Chapter 456

As the black mist slowly rises, an extremely powerful nether power erupts from around the ghost.

It is worthy of being a ghost and god for thousands of years, and Qin Feng can even clearly perceive the coercion erupting from the whole body of the underworld.

Seeing that Underworld was ready, Qin Feng also slammed both hands together, bursting out an extremely terrifying force from his body.


The entire The Netherworld was shaken violently by this terrifying energy.

The power of incense: 27.2 billion.

Take it all out!

Qin Feng’s thoughts moved, the power of incense poured out from Qin Feng’s body like a waterfall, and a huge river gathered around Qin Feng’s body.

When Ghost Qi around the ghosts perceives the strong incense smell, they seem to be fleding around as if they are wise.

Qin Feng’s coercive pressure forced Ming Ling to move slightly away from Qin Feng.

For fear of being swept in by the storm-like energy vortex that the incense gas gathered.

“It’s time to transport Styx!” Qin Feng looked at the terrifying energy storm that rushed around him like a river, and nodded towards Helling.

Upon seeing this, Ming Ling slammed his hand towards the Styx not far in front of him. The calmly flowing Styx suddenly seemed to be agitated by a storm. In a moment, the waves were turbulent and set off huge waves.

Immediately after Ming Ling’s young body flew towards the sky, Qin Feng followed after seeing this.

The entire river Styx immediately agitated towards the sky above The Netherworld, and the mighty water of the river Styx covered the sky.

Qin Feng couldn’t help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva secretly. Such a scene is comparable to the power of mobilizing tens of billions of faith at once.

Moreover, the dark water of the Styx gives people a stronger sense of oppression, and the rushing river continuously emits a “rumbling” loud noise. Just looking at it visually, you can clearly feel the terrifying power contained in the Styx.

Watching Hades waving his tiny arms and mobilizing the terrifying Styx, such a strong contrast made the entire The Netherworld ghosts and evil spirits hiding in the corner shivering in horror.

In the distance, the company Yin & Yang looked at the Styx that grew longer and wider above The Netherworld, and his heart was shocked.

From the ground of the Underworld, the entire Styx, like a giant dragon, circulates and rushes into the air around the underworld and Qin Feng.

After a while, the entire river bed on the ground almost dried up.

And the entire Styx surrounded Qin Feng.

These dark drinking water was pumped into the sky, Qin Feng couldn’t help but sigh secretly: What kind of river is this, this is simply a vast ocean!

From the ground of The Netherworld, the water of the Styx almost covered the sky of The Netherworld.

“Okay?” Qin Feng turned his head and looked at Ming Ling.

Seeing Ming Ling gritted his teeth, her snow-white face flushed red: “Okay, Master Qin can wash the entire Styx River.”

Qin Feng waved his hands violently, and the cyan incense gas rushed towards the dark river water like a wandering dragon.


The moment he touched the Styx, thick blue smoke immediately steamed up.

“Hiss——” Washing the entire Styx is so difficult!

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, speeding up the infusion of incense.

After being washed by the incense, the water of the Styx became much clearer.

The cleansed Styx water separated from its main body, and a clear tributary appeared in the entire pitch-black Styx, surging towards the zenith of The Netherworld under Qin Feng’s divine power.

Seeing the power of incense flowing by himself, Qin Feng felt a little strenuous.

Underestimated this Styx.

The consumption of incense power far exceeded Qin Feng’s imagination.

“It seems that we need to use more power of divine power and merit.” Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The divine power and the power of merit in the body are roaring out from the body like a flood that bursts a bank.


The entire Styx began to roll as if it had been boiled, and a large amount of blue smoke appeared and filled The Netherworld.

The blue smoke was shrouded in the crevices of the underworld like smog, and The Netherworld, which was already dim, was now completely black as ink.

It would be difficult for anyone to stay in The Netherworld if it is not for the use of own ability to perceive the switching of the Netherworld.

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and turned his head to the rear with difficulty.

I saw Ming Ling’s face turned a little purple, and his whole body was shaking, clenching his teeth.

“Can you still hold on?” Qin Feng couldn’t help but feel distressed when he saw Ming Ling’s painful expression.

Although she has been an old ghost for thousands of years, she still looks like a child like Xiaorou Tuan.

Ming Ling nodded hard: “It’s just that I haven’t used the entire Styx before. It’s a little bit powerless, but I can hold on.”

Qin Feng nodded his head solemnly in response.

Mobilizing Styx is a matter of consuming mental energy.

Now that he has nearly one-tenth of the Styx in his hands, he has already felt a bit of difficulty. If he takes the remaining nine-tenths, I am afraid it will feel very difficult.

As time passed, Ming Ling’s face gradually eased.

After that, Qin Feng changed into a somewhat painful twisted face.

Seven out of ten…

Eight out of ten…

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and watched the last large area of ​​Styx that was as dark as ink gradually shrinking.

Turned into a somewhat blue river.

But his mental pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

The whole person’s spirit is tense, all attention is placed on the water running the Styx, and the last small part is the most difficult part.

Not only does it take a lot of energy to run the water of the Styx, but it also takes energy to integrate the power of incense and other cleansing intents and turbidity.

Qin Feng clenched his teeth tightly, only the “buzzing” of various energy surging in his ears.

My perception of Hades also began to weaken, because at this time I couldn’t be distracted to do anything.

All Qin Feng’s perception of the outside world became blurred.

Seeing Qin Feng’s vision, Ming Ling yelled in a tender voice: “Master Qin! Master Qin!”

When these voices were introduced into Qin Feng’s ears, they were already covered by the surrounding noise.

Except for the rumbling sound of the rushing river that can be discerned slightly, everything else is not noticeable at all.

Ming Ling shouted anxiously, but the movement in his hand did not stop at all.

Master Qin must completely clear all the Killing intents and turbidity of Styx. If it is interrupted without authorization, Mingling doesn’t know if there is any remaining power to control Styx.

It’s success or failure, it’s all up to Master Qin!

Qin Feng slowly closed his eyes, and every heavy breath made him feel very strenuous.



As Qin Feng’s heavy breathing in his ears gradually became clear, Qin Feng could roughly feel that the last drop of Styx water was immediately cleared.


“Ding~ Congratulations to the host, clean the water of the Styx, and trigger a special sign-in, do you sign-in?”

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