Chapter 427

Devildom, Qin Zihan.

The eight people hugged each other in front and back, and they kept falling towards the ground.

And somewhere under their feet, a dark figure appeared in a temple-like place.

“What’s going on? Human breath?”

The man frowned, walked out of the temple, raised his head to look at the sky, and there was darkness in his eyes.

But their innate sensibility can detect a very weak human aura.

“Yes…it seems to be the human race… how could they enter the demon world? Isn’t this looking for death?”

“Their strength doesn’t seem to be low… but they are not necessarily the opponents of the evil gods.”

At this time, a woman suddenly walked out of the temple.

When everyone saw this, they saluted the woman one after another: “See Zhao Holy Maiden.”

“Don’t be polite.” The woman slowly raised her foot and walked closer to the immortals, and also looked up at the sky.

This Holy Maiden, Zhao Ziyu, the Six Ding Yin God Ding Chou God who officially lived on the Penglai Xiandao of the Demon World.

A faint figure gradually appeared in the dark sky, Zhao Ziyu said softly: “They are here…”

As soon as the voice fell, only the sound of a gust of wind was heard, and eight dark figures stayed on the square in front of the temple.

“Where is this…?” Crazy Blade said while offering a ray of supernatural power, trying to illuminate the surrounding environment.

Suddenly a cold wind blew in, and the faint golden light that had just been pinched by Crazy Sabre suddenly extinguished.

“Who!” Crazy Sabre suddenly made his back cold, and his hands ignited a burst of supernatural power again.

This time, it was still extinguished, and at the same time a heroic voice came: “This human descendant, if you want to survive, don’t use any divine power, otherwise I will be buried here.”

The person who speaks is the superstar of the West Dou generals.

Crazy Blade suddenly felt more hairy in his heart, and the others gathered together unconsciously.

The person who can easily extinguish the supernatural power in the hands of the mad sword must be stronger than them.

As for the eight of them, none of them noticed the presence of other strangers here.

This is the gap!

It stands to reason that they also possess Ghost Qi and supernatural powers, and can detect any spiritual Qi breath.

But now, others can see them, but they just can’t see the person who just spoke.

In the dark world, the heart of Qin Zihan’s eight people speeded up violently.

“Who are you!” Qin Zihan was terrified in his heart.

At this time, the female ghosts in the depths of Qin Zihan’s soul, accurately sensed the location of those people, and marked a white light in Qin Zihan’s field of vision.

There are five people in total.

The leader and the three of them stood not far in front of them, and the other was not far from Crazy Blade.

“Their strength is very strong, you must pay attention to it, but they don’t seem to be malicious to you.” The female Yan in her mind reminded again, Qin Zihan just breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, there was an obscure woman’s voice in the distance, and no one except Qin Zihan understood the content.

Crazy Blade and the others frowned suddenly. Although they didn’t know what they were talking about, they had heard the words of the female ghost.

Especially Crazy Dao’s heart shook suddenly.

The female ghost is a demon god, so if you take these, it should also be a demon god!

There was a burst of despair in Crazy Blade’s heart, and his divine power could not be mobilized at all. These powerful existences could easily obliterate the eight of them.

That script-like voice became understandable when it reached Qin Zihan’s ears.

“I am the Six Ding Yin God Ding Chou God Zhao Ziyu. Since the battle of the Gods and Demons, I have been sealed in this world for the balance of the Six Realms. I don’t know how old I am. Why do you human races suddenly break into the Demon Realm?”

Zhao Ziyu’s faint voice exuded an ethereal voice, which sounded extremely permeating in the dark devil world.

Qin Zihan could barely communicate with the female ghost: “We found a crack in the demon world in The Mortal Realm. After collecting a holy object, the demon world collapsed and fell into the demon world.”

Ding Chou god Zhao Ziyu waved his hand to Juwei Xingjun in the dark.

Juwei Xingjun immediately retreated to Zhao Ziyu’s side.

Crazy Blade and the others were suddenly surprised that Qin Zihan was actually communicating with the Demon God!

When everyone was extremely nervous and terrified, Qin Zihan said quickly: “These people are local gods, and now we should be safe.”

Only then did Crazy Blade breathe a sigh of relief.

“I thought it was Chi You’s demon gods, and they scared me to death!” Xiong Ba patted his chest suspiciously.

However, as soon as Xiong Ba’s voice fell, he only heard the gods suddenly exclaiming, “Here is here! Go!”

Then he quickly returned to the temple.

At this time, Crazy Sabre also sensed that a few Ghost Qi was rushing towards them, and was ready to take action.

Just now the divine power was suppressed, and Crazy Blade was not ready to continue using divine power, but instead used Ghost Qi to sweep in a certain direction in the darkness.

When other people saw this, they began to use Ghost Qi to fight against the evil spirits that Chi You first dispatched.

“Are they looking for death? They call Ghost Qi so aggressively?” Juwei Xingjun and others stood in the Great Hall, sensing the situation outside the hall.

Gods mainly rely on divine power, and this chaotic world does not have the divine power on which they can survive.

Moreover, Chi You is connected to the entire Demon Realm, and once they use their divine power, they will be immediately discovered by Chi You.

When the time comes, they can only be annihilated.

Although the gods can also catch the divine power and run Ghost Qi, once they are contaminated, the divine power in their body will be gradually corroded by Ghost Qi. The more Ghost Qi is contaminated, the faster the corrosion will be.

In the end, the ending is still annihilation.

It’s not that Zhao Ziyu and the others are unwilling to help Qin Zihan and others, it’s just that they have more than enough energy and lack of energy.

“The Mortal Realm is the foundation of the six realms. It is said that the human race is a mixture of the breath of the other five realms. Some human races can even mobilize the five powers of the six realms at the same time. What harm did it cause?” Zhao Ziyu lowered his voice as much as possible.

She could perceive that these eight human beings couldn’t help but not become weak because of calling Ghost Qi, but instead wanted to become stronger.

In her memory, there was once a human being who was able to mobilize Monster Qi in The Mortal Realm, The Netherworld Ghost Qi, The Netherworld Ghost Qi, the Divine Power of the God Realm and the Holy Power of the Immortal Realm.

After ascending later, the Mortal Realm was dispatched to garrison The Mortal Realm to settle down.

One immortal, palm of the six realms.

Zhao Ziyu is also envious of such a god.

But people with such talents are very rare in the world.

These gods, these gods, were actually humans at first.

At this time, Chonghe Zhide Xingjun on the side was finally a little unbearable, gritted his teeth and prepared to move forward: “Ah, as a god, we were meant to bless the stability of The Mortal Realm. Waiting here is fearful, shrinking back, and being in vain.”

“Stop… I’ll go too!”

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