Chapter 497

Stepping to the edge of this mountain range, white pieces with weird runes engraved on them stand like huge boulders on a huge plain on the top of the mountain.

But this one is not complete. Many of these buildings are broken into pieces. Pieces of tofu are scattered everywhere like tofu falling on the ground. Qin Feng looks around this area and is about to make these exist in the world. When I wrote down the pieces, my feet suddenly started to shake.

“What’s going on?” Zhou Qi, who hadn’t climbed to the top of the mountain, was shocked. It was extremely difficult for him to stand on this mountain. With this shaking, Du Ziren and Zhao Wenhe at the bottom were suddenly unstable. He staggered down the cliff, towards the foot of the mountain.

And Qin Feng on the edge of the mountain was shocked by the sudden shaking.


There was a loud noise, and there was a sudden shock at my feet.

The entire mountain was suddenly lifted up. With naked eyes, Qin Feng could see that the mountain under his feet jumped for a certain distance, and then suddenly fell. The moment his feet were off the ground, Qin Feng only felt a sense of weightlessness rushing up and down his body.

At the same time, the whole body immediately tilted back, and the white plain on the top of the mountain in his vision suddenly disappeared.

The divine power suppressed in the body was difficult to stabilize his own figure, and Qin Feng suddenly fell back toward the back.

At the same time, Zhou Qijikang and others behind him were immediately overthrown by the tremor.

Then, another incident came from the top of the mountain.

A fierce coercion poured from top to bottom, like a river bursting a bank, rushing towards the door of Qin Feng and others.


I only felt a whistling in my ears and a hurricane blowing across his face, making Qin Feng’s cheek painful, and at the same time, the whole person was overturned behind him by the waves of air at a surprisingly fast speed.


When Qin Feng flew halfway, he saw the whole mountain trembling more violently. Obviously, some external force had spread to this area.

As he got farther and farther from the top of the mountain, the pressure on his body gradually dissipated. Qin Feng suddenly felt as light as a swallow. With a wave of his hands, a golden light flashed, and his figure immediately stopped in the air.

Immediately behind him, Zhou Qijikang and others also stopped in the air, urging the divine power to come to Qin Feng’s side: “Is Master Qin injured?”

After asking this sentence, the two people found that they had lost their words, and they were not hurt. How could Master Qin get hurt?

“It’s okay, it’s just being impacted by coercion, and there is no real harm, but what happened to the fluctuation just now? Is there anything else that can affect the middle way?”

Li Ze was a little puzzled for a while, after all, he was not a native god in this world, and he didn’t know much about this world.

Other traversers can inherit the memory, but they don’t know the world very well. Most rely on guessing and asking. Even if they ask, others don’t know these things very well.

Zhou Qi and Ji Kang were suspended in the empty space, looking at the trembling mountain like an inverted bowl in the distance, for a while, they were a little puzzled: “This path is almost unaffected by the six worlds, even the six worlds. All collapsed. As long as the Magic Treasures that make up the interlane are not destroyed, the interlane will not dissipate. I am not sure about this tremor.”

Qin Feng felt speechless for a while, and the amplitude of the mountain’s shaking became smaller and smaller.

Thinking of the scene he had just seen on the top of the mountain, Qin Feng asked: “I just saw a circle of white buildings on the top of the mountain, and there are still broken pieces. It must be that the Temple of Heaven and Earth has been destroyed and was shaken.”

“What?” The two ghost emperors Zhou Qijikang looked at Qin Feng in horror: “Master Qin saw that the Temple of Heaven and Earth was damaged?”

Seeing the violent reaction of the two, Qin Feng nodded blankly.

The two looked at each other, their eyes filled with horror.

“It seems that the changes in the outside world are much greater than we thought!” Zhou Qi, Ji Kang and the other two were extremely surprised, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in their hearts as they watched the quiet mountain.

Magic Treasures like the Temple of Heaven and Earth have all been damaged. How much damage did the outside world cause?

Qin Feng looked at the dull eyes of the two of them, and then looked at the surrounding environment. He seemed to have a guess in his heart, and then asked: “You said these things were built by the ancient immortals, that is to say for the time being. The Holy Spirit Orb and the Heavenly Snake Rod remaining in the Demon Realm are the Magic Treasures of the Nuwa Empress, should they have the ability to shake this Dao?”

“Holy Spirit Pearl… Heavenly Snake Rod…” Zhou Qi and Ji Kang secretly recited the two names again.

Suddenly the two of them changed their expressions and quickly said, “Well! Could it be that these two Magic Treasures have been captured by Chi You and others, or they are being captured!”

“I also ask my lord not to stay here anymore. Everything is important to snatch the heavenly snake stick and the holy spirit pearl!”

Qin Feng also suddenly felt anxious in his heart and nodded quickly.

When Zhao Wenhe heard that Qin Feng was about to leave the road, he immediately stood behind Qin Feng with a solemn expression and asked:

“Master Qin…At this time, the whereabouts of Zhenren Wang and the others are unknown, and they still don’t know where they are. Should we stay here for the time being?”

Qin Feng just sounded Wang Zhenren and Ye Yi and others.

It’s been so long now, and I haven’t felt their breath yet, is it possible that they are still on the top of the mountain where they once stayed?

Wouldn’t these people think of jumping off?

“Is there any way to get to the top of the beads that symbolize the Yang Dao Yin Road? There are also a few ghost emperors and a human race trapped on the top of the mountain. Without them, I am afraid that I will not have much chance of winning when I go to the demon world.” Qin Feng also looked at Zhou Qi Ji Kang with some worry.

The most important thing now is the manpower, and the powerful manpower such as Wufang Ghost Emperor and Ye Yi is even more precious.

If it were all gone, the forces that he wasn’t particularly strong would be weakened a bit.

Zhou Qi and Ji Kang looked at each other, and then looked towards the sky.

How do the tops of these pillars go up?

Although they have survived here for many years, they have no idea about the world above these pillars.

He just knew that the upper part was the God Realm, but the fairy realm had now withered and collapsed, and he didn’t know what it looked like.

“Master Qin, I only know that this is the immortal world above, but now the immortal world no longer exists. I have never been to the top of these pillars. I don’t know if I can drive the divine power to go.”

After listening to Zhao Wenhe, he immediately shook his head and said: “Obviously, the driving power is obviously not good. When I first came here, I fell on top of this stone pillar. Therefore, I guessed that Ye Yi and the other ghost emperors should have also fallen on. The top of the Tongtian Pillar.”

“Now the top of the Tongtian Pillar is nothingness, and I can’t feel the existence of any divine power at all. At the same time, the divine power in the body is also suppressed by an invisible force, and there is no way to mobilize it. If you want to rely on driving the divine power to the top of the Tianzhu, I am afraid Not too possible.”

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