Chapter 477 The Protoss Living in the Demon Realm

As the gods leaped into the North Sea, there was no weird aura on the entire sea surface, and there was not even a wave of waves.

It doesn’t look like they jumped into the North Sea, but like they were swallowed by the North Sea.

The moment the six protoss fell into the North Sea, they suddenly felt that they were cut off from all connections.

As if falling into a bottomless black hole, nothing can be sensed and nothing can be seen.

All the sense organs almost lose their function in a moment like water.

In this dark North Sea, the gods were stunned almost at the same time, and even fell towards the bottom of the sea.

The seawater that this strong chaotic air turned into made their every action very difficult, but they still gritted their teeth and fell towards the bottom.

Whether there is a result or not, you must give it a try.

At the same time, the six in the southern region were carefully investigating on land. Their strength was not as good as Sima Qing, so they had no idea of ​​hitting the holy artifacts in the South China Sea.

Sun Star Monarch Chong Yingbiao stood at the forefront of the team, looking at a large plain in the south, almost not aware of any abnormality.

“I think we should turn to the west. The south and the east are all plains. You can get a panoramic view from a little bit higher. It seems that there is nothing unusual.” Lu Dongbin’s sword hung in the air, looked around, and then slowly fall.

The plains in the southeast float in the air and you have a panoramic view. It is not easy to find anything unusual in the vast plains.

It’s easy to look through at a glance, but it’s not easy to be exactly the same in all places. I don’t know where to find out.

But the west is very different. There are hills and mountains everywhere, and among the mountains that can’t be seen beyond the eyes, just a glance at the misty mountain stream can vaguely perceive the existence of something.

Sun Star King Chong Yingbiao turned his head and glanced at the overlapping mountains stretching for thousands of miles to the west, and he suddenly felt his eyes shine.

“Yeah~ Since Zhenren Lu thinks there are any clues to the west, then I’ll go to the west and take a look.” Sun Xingjun Chong Yingbiao saw that the Hengduan Mountain that had been sealed in the west was already broken and transformed. In ruins.

The fragments of the mountain are floating quietly like chess pieces scattered among the mountains, not reaching the world or touching the ground.

Chong Yingbiao led the group towards Hengduan Mountain.

After crossing the Hengduan Mountains, Chiyou is sealed under the largest sacred mountain, the Himalayas.

At this time, Chi You closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. There was his clone in the outside world to do things, and there was basically nothing in the Demon Realm that needed his attention.

Especially after the Demon Realm collapsed, all kinds of chaotic auras permeated the entire Demon Realm, and his perception was almost unable to continue to be transmitted out.

Therefore, he simply preserved his abilities, fell asleep, and waited for his own clone to find Magic Treasures that could break the seal. It would not be too late to wake up.

Although Chong Yingbiao and the others knew that Chi You was in the Demon Realm, they didn’t know where the specific location was. They were just wanderers in the Demon Realm like a headless fly.

When they came to the foot of Hengduan Mountain, everyone immediately stopped, and they couldn’t help but feel a little throbbing when they looked at the ruins in front of them.

This large mountain range was at its very center, and a very clean and neat section was cut out, and then the mountain body collapsed from the inside out, turning into countless fragments floating in the air.

“It seems that Xing Tian split this mountain range, smashed the seal and released the 杌杌.” Shui Dexingjun Li Sanyi was shocked when he saw this scene.

The ancient fierce beasts are almost all giants, and the 梼杌 is one of the more powerful and brutal The Four Fiends among these four fiends.

The human face is very brutal and vicious.

And such a guy is in The Mortal Realm!

Lan Cai and He Xiangu each silently clenched Magic Treasures in their hands.

Seeing the huge rocks floating in the sky like floating islands, everyone has never stopped. If there were any Magic Treasures here, they would have been taken away by the demons long ago.

The six continued to move forward. After crossing the Hengduan Mountains, they saw a huge plateau and a Dangla Mountain connected to the Hengduan Mountains.

Also like the Hengduan Mountains, this mountain was also broken from inside and outside, turning into sky-filled fragments scattered in the air.

Lifted in the air by the thick chaos, some are still moving slowly, and some are still.

The gods did not continue to wait and see, but went straight through the debris floating in the mountains, and continued to walk towards the west.

Soon, in the distance, a complete mountain appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“and many more!”

Sun Xingjun Chong Yingbiao stopped abruptly, looking at the huge god-tier mountain towering into the clouds in the distance, a strange feeling appeared in his heart inexplicably.

When the gods heard the sudden reminder from Sun Xingjun Chongyingbiao, they quickly stopped.

Looking up, the sacred mountain pointed directly at the sky, and the size of the Demon Realm was ten times the size of The Mortal Realm.

Therefore, the height of this mountain range is ten times greater than that of The Mortal Realm.

The nearly 100,000-meter high mountain looks like a pillar supporting the sky from a distance, standing on this plateau.

It looks very lofty, but in this gray demon world, it makes people feel a little depressed.

“This mountain is the only one that has not been damaged. It is most likely the sacred mountain that sealed Chi You.” Lu Dongbin squinted slightly, looking at the distant mountain with solemn expression.

The other gods subconsciously squeezed the Sui Movement Technique treasure in their hands and looked at the sacred mountain, not knowing whether to go or stay.

“Since I found Chi You, what are you waiting for? Let’s work together to destroy the guy, or reinforce the seal!” Huo De Xingjun Liu Jin showed fierce eyes and raised his foot to move forward.

As soon as he passed Sun Xingjun Chong Yingbiao, he was stopped.

Mr. Huo Dexing is impatient and not good at thinking, but his strength can basically be counted as the highest among the six.

It was precisely because of his character that the merits accumulated over several lifetimes were completely corrupted by him, and ultimately he did not get the chance to rank in the immortal class.

“If Chi You could be easily killed by us, then Chi You would have been ruined in the hands of the ancient great immortals, where would we be the one to get?” Sun Xingjun Chong Yingbiao grabbed Huo De Xingjun Liu Jin’s sleeves , Pulled him back.

“Chi You is the demon god who was born in the world with the gods during the ancient chaos period. The immortals of the same period can’t kill him. Just you and I wait for the crowd, not to mention killing, even if it is to strengthen the seal, it is nothing but embarrassment. Fire fighting will not be of great effect, otherwise the ancient immortal will not gather the energies of the six realms to refine a large amount of chaos and suppress them in this demon realm.”

Sun Xingjun Chong Yingbiao looked at the high mountain in the distance with a solemn expression. He was very embarrassed for a while, not knowing whether to go or not.

Right now, Chi You is very likely to be under this mountain.

However, after Sun Xingjun Chong Yingbiao thought about it a few times, he finally decided to explore it.

At this time Chi You was still sealed under the sacred mountain, even if he went by himself, Chi You couldn’t do anything to himself.

“No matter, let’s go and confirm it. Once you find Chi You, you will mark this position. After you have a way to strengthen the seal, you can come here the first time, and you can hold it for a moment.”

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