and fall all over the ground. The Rockman who was not within the attack range of Yan Tianhong and I showed unbelievable greed. He even fell to the ground to grab the treasures of his companions, regardless of being attacked by us.

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