Chapter 431

“Master Chi You has been sealed in the Demon Realm, and there must be a master soldier to break the seal!”

“I’ll be formally ordered to come here to bring Master Soldier into the Demon Realm.”

Feilian and Pingyi hurriedly saluted Tiger Soul. Chi You is the master of the devil world, and Tiger Soul is the strongest existence among all weapons in the world.

The combination of the strongest demon and the strongest weapon can destroy almost any seal formation in the world.

And there is no need to look for any moments.

Because of this, the Tiger Soul was sealed in the extreme north of The Mortal Realm.

There is no one inhabited here, and it is almost impossible for anyone to find it.

But Fei Lian Pingyi is not a human race, and the cold here has very little impact on them.

“Master Chi You was sealed?” Tiger Soul itself was also sealed here, the memory in his mind was very confused, but his loyalty to Chi You kept him from forgetting his own master.

“Now the Six Realms are different from the past. To enter the Demon Realm, it would be very difficult for the two of us to break the seal of the Master Soldier.”

Fei Lian’s forehead was sweating. If this were to be explained to this almost amnesiaous instrument spirit, I am afraid that Chi You would have come to kill him long ago after the explanation.

“Anyway… I also hope that Lord Soldier will help, let’s break the seal of Lord Soldier first.”

After Fei Lian said, he drew out the rainy wind sock from his waist, and at the same time, Yushi Pingyi also pulled out the rainy rain flag from his waist.

Hu Po’s eyes suddenly brightened: “You are Feilian Pingyi! Okay, I will break the seal here!”

After all, Tiger Soul shook it in the air, and strands of magic energy in his hand entangled from his arm like a snake to form a pitch-black sword.

The appearance is exactly the same as that of the Tiger Soul Knife.

As soon as the blade body was formed, Tiger Soul’s eyes lit up, and he picked up the sword made of pure energy in his hand and smashed it towards this white space.

The two demon gods in Fei Lian Ping Yi, one walks the rain and the other makes the wind.

“Whirring whirring–”

The intense energy shook the entire space again and again.

“No, the seal here is different from our spirit weapons, it is extremely strong, you must find the front, and it is impossible to break it by force!” Fei Lian gasped for a while.

Casting spells requires a lot of energy, not without consumption.

When Chi You heard Fei Lian say to look for a moment, he picked up the big piece in his hand and waved it randomly. The whistling devilish energy continued to fly out of the knife body, hitting within this space.

Fei Lian Pingyi dodged again and again: “This way, you can’t find a frontline, you must…”

Before he could finish speaking, Chi You actually made a mistake by accident, and a devilish energy struck him.

I saw the entire space shook abruptly at the moment when the eye was hit, Pingyi immediately caught the slight vibration, and immediately pointed in the direction of the eye: “Here!”

After all, Fei Lian Pingyi also madly consumed the devil qi in his body at the same time, and attacked at the eye of the needle.

The two demon gods and one spirit almost exhausted their energy before completely lifting the seal.

Tiger Soul is like the birth of a grandson monkey, slashing towards this space one by one, smashing the seals that have not yet been completely touched on the spot.


The moment the seal was in contact, the entire The Mortal Realm was swaying crazily, and a violent demon energy rose into the sky, and the thick demon energy seemed to be a very obvious pitch-black pillar.

This vision shocked almost everyone in The Mortal Realm.

Especially the Qin Feng clone of The Mortal Realm China.

“The Mortal Realm…how can there be a devilish energy?” Qin Feng’s pupils shrank suddenly, seeing that devilish energy, Qin Feng only had a premonition of a crisis.

Resolutely flashed and flew towards the far north of The Mortal Realm.

Before Ye Yi could react, Qin Feng disappeared in front of his eyes, and hurriedly shouted, “Master Qin wait for me!”

As soon as the voice fell, a huge suction lifted Ye Yi and grabbed it into the world of dharma.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yi only felt that he was covered with goose bumps all over his body, and his hairs stood up one by one. When he came back to his senses, he saw that he was surrounded by vast white snow and ice fields.

“His–it’s cold!” At a temperature of more than twenty below zero, Ye Yi’s face was instantly covered with frost.

Ye Yi shook his hands, and a divine power suddenly rose, wrapping him in his body.

The divine power floating on Ye Yi’s body instantly cut off the cold around him. Only then did he notice the Fei Lian Pingyi in the distance and a black shadow holding a giant knife.

“Who are they? Chi You?”

Ye Yi was puzzled, but it was obvious that none of the three in front of him could be played.

The same is true for Qin Feng. As a avatar of Dharma, he is already slightly weaker than his body strength. In addition, he has no Divine Armament to help him in The Mortal Realm, and his combat power is even thinner.

“Qin Feng?” Fei Lian Pingyi immediately noticed the aura approaching them quickly.

Tiger Soul was still looking for where the own body was, and didn’t estimate the existence of Qin Feng for a while.

Qin Feng looked at the sword in the dark shadow’s hand, suddenly shocked in his heart.

Such a powerful strength is very likely to be the most powerful weapon in the legend-the warlord Demon Blade Tiger Soul.

“Be careful, these three guys are very strong, the two of us are not their opponents, we must support them!”

Qin Feng’s expression was extremely solemn. Once Chi You got the Tiger Soul Sword, the consequences would be disastrous.

It is very likely that the seal will be broken and Chi You will be released.

It will be even more difficult to stop at that time.

Ye Yi slammed both hands, and a chaotic clock and a chaotic seal appeared in his hands.

The moment the Chaos Clock was instilled with divine power, it began to spin frantically.

Counting faster and faster, the chaotic clock made a “buzzing” sound, and the surrounding divine power was surging like a hurricane driven by the chaotic clock.

“Hoo–” There was a violent whistling, and the chaotic clock in Ye Yi’s hand flew out immediately, the thumb-sized chaotic clock just left his hand, suddenly rose several times, and the buzzing sound became louder and louder.

If it weren’t for Ye Yi’s limited strength, this chaotic clock could stagnate time just by relying on this buzzing sound at its peak, leaving the enemy without the power to fight back.

Seeing the chaotic clock overwhelming the sky, Fei Lian immediately grabbed the yin wind sock and opened the bag wide. The gloomy magical energy whistled towards the chaotic clock with the passive wind, and the chaotic clock stopped moving immediately.

The Pingyi immediately blocked it with rainy flags. Driven by the rainy wind, the rain turned into an ice skate, violently hitting the chaotic clock.

The ice skate hit the Chaos Clock, making a “ding and jingle” sound constantly.

Then the Chaos Clock began to be forced by the rain and the wind to gradually retreat.

“Master Qin, help me!” Ye Yi gritted his teeth, his face twisted incomparably.

It was difficult to fight against the Demon God whose strength was far greater than him, and coupled with the large amount of energy consumed by mobilizing the Chaos Clock, Ye Yi almost drained every trace of energy in his body.

Qin Feng was about to go to clean up the tiger soul who was still looking for his own body, when he heard Ye Yi’s cry for help.

The rapidly rotating Chaos Clock was about to smash towards Ye Yi, Qin Feng stretched out his hand, and a fierce divine power poured into the Chaos Clock like a golden beam of light.

The golden light turned Ye Yisao’s eyes away, and saw that the chaotic clock was brighter than ever, and the buzzing sound became brighter and brighter.

At this moment, Qin Feng was about to turn his head and continue to the direction of Tiger Soul, and saw that Tiger Soul Void drew out a translucent black giant sword.

The entire body of the giant sword is exactly the same as the war sword made of energy in his hand.

And this handle is the real body-the magic blade tiger soul knife.

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