Chapter 489 Dragon Head Peak

This is indeed a little different from other places.

There are constantly very weird energy surges between this mountain, especially the moment Qin Feng touches this mountain, he seems to feel that he is stepping on a giant’s artery, and the surging energy is almost all the time. Remind Qin Feng of the uniqueness of this mountain.

“There is an abnormal movement under your feet, everyone should be careful. I am afraid there is something hidden here.” Qin Feng turned his head to look at the five ghost emperors behind him, and reminded him.

Behind them, Zhao Wen, Wang Zhenren and others immediately pulled out the sabers from their waists very vigilantly, and followed Qin Feng very cautiously.

“There used to be a huge threat to the human race. I suspect that there may be a very dangerous world within this mountain. You must be careful. If I am dispersed by some energy later, I can escape as much as possible. You There must be no casualties.” Qin Feng looked at the five ghost emperors behind him with a solemn expression.

Repeatedly reminded them of the importance of being alive.

“I must follow Master Qin’s instructions.” The ghost emperors from all sides also greeted Qin Feng with cupped fist with very solemn hands.

Looking back, Qin Feng continued to subconsciously walk in a certain direction from the top of the mountain. In this position, Qin Feng was always able to perceive a certain direction inexplicably, as if the energy was more intense.

Along the ridge, the surrounding vegetation has become very lush under the brilliance of divine power. Looking around from the top of the mountain, everything in China can be seen in full view.

Coupled with the Qi-watching skills that I have mastered, I can almost overlook the entire China through all the clouds and mists.

From house to house, there is a continuous strand of power of faith drifting toward the newly built Chenghuang Temples everywhere, and the various temples are connected by the power of faith. All the divine powers will eventually point to the main temple of Jiangning City, or the Tongtian Pagoda of the magic capital.

One walked forward along the ridge, looking constantly at the mountain and the surroundings, the ghost emperor behind him tensely clenched the sword in his hand, and followed Qin Feng.



As Qin Feng approached the direction he perceived, the energy fluctuations in the entire mountain became more and more obvious. Between the rippled energy surges, there were continuous dull and weak voices passing by Qin Feng and the ghost emperors behind him. Ears.

As he continued to approach, the ground under his feet also began to shake slightly.

Soon, Qin Feng brought Sifang Ghost Emperor to the top of Longling Mountain. Looking back, the ridge that stretches for more than three thousand miles is slightly inclined. The entire ridge is like a slope, and it gets shorter as it goes back. At this time, Qin Feng is standing at the highest point of Longling Mountain.

This place is also called the Dragon Head Peak by the human race. This is the very center of China, or the center of China’s dragon veins.

This dragon vein that runs through more than 3,000 miles is destined to be different from other mountain peaks in China.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Qin Feng could obviously perceive the slight beating energy right in front of own eyes, but he could not see anything.

I can only feel the slight beating of some weird and unfamiliar energy.

“What’s going on?” Qin Feng mumbled to himself. The ghost emperors behind him were silent. They looked around nervously. In their eyes, it seemed that a demon might sprang out of the forest at any time. Or like a beast.

The sword in their hands trembled slowly because they were holding it too tightly, and the sword body vibrated with a faint buzzing sound.

Qin Feng pointed out that it was a sword, and swept slightly before his eyes. A terrifying divine power was immediately hidden in front of Own like a curtain. His eyes suddenly opened, and a divine brilliance was like thousands of sharp blades from Qin Feng’s. The eyes shot away.

Looking around again with concentration, but still did not find anything, Qin Feng began to feel a little anxious.

The most painful thing in the world is that you know that something is by your side, but you can’t see it or get it.

It’s like when you are very hungry, you smell a very strong scent, search for the source of the scent, but find that there is nothing, but the scent between the nose wings is so real, so real.

Are there still bugs in this world?

Qin Feng removed his own qi-watching technique, and couldn’t help rubbing his eyebrows a little irritably.

Seeing that the ghost emperors hadn’t had any visions for a long time behind him, they gradually relaxed their vigilance, looked at Qin Feng and asked, “Master Qin, is there any problem here?”

Qin Feng nodded, drew a circle in front of him with his fingers, frowned and said: “Just here, I can clearly feel that this location is the source of this mountain’s weirdness, but I feel it anyway. Without a clearer existence, this thing is invisible and intangible.”

He curled his mouth helplessly, Qin Feng twitched the corners of his eyes, and continued to stare at the area in front of him to see if he could find any different existence.

The Sifang ghost emperors closed their eyes one after another, carefully perceiving the surrounding anomalies. As Qin Feng said, there is indeed a strange energy here, and this mysterious energy is obviously very different from this area.

What on earth is the existence of something that causes such a weird aura to appear in this area.

Between Qin Feng’s breath and breath, it was as if the dusk was gradually dissipating, Qin Feng began to perceive the difference here, this mysterious breath is obviously not only a barrier of space.

It seems to be in a separate space outside the Six Realms. In other words, everything here is most likely an illusion created by this mysterious aura, or a formation with the function of blindfolding?

And where are these eyes?

Qin Feng muttered the formulas he had learned, and kept deductions in his mind. Several light points flickered, Five Elements, Heavenly Stems Earthly Branches, Heavenly Stems Earthly Branches, various points and various stars. In Qin Feng, the divine soul and protoss clan is constantly changing and deducing.

It deduces the source of the mysterious aura of Longling Mountain as if trying a password.

But Qin Feng’s consciousness gradually began to break away from his own body and his own soul, wandering among the Longling Mountains.

Write down every detail in this mountain range, every energy fluctuation of different intensity.

Then it evolves within the world of Dharma in my mind.

Ye Yi in the world of Dharma Formation could not help but feel immensely shocked when he watched the constant transformation and evolution of the heart system composed of divine power in the world of Qin Feng’s Law Formation, forming a series of unique images.

Standing in the world of Dhamma, Ye Yi looked at this mysterious scene created by Qin Feng, and silently imprinted all of this in his mind. Even though he could not take advantage of the breakthrough strength, he had this. A shadow, the strength of Ascension in the future, may be more relaxed.

Is this the opportunity that Qin Feng bestowed on him, or was this a chance that this mountain bestowed on everyone?

It was like opening a safe and twisting it to the correct position. The formation that had evolved in Qin Feng’s mind suddenly brightened, and Qin Feng’s mood suddenly became clear, as if it had been throwing a cloud to see the sun.

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