Chapter 418 Chaos Clock

Demon world, outside the chaotic clock barrier.

Crazy Blade and the others clenched their fists unconsciously, and the sweat in the palms of their hands was flowing from the gaps between their fingers.

After seeing the invisible enchantment, they can clearly perceive the terrifying energy and coercion emitted by the Chaos Clock.

Strands of golden divine power gradually poured into the chaotic clock’s thousand faces of powder.

The divine power is like a silk thread, connecting all the particles of Ye Yi’s body in series and then slowly reorganizing.

At this time Ye Yi’s soul had already been absorbed into the Chaos Clock.

Standing in a earthy yellow world, Ye Ye could clearly perceive the chaotic clock as its name suggests. This earthy yellow world has almost only a thick chaotic power.

Vaguely, Ye could also perceive that own soul is gradually establishing contact with this chaotic power.

The earth-yellow divine power in front of him began to slowly condense, revealing the shape of a human figure.

“I am the spirit of the chaotic clock, Taixing, entrusted by the emperor of the East to suppress the demon world.”

Ye Yi looked at the vague figure in front of him and was immediately shocked.

Donghuang Taiyi?

The head of the five directions, the spiritual tool held by the ancient Heavenly Emperor, the Chaos Clock, was he actually able to get it?

Ye Yi couldn’t help rubbing his eyes, his eyes opened wide, just wanting to see what the spirit of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi looked like.

The longer the device spirit stays with the host, the closer the appearance will be to the own host.

As the divine power condensed, the appearance of Qi Ling became clearer and clearer. The whole body of a Tsing Yi robe exuded a faint golden light surrounded by divine power. The dark pupils in the deeply sunken eye sockets were extremely energetic, and the white eyebrows were straight down. Towards the neck, compatible with the white long beard at the corner of the mouth.

Just the same, the awe in Ye Yi’s heart spontaneously arises.

Humans’ innate respect for the gods made Ye Ye have to worship the ground: “The devil gods of the devil world are rampant, and the younger Ye also only wants to gain enough strength to rush to the devil world to follow in the footsteps of the gods.”

“If you offend, Wang Taixing-sama Haihan.”

In fact, Taixing had long been overwhelmed by Ye Yi’s perseverance. In his memory, no human being could walk in front of him with his own perseverance.

At this time, Ye Yi’s body had already begun to reshape outside the Chaos Clock, and his limbs had gradually combined.

At first, Taixing didn’t know why The Mortal Realm could reach the demon world, let alone what happened in this world.

But when he saw a human race with a Chaos Seal and an extremely determined mind and a strong divine power on his body, he came to him, Taixing used divine power to blend into his divine soul.

When seeing Qin Feng, Thousand Faces and the cracks in the realm, Taixing could roughly guess that the gods were annihilated and the six realms were chaotic.

Ye Yi looked up again, only to see the old man with the fairy wind and the bones in front of him turned into a little bit of starlight, slowly blending into his mind.

At the same time, Ye also saw a gap in this chaotic space.

Ye Yi lifted his foot and walked towards the gap, and the Soul immediately came outside the Chaos Clock.

Seeing that his body was connected by the divine power of hair-like strands and slowly reorganized, Ye Yi immediately realized that this was most likely to reshape his golden body.

The mortal body cannot carry enough powerful energy, even with Ghost Qi or divine power enhancement, it is still not enough to carry the terrifying energy contained in the strength above the ghost.

Only by reshaping the golden body and strengthening the body with divine power can you be qualified to obtain the strength above the ghost sovereign.

All this in itself only exists in the legend, this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

According to legend, most of the gods that soared in the daytime turned into a little starlight and rose from the ground before slowly reshaping in the air.

Prior to this, Ye Yi himself had never thought that he would be reshaped one day.

The mad sword Qin Zihan and others outside the barrier also breathed a sigh of relief when they looked at Ye Yi, who already had limbs.

“It seems that if we want Ascension to get the next rating based on our current strength, we must reshape the golden body like Ye Yi.”

Yu Wenxuan looked solemnly at the body of Ye Yi who was entangled with supernatural power in front of Chaos Clock:

“Now our strength is very likely to be the peak of human strength, including Mr. Qin, almost stopped at this position. The current strength is very likely to be the maximum carrying capacity of our human body. Continuing to instill only divine power, it is very likely that it will collapse due to the inability to carry a huge amount of divine power, causing the own body and soul to be shattered at the same time.”

“And when Ye Yi recovered the chaotic clock, he was reshaped into a fine gold body. It is very likely that the instrument in the chaotic clock was inspired to know that once the energy of the chaotic clock was recovered, Ye Yi’s body would completely collapse because it could not carry a huge amount of divine power. , So I reshaped the golden body for him. During this period of time, I don’t know if you feel that every time you use Divine Power or Ghost Qi, you will have an extremely strong sensation of fullness and pain. If you don’t find the reshaping The golden body method, the final outcome of the few of us is likely to be Death.”

Qin Zihan nodded slightly, and the others also nodded slightly.

“Since Chaos Clock has the ability to reshape the golden body for Ye Yi, it may also help us reshape the golden body. After Ye Yi comes out, we will ask Ye Yi.”

Everyone quickly joined.

At this time, Chaos Clock Wai Ye Yi’s body was almost complete, and the entire body was exuding a faint golden light, which indeed looked like a golden body.

Suddenly a hoarse old man’s voice came from the depths of Ye Yi’s mind: “You can return to your body.”

Then he raised his foot and walked towards own body. The moment he first touched own’s new body, he felt a huge suction force suddenly covering the surrounding of own soul.

The scene in front of him turned around, and a huge dizziness swept Ye Yi’s brain.

Ye Yi almost vomited out instantly.

Immediately after the darkness, when Ye Yi opened his eyes again, he saw an earthy yellow demon world sky.

“It seems that it has successfully integrated with his own body.” Ye Yi muttered a few words to himself. With a flash of golden light in both hands, the whole person stood up facing the chaotic clock.

Ye Yi stretched out his hand toward the East Emperor Bell.


There was a sound of a strong bell, and the place where Ye Yi’s hand touched the chaotic clock was suddenly rippled.

A huge bell gushed from the chaotic bell along the ripples, and resounded loudly in every corner of the entire demon world.

The huge chaotic clock in front of Ye Yi’s eyes began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became the same size as the chaotic seal hanging on his neck.

Almost at the same time, the enchantment in front of Crazy Blade and the others suddenly condensed strength, and cracks suddenly appeared in front of them.


The white cracks spread all over the enchantment in the blink of an eye.


With a muffled sound, the barrier completely collapsed.

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