Chapter 42

The written test begins!

When each test paper was opened with joy, his expression was unusually solemn. Because they found that every question is so difficult, especially the tenth question, it makes them even more puzzled.

Tenth question

Forty-five minutes after the start of the test, the invigilator will give the title of this question. Please answer it after you fully understand it.

“It’s too difficult. If there is no real material, you can’t answer these questions.”

Most people scratched their heads in annoyance, and they were instantly dumbfounded when they saw the question. It’s just that they quickly moved their crooked minds.

Rules are dead, people are alive. No cheating does not mean that no cheating is allowed.

Ten minutes after the exam started, someone finally couldn’t stand his temper and started cheating.

Inuzuka was the first to do it. He let Akamaru lie on top of his head, peeking at the answers of the candidates around him, and then communicated through the specific terminology of the Inuzuka clan.

Although his behavior was conspicuous, it did not arouse suspicion, because dogs are very active.

With Inuzuka’s beginning, everyone else also showed their magical powers.

Aburame Shino peeped through the audience’s answers by manipulating tiny insects. His hand was more ingenious, and it didn’t arouse anyone’s suspicion.

Hyuga Neji used Byakugan’s perspective function to read the test paper of the previous candidate clearly and copy the answer satisfactorily.

Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes and opened Sharingan, copying other people’s movements flawlessly, and also wrote down the answer.(Read more @

Tenten used the penholder to manipulate the mirror on the ceiling to reflect other people’s papers and easily face down the answer. With her help, Rock Lee also copied it.

Subsequently, with the help of Ino, the pig, deer and butterfly trio also got the answer.

The eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

When the forty-five minutes is up, almost most people have completed the test papers, but there are also many people who were eliminated because they cheated five times and were found out of the examination room.

Aizen’s face was calm, his eyes scanned the surroundings, and he sneered disdainfully. He doesn’t need any means of cheating, and he can easily get full marks with his superb IQ and savvy. Although the rules set by Ibizi are quite harsh, in Aizen’s eyes, it’s just a joke.

“Okay, forty-five minutes are up. Next, I will announce the title of the tenth question.”

Ibizi looked serious, and said solemnly: “The tenth question is still not tested.”

“If you choose not to take the exam, you will lose your qualifications, and people in the same group will also lose the qualifications. However, if you choose to take the exam and don’t get the correct answer, you will not be eligible to take the Chūnin exam in your life.”

Ibizi’s words were like a blockbuster, causing an uproar.

No one thought that the tenth question would be so difficult. Choosing not to take the test is equal to giving up, but if you don’t get the correct answer, you can only be Genin for life.

“What kind of shit rule is this? Hasn’t anyone here participated in it several times?”

Many people roared loudly.

Ibizi was unmoved, with an indifferent expression, and said, “If you are unlucky, I will decide this year. Those who choose not to take the test can leave by raising their hands.”

This problem is difficult to reach the sky, no matter how you choose, you will have to bear huge pressure.

Under the heavy pressure, many people raised their hands. The classroom that had been crowded with people suddenly became empty.

In the end, there were only two or seven teams left, including Aizen, a total of 79 people.

Ibizi glanced at the seventy-nine people and said, “I will give you one more chance at the end, and I can choose again.”

However, all of them looked firm and did not change their choices.

The atmosphere is silent.

After a minute, Ibis said in a loud voice: “Then everyone here…I declare that you all passed the first exam!”

PS: The next thing is going to be the highlight, Lan Da is starting to pretend to be forced. And this week, we guarantee three changes every day. I hope you will vote for me with your flowers and evaluations every day. If there are more than one thousand rewards, I will add more. The more you work harder, the more I will codewords desperately.

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