Chapter 56

Once Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru!

Orochimaru leaned against the wall, her long black hair tied to her shoulders. His eyes were full of confidence, and there was a shuddering sullenness in his eyes. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, sketching a wicked smile.

“Good job, I don’t know if he can replace Sasuke as my second container.”

Orochimaru took the Ninja Card from Zack’s hand and looked at the Ninja Card calmly.

However, as his eyes moved, Orochimaru’s face became more and more ugly.

He frowned and said coldly: “I am good at Fire Style ninjutsu. Although Body Flicker Technique is proficient, the actual combat ability is very weak. The overall level is only above the ordinary Genin.”


Orochimaru’s palm was clenched tightly in vain, a strong Chakra surged out of his palm, and suddenly the whole Ninshi card disappeared.

The complexions of Sac, King, and Toss changed in shock, and they backed back respectfully, for fear of being implicated.

As we all know, even though Orochimaru is powerful, he is indifferent by nature and likes to kill. Even if the Otonin trio maintained a respectful heart towards him, they didn’t dare to be touched.

“It seems that I missed it, it turned out to be just an ordinary level.”

Orochimaru sighed in disappointment, a look of regret filled the depths of his pupils. The reason why he ordered the Otonin trio to deal with Aizen was to confirm Aizen’s strength.

The conspirator is cautious by nature and regards Aizen as a backup container for Sasuke.

However, the information recorded in the Ninshi Card made him disappointed and had to give up this idea.

“Master Orochimaru, what do we need to do next?”

The three of Sack bowed respectfully and asked in fear. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if the task assigned by Orochimaru was the most sacred order.(Read more @

Orochimaru stared at the three people coldly, and said something plainly.

“He has lost his value, kill without mercy!”

His words were cold and merciless, as if killing Aizen was a breeze, no different from trampling on a bug.

“Yes, Lord Orochimaru.”

The three of Sack bowed their heads respectfully.


A thick fog rose, Orochimaru’s figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only the three people of Otonin who were still the only ones.

After several days of waiting, teams have successively collected the two scrolls of Qitian and Earth. When the five days passed, there were only eight groups left, including Aizen, only 22 people passed the second exam.

The top of the tower.

“What? There are still 22 people who passed the second exam. It’s really beyond my expectation.”

Mitarashi Anko complained dissatisfied.

This is a Noda venue. In the middle is an empty platform, on both sides are tall stands.

At this moment, the two rows of people stared at each other.

On one side, there were 22 people in total, all Genin who passed the second exam.

The other half is a group of examiners from the wood industry. Not only that, even Jōnin, an elite of the wood industry, also came here. More importantly, there is a figure standing in the Ninja Pyramid, Third Hokage!

Third Hokage, with a big “fire” cloak on top of his head. Although he is old, he is still alive and well. The eyes are piercing and full of energy.

More importantly, he has a chakra surging like an ocean in his body, with a compelling aura and no anger.

All the candidates looked at Third Hokage in awe, and remained cautious in front of such a strong man standing at the top of the ninja world, and did not dare to breathe.

“There are so many Jōnin!”

The candidates were constantly amazed. They saw Konoha one after another here, which immediately made them full of envy.

Becoming Jōnin and becoming Hokage is the ultimate dream of every Konoha Shinobi.

“There are so many people, and most of them are newcomers.”

Third Hokage’s eyes are sharp and eye-catching, and the light sweeps through every examinee forcefully. When his eyes moved to Aizen, there was a pause.

He has always been wary of Aizen, suspecting that he is a spy sent by another country.

However, this month, Third Hokage has not seen Aizen showing any footwork. This makes him incredible.

“Dear candidates, you have been able to come here and have initially proved your ability. However, if you want to successfully become a Chūnin, you have to pass the third round of exams. Then, I announce that the third exam is officially launched!”

The words of Third Hokage instantly detonated the atmosphere of the audience.

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