Chapter 458 Birthday celebration, the power of hundreds of billions of faith!

The Mortal Realm auspicious village.

After a short while, the entire Jixiang Village Chenghuang Temple was filled with countless sacrifices, all kinds of live cattle and sheep, chickens and ducks, countless dishes, and all kinds of earthen stoves were set up.

The whole Jixiang Village is full of various flavors. The steaming smell of steaming, boiling, frying, and stewing, as well as the smell of slaughtering cattle, mutton, chicken and duck, permeates the whole Jixiang, which can be said to be fragrant.

At this time, on the road outside Jixiang Village, an SUV slowly drove towards the entrance of the village.

“My dear viewers, today I have agreed to show you the earliest Chenghuang Temple. My Baobao Feng did what he said. Look, this is the auspicious village.” The anchor called Baobao Feng grabbed the selfie stick and pointed the camera of the phone to the camera. Quasi-out the window.

Since Qinfeng’s Chenghuang Temple became famous, the popularity of the whole Jixiang Village has skyrocketed. In order to make it easier for people who come to visit the Chenghuang Temple to find a location, the village chief has specially placed countless guide signs and stone tablets all the way outside the village.

At this time, the camera of the mobile phone was aimed at a huge stone monument. Three huge gilded characters were engraved on the dark stone monument: Jixiang Village.

Along this newly repaired highway, heading towards the interior, there is gradually a huge gatehouse, and there is still a huge plaque on the gate, with three gilded characters: “Auspicious Village”.

“It’s here! It’s here soon, don’t worry…Huh?” Feng Baobao’s excited and excited face suddenly became a little confused.

Then she sniffed her cute little nose, and took a few breaths out of the window like a puppy.

“How come there is a smell? Is anyone getting married?” Bao Baobao stared wide-eyed, and looked at the driver suspiciously: “Brother Lin, do you smell it?”

The driver also took a few breaths, and also smelled a strong smell.

“Who should be hosting the banquet? This smell is so strong, it should be a happy event.” The driver also took a few breaths toward the window.

As the car gradually approached Jixiang Village, before arriving in the village, countless pigs, cattle and sheep were temporarily tied to the huge square hill.

Baby Feng jumped out of the car, grabbed the selfie stick and walked towards the square.

“Wow! Look, there are really people hosting a banquet here. This is the first time I have seen such a large banquet when I grow up, my God!” Bao Bao Feng’s eyes lighted up, looking around like a curious baby. .

Many people on the barrage also said that they had never seen such a big show, and many people who had lived in the countryside also said that although they did set up a banquet when there were funerals in their hometowns, they had never seen it like this. Fanfare.

“There are a lot of cattle and sheep tied here!” Bao Bao Bao grabbed the selfie stick and walked towards the pole that tied the beast.

There were five pigs, five cows, five sheep and five donkeys in a row. The scene was very spectacular.

“Is this a banquet? It’s almost like a farm!” Feng Baobao walked around the group of beasts in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, a few butchers wearing leather aprons took a pig and walked towards the slaughter area.

After a while, there was a roar of pigs.

Baby Feng couldn’t help frowning: “His-terrible!”

As he said, he bounced all the way to the depths of the village.

“Is Jixiang Village so big? Didn’t it mean that it used to be a small village? Has the population increased to that much now?”

Feng Baobao walked all the way towards the village: “I almost digressed. Today is here to show you the earliest Chenghuang Temple. Let’s walk straight to the village. I checked on Baidu. The Chenghuang Temple is in the deepest part of the village.”

As he spoke, he looked at the misty square in front of the temple from afar.

“Wow! It’s so big!” Bao Bao Feng looked up and looked up at the top of the entire Chenghuang Temple, and there was a huge golden Calabash shining in the sun.

Walking inside, in front of the Chenghuang Temple stood an uncle who seemed to be very honest and honest, who was Wang Dazhu of the temple.

And beside him, there is a strangely long table with a row of incense burners. In front of the incense burner is a bloody pig’s head, bull’s head, donkey’s head, sheep’s head, and other sacrifices and fruit plates.

“Oh my God!” Bao Bao Feng opened her mouth in horror, and she couldn’t help being shocked by the scene and the number of people.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward and came to Wang Dazhu’s body: “Uncle, is there a happy event happening here?”

Wang Dazhu looked at the little girl and leaned over and said, “It’s not a happy event, it’s the birthday of Lord Chenghuang. Today, we have a banquet for all those who come to visit Chenghuang to celebrate the birthday of Lord Chenghuang.”

“The birthday of Master Chenghuang?” Bao Baobao was shocked and covered his small mouth, and immediately turned his eyes around Wang Dazhu, looking at the gilded statue of Qin Feng inside.

“Dear viewers, please remember that today is May 28th, the birthday of Lord Chenghuang! My goodness, if it hadn’t happened to be here today, I didn’t know that Lord Chenghuang’s birthday was today! “Baby Feng couldn’t help sighing again and again.

The enthusiastic village name led Bao Bao Feng and her driver to take a seat at the banquet.

As the news spread, in just a few minutes, the whole Internet and offline were propagating that today is the birthday of Chenghuang University.

Then every state and county began to set up banquets to celebrate Qin Feng’s birthday.

Especially in the huge Chenghuang Temple in Yong’an District, Qinchuan County, the wide road in front of the temple was directly cut off, and a banquet was set up on the road.

The surrounding hotels have brought a variety of dishes, and anyone who is willing to participate can come to celebrate the birthday of the city god.

Countless people put down their work and took temporary vacations, and the whole people gathered together, which is even more lively than the New Year.

Because they knew that without Qin Feng, there would be no peace in China.

Without Qin Feng, they had never even had the Spring Festival.

The whole China is flooded with the fragrance of delicious food one after another.

All the human races left their own homes one after another, sitting in the open air, arranging banquets, the steaming meals raised a thick white steam, and enveloped the entire China like a mist.

At this time, all mankind has only one purpose: to celebrate the birthday of Lord Chenghuang!

Raise a glass to Lord Chenghuang!

Host a banquet for Master Chenghuang!

These rich aromas and mists gradually ascending, turning into a strong incense power and faith power.

Qin Feng was about to place Styx in the sky above China. Suddenly, the spirit on his shoulder grabbed Qin Feng’s face and pointed his little finger to the ground and said, “Master Qin, what do you think those human races are doing?”

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng only felt a buzzing sound, and all that came in his mind was the blessings of people from all over China to own.

These blessings are unprecedented and sound like chanting.

It made Qin Feng feel very comfortable and at ease.

When Qin Feng called out the system panel, everyone was stunned.

What’s happening here?

Qin Feng looked at the long string of numbers on the system panel in horror.

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