Chapter 423 Holy Spirit Orb

After Ye Yi left the demon world, Qin Zihan and others continued to walk aimlessly in a certain direction of the demon world.

Any equipment in this space will fail. Almost all of them can’t distinguish the north, south, east, and west completely, just like walking aimlessly in a sandy desert.

A few minutes later, Qin Zihan’s voice suddenly came from the woman’s mind: “I seem to feel that the chaotic air in this space is slowly passing away.”

“My perception seems to be able to spread farther.”

After Qin Zihan listened, he suddenly stopped where he was.

Crazy Dao and others also stopped quickly: “What’s wrong? Anything else?”

Qin Zihan shook his head slightly: “The female Yan said that the chaos here is getting weaker and weaker. I guess it might be the reason why Ye Yi took the chaos clock.”

“The power of the chaos fades, and the female ghost’s perception will no longer be restricted by the chaos, and can be transmitted to farther places. Let’s wait here, so we can’t find any results if we collide like a headless fly. ”

Crazy Blade and others also nodded one after another, and everyone calmed down and began to adjust their breaths and meditate.

Prepare to wait for the female ghost to perceive some strange breath and then look for it purposefully.

“Anyway, the qi of chaos has dissipated, will we find any artifacts by that time? Maybe we are lucky, just one person!”

Xiong Ba smiled and haha, while sitting cross-legged beside Crazy Saber.

Qin Zihan concentrated with the female ghost, quietly perceiving the surrounding situation.

The brownish-yellow chaotic air began to fade like dust and haze, and soon even the naked eye could distinguish the difference in the entire space.

Soon after, Qin Zihan’s mind came to the reminder: “I have detected a wave of energy, let’s go look over there first.”

Qin Zihan opened his eyes and looked around, a bright light appeared in a certain place in his field of vision.

This is the way that Nv Yun and Qin Zihan agreed to remind Qin Zihan.

Qin Zihan waved at the crowd: “Let’s go, the female ghost has found something. This time, let’s see who is lucky enough to obtain the inheritance of the artifact.”

Without the interference of the strong chaotic air, not only the perception, but even the vision becomes clearer.

It seems that even breathing has become much smoother.

Xiong Ba got up from the ground with excitement and looked at Qin Zihan with scorching eyes: “Little Sister Qin, where are you, show me a direction.”

As soon as Qin Zihan stretched out his fingers, Xiong Ba suddenly turned into a brown whirlwind and rushed out from the crowd:

“I’m going one step ahead!”

Xiong Ba shouted excitedly.

Qin Zihan has female ghosts and Ye also has Chaos Clock, but he has nothing at present.

He also wants an artifact!

Regardless of the rating, as long as he has the ability to master it.

Seeing that Xiong Ba flew out, Crazy Blade and others hurriedly followed.

Only by reshaping the golden body can you be qualified to break through the shackles of the human body and step into the realm of higher strength.

At present, there is only one possibility, and that is to obtain the approval of the artifact and reshape the golden body.


Immediately afterwards, Mazi, Huang You, Yu Wenxuan and others also made waves of anger and disappeared from Qin Zihan.

Although everyone knows that not only do they choose artifacts, but also artifacts choose them.

But there is a kind of impatience and urgency in their hearts, as if those artifacts also pay attention to first come first.

Qin Zihan also hurriedly flew towards the bright light in his eyes. After walking a few steps, he noticed that the thin chaotic air in the air was provoked by some kind of energy to provoke a regular vibration.

“Om… Om… Om…”

With the constant approach, at this time, only the naked eye can see that the surrounding air and energy are constantly being shaken and rippled.

It hits everyone like a ripple on the water.

The bear tyrant who ran in the front also slowed down suddenly.

It’s not that he noticed this energy fluctuation and slowed down, but because every time this ripple hits him, Xiong Ba will feel an unprecedented pressure.

This coercion forced him to slow down.

The coercion caused by hierarchical suppression has always been the most terrifying existence in this world.

This is why Qin Feng requires them to have the ability to escape in front of the ghost ancestors.

Once you have entered the realm, if you encounter opponents who are much stronger than yourself, they can be crushed only by coercion.

Let alone escape.

Crazy Sabre quickly caught up with Xiong Ba, and his pace began to become slower and slower, every foot seemed to step into the mud.

It is difficult to land with the foot, but it is even more difficult to pull it out.

The closer to the depths of energy fluctuations, the more pressure they can feel.

Fortunately, the pressure here is softer for them, and it does not show strong offensiveness.

They only need to mobilize a lot of divine power to fight against this coercion.

Finally, after a group of people almost squeezed the energy in their bodies, they saw a fist-sized spherical bead in the distance.

The cyan beads flickered regularly, like a heart beating. Every time they light up, the surrounding space will fluctuate, forming a twisted ripple visible to the naked eye, spreading from the surroundings.

When hitting Xiongba and others, they will feel a huge thrust to drive them away.

Eight people surrounded this bead, and its slow speed approached.

From the distance between the eight of them and the Holy Spirit Orb, the difference in strength of the eight can be easily distinguished.

Qin Zihan was the closest to the Holy Spirit Orb, followed by Huang You. Yu Wenxuan was basically the same as Crazy Saber. Others such as Mazi Xiongba followed closely, and the difference in strength was not very large.

“Hey… it seems that this bead can only belong to Little Sister Qin.”

After the crowd, Xiong Ba grimaced and looked at Qin Zihan, who was almost only a stone’s throw away from the Holy Spirit Orb. He had already given up the idea of ​​competing with them for this pearl in his heart.

At this time, the female ghost is mobilizing Qin Zihan’s body to keep approaching: “This bead is called Ju Lingzhu, which was transformed by the Spirit Power of Lord Nuwa, one of the ancient gods of creation. Overflow has given life to many inanimate objects, and therefore the demon race was born.”

“Later, human beings often have various conflicts. In order to limit the killings caused by humans to her fellow tribesmen, Nuwa Empress had to seal the human race’s absorption of divine power. The human race without divine power became weak in front of the monster race. Unbearable, Empress Nuwa couldn’t see that her own children were killed by Demonic Beasts, so she had to create a whole new world with her own hands, bringing all the Demonic Beasts in the world into the demon world.”

Qin Zihan was a little puzzled, and asked secretly: “But the demon world we are in now doesn’t perceive the breath of any creatures, what’s the matter?”

The female ghost sighed slightly: “I don’t know, but maybe the artifact in this holy spirit pearl knows it, and I have a blood connection with Nuwa. I guess this holy spirit pearl is among the nine of you, only you Qualified to get it.”

The people behind Qin Zihan were almost stunned. Each of them felt extremely strong resistance, but Qin Zihan didn’t seem to perceive any resistance at all.

The one who spreads easily is already standing in front of the Holy Spirit Bead.

“It seems… we really have no hope…” Xiong Ba simply gave up his resistance, and as soon as he condensed his divine power, the twisted ripple immediately pushed him out.

Then Xiong Ba and others saw that Qin Zihan stretched one of his hands towards the Holy Spirit Pearl.

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