Chapter 433

Demon Chi You, when Chi You learned that Fei Lian Pingyi had found own Tiger Soul Blade, his heart was ready to move.

As long as he gets the Tiger Soul, he can escape from the seal of the demon world that has trapped him for many years.

And almost at the same time, Chi You also noticed the weird scene in the imperial formation.

“Huh? How did that stop Refining Chaos?” Chi You’s eyes trembled slightly, and at the same time, the co-worker Kuafu and others around him suddenly locked their eyes in the imperial formation.

“I hope Feilian Pingyi will not let this king down again!”

Chi You stared at the vision in the imperial formation, and then, the brilliance emanating from the heavenly god fire pillar suddenly dimmed.

He could almost clearly feel that the barrier strength of the entire outer layer of the Imperial Formation seemed to be gradually weakening.

“Master Demon Lord, he seems to be disarming the imperial formation. Is it necessary to transfer?” Gonggong was a little puzzled at first, but when he noticed the fairy island in the east and the gradually dimming brilliance in the imperial formation, he immediately reacted. When he came over, he suddenly widened his eyes, and said in a very rapid voice:

“He might go to the fairy island in the east!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi You’s Yu Guang also noticed the floating fairy island to the east.

Chi You hurriedly raised his hand and waved in the direction of the imperial formation, a fierce light flashed in his eyes: “Stop him! The whole army assaulted!”

Qin Feng’s imperial formation is difficult to deal with, if he meets the gods in the fairy island, he will surely become an indestructible fortress!

Chi You showed an imperceptible cold smile on his face, and said in secret: “This king has thousands of evil beasts and evil gods, and you want it…”

When Chi You saw Qin Feng flying straight towards the sky from the ground with the gods, Chi You suddenly interrupted his own thoughts.

Towards the sky, is it to leave the Imperial Formation?

The cold smile on Chi You’s face suddenly froze, and then he began to show a trace of puzzlement.

Leaving the Mortal Realm, The Mortal Realm…

“My tiger soul!” The red light in Chi You’s blood-red eyes suddenly brightened a bit, looking at the golden beam of light caused by the overflow of Qin Feng and the gods in horror.

“Damn! They are going to The Mortal Realm to snatch the king’s tiger soul! Stop them! Stop them at all costs!”

Chi You almost roared out in a roaring voice, and as soon as his voice fell, he flashed abruptly, chasing the army.

Once Tiger Soul is snatched by Qin Feng, he will likely be trapped in the sacred mountain forever.

Now, it is his closest time to freedom.

Chi You was extremely unwilling in his heart, seeing that he could break the seal and regain his freedom. If he wanted Qin Feng to go first, Chi You couldn’t imagine.

Immediately afterwards, Chi You clearly felt that Qin Feng had torn a huge gap in the Demon Realm.

“That’s awful!” Chi You said in his heart.

It’s too late!

But there is still a glimmer of hope in front of him, and that is to leave the demon world.

Chi You quickly judged the pros and cons in his mind.

The Mortal Realm, he has never been, and I don’t know if his clone can replenish the magic energy in The Mortal Realm at any time.

But Feilian Pingyi and others are there, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

As for the Demon Realm, after he gets the Tiger Soul, he can split the space between the two realms at any time and shuttle between the Demon Realm and The Mortal Realm.

This is not a problem either.

At the same time, The Mortal Realm is the foundation of the Sixth Stage. Those artifacts that seal the Five Realms seem to be easier to find through The Mortal Realm.

It is not difficult to see from the Nine-Colored Lotus Stand that Fei Lian Pingyi got in the Sunrise Kingdom and the Xing Tian Axe found by the Candle Dragon, it is not difficult to see that their natal artifacts are most likely to be lost in The Mortal Realm.

It seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

However, I don’t know if they will have any consequences after they leave the Demon Realm in large numbers.

But he doesn’t care!

He just wants to get back the Tiger Soul, kill Qin Feng, and unify the six realms!

Having been sealed by those damn gods for so many years, it is time for him to subvert everything in these six realms!

Chi You’s blood-red eyes looked at the huge gap pierced in the sky of the Demon Realm, and he gritted his teeth secretly.

“All! Follow the gods to rush out of the demon world, and destroy one god, there must be a great reward!”

Chi You suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed “Kill—”

A terrifying demonic energy erupted from Chi You’s body.

Immediately afterwards, a horrible demonic energy and Ghost Qi erupted around those demon gods and fierce beasts, attacking the golden beam of light at the top of the sky like a volcanic eruption.

Feeling the eerie demon energy under their feet, the immortals are also riveting, almost running the power of the whole body, preparing to resist the terrifying demon energy and Ghost Qi.


The entire Demon Realm was chaotically stirred by the two terrifying energy fluctuations of Chi You and Qin Feng.

As if The next moment the Demon World would collapse and collapse due to the large amount of divine power and magic energy fluctuations caused in a short period of time.

A golden and black horrible aura went straight into the clouds from the Demon Realm Continent towards Jibei.

Because Tiger Soul is in the North Pole of The Mortal Realm, and Qin Feng will certainly not lure the clone of Demon Lord Chi You into the territory of China.

Qin Zihan and others also observed at the same time that Qin Feng and Chi You were chasing each other and preparing to leave the Demon Realm.

“Qin Dage… helped me lead Chi You away!” Qin Zihan and others were very excited, and Zhao Ziyu and other gods were even more delighted.

Are they not gods trapped in the devil world?

I was worried all day and didn’t dare to use a trace of divine power, just to prevent the demon gods from noticing and dying in the demon world.

What they are waiting for is a certain day, they can also boldly use the divine power, and at the same time can be supplemented by the divine power!

Today is finally the day of freedom.

The gods were very excited, and at the same time, they admired the god in the imperial formation even more.

The divine power of Penglai Fairy Island is sufficient to provide them with a steady stream of divine power, and the energy in the Holy Spirit Orb is almost hard to consume.

Zhao Ziyu and others are preparing to bring all the gods of the Demon World into Penglai Immortal Island.

If you want to fight Chi You, you must first have enough strength, if you don’t, then use the number to make up!

“Qin…Qin Xiaoxian…” Zhao Ziyu was a little embarrassed, because she only knew Qin Zihan’s life but didn’t know how to call it, so she had to use the method they were used to: “Qin Xiaoxian, I want to catch your fairy island and put the rest of the Demon World in trouble. The gods are drawn to this island.”

“It is difficult for our God Realm to absorb divine power in the Demon Realm, so our strength cannot be Ascension, and even as time goes by slowly, now Qin Xiaoxian’s Holy Spirit Orb can provide divine power to the gods. I want to raise the power of all the gods in the entire Demon Realm. The Shangxian who is preparing to leave the Demon Realm in the United fights against Chi You, you see…”

Qin Zihan turned his head and nodded very excitedly.

“As long as we can help Qin Dage, we should naturally do these small things within our power.”

Just as Zhao Ziyu asked the other gods to prepare for the other gods of the Demon Realm to release their faith, suddenly the entire Demon Realm began to shake violently.

Even Penglai Fairy Island began to make a terrifying “Woo” sound.

The enchantment separated from the demon world was constantly shining with light.

“How is this going?”

Qin Zihan quickly turned his head, and when he saw the current situation of the Demon Realm, Qin Zihan’s eyes widened in horror, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

“This… is it going to collapse?”

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