Chapter 54

The situation reversed instantly!

Aizen, who was always passive, reversed the situation by relying on tacit teamwork after the eighth class of companions joined.

The offensive of the four fell on the body of the three people at the same time, and a huge sound erupted.

The pride in Zack’s eyes disappeared, replaced by the kind of panic that went deep into the soul. At this moment, he felt a strong life and death crisis, so that the arrogance in his heart disappeared.

Not only him, but even Zack and King felt a sense of trepidation in their hearts. When they were about to flee, they found insects dancing in the wind on all sides, surrounding them like a black cloud over the city.


The three will not sit still. They bite the bullet and used the Body Flicker Technique, forcibly breaking through the encirclement of the sea of ​​worms.

It’s just that, before they disappeared, Hinata’s Gentle Fist had already hit their backs heavily, and huge force poured into their bodies through the acupuncture points.


The three snorted and flashed away embarrassedly.

Although they escaped the frontal bombardment of the Great Fireball, they were hit hard by the Gentle Fist, and the gain was not worth the loss.

“Huh, huh, huh.”

The trio of Yinren no longer had that arrogant look in their eyes, and their expressions were solemnly hostile to the eighth class.

They regretted it, why didn’t they act on Aizen earlier, cut the grass and root out, so as to avoid future troubles.

The situation is changing so fast that even they have never expected it.

“Hey, Otonin is nothing but that.”

Inuzuka tooth scraped the tip of his nose lightly, and laughed confidently.

“Student Aizen, why don’t we kill you?”(Read more @

Aburame Shino finally spoke. Through the sunglasses, he can already feel the angry killing intent in his eyes.

On weekdays, although he is silent, he is the one who values ​​his companion the most.

The days and nights of that month made Aburame Shino truly understand the meaning of partners.

Aizen is low-key, humble, approachable, and possesses a talent that defies the sky, but also has far beyond ordinary efforts. Aburame Shino is proud to have such a flawless partner.

For the fetters between his companions, Aburame Shino started to kill for the first time!

“Kill it! If it wasn’t for you to feel it in time. Maybe I’m already dead in their hands.”

Aizen’s eyes flashed fiercely. He showed indignation, as if he was embarrassed by the embarrassing encounter just now.

“Then do it quickly.”

Inuzuka’s blood boiled over. He is eager to fight, eager for blood.

“Damn it, what to do, Toss?”

Jin Liushen has no master, and even retreats in his heart. Although the three of them are strong, there are four of them on the other side. The advantage in numbers has made up the gap in strength.

“Retreat. Don’t lose your life for nothing, don’t forget our true mission!”

Toss stared at Aizen deeply, and finally made a decision.

The purpose of Aizen they approached was to detect his details. After passing this station, the Ninbetsu card in their hands has recorded information about Aizen in detail.

He is good at Fire Style Ninjutsu, Body Flicker Technique is proficient, far beyond the general Genin. Although the strength is not strong, but the ability to escape is unique.

In addition to investigating Aizen’s intelligence according to Orochimaru’s orders, their real mission lies with Uchiha Sasuke.

This Konoha genius who possesses Sharingan is the coveted target of Da Shekou.


The three of them took a step back at the same time, using the Body Flicker Technique tacitly.

Although the eighth class had a heart to do it, but there was no time to react, so they could only watch the sound of the three people leave.

After all, although they are large in number, their strength is slightly inferior. It was easy for the three of Yinnin to escape smoothly.

“It’s a shame to let them run away.”

Hinata shook his head regretfully, her fist clenched, and seemed to feel self-responsible for not being able to leave the Otonhin trio.

Aizen turned around and smiled comfortingly: “It doesn’t matter, Hinata classmate. As far as I know, the next session will be the qualifiers. At that time, we will definitely have the opportunity to play against them again.”


Facing Aizen’s direct stare, Hinata lowered her head and nodded shyly. Her face was flushed, pink and lovely.

“Let’s go, let’s rush to the tower.”

Inuzukaga took a step, looking expectantly at the tower in the distance.

They finally have to pass the second exam successfully!

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