Chapter 415: Demon Realm Sacred Object, Chaos Clock

“Demon World?”

Qin Zihan was stunned when she heard the voice of the woman.

In her cognition, there has never been a record of the demon world.

Including the current Demon Realm, she had never heard of the Demon Realm before Qianmen opened the seal.

Therefore, the demon world was only called the realm before.

After Qin Zihan exclaimed, everyone else surrounded Qin Zihan one after another: “Demon Realm? Female Yun said this is the Monster Realm?”

Qin Zihan nodded, but his eyes were completely in ruins.

The entire space exudes a faint earthy yellow light, barely allowing them to see their own situation clearly.

And the piece at the foot looks like the texture of sand, but it is actually composed of pure energy, and it cannot be destroyed at all unless it is strong enough.

The nine people formed a circle and looked around, seeing nothing in their eyes except the thick chaotic atmosphere like yellow sand and dust.

And with their current strength, under the interference of such a powerful aura, their perception is also very limited.

At the same time, all of them came to a result: the demon world, but there was no sign of beings.

Why is this?

This question was naturally thrown by Qin Zihan to the female ghost, but the female ghost who was also sealed in the demon world did not know the reason.

“Let’s look around first.” Qin Zihan beckoned to the others, and the nine people gathered together and walked slowly in a certain direction randomly.

There is no goal, just like in the desert, you can only explore by luck.

The energy permeated here is almost a chaos, and the strong chaotic aura permeates the air, forming an earth-yellow mist.

It looks like smog.

All they can perceive is nothingness. In this unfamiliar world, there is no vitality and no creatures.

Even heaven and earth are difficult to distinguish.

Qin Zihan had been walking in a certain direction, and Ye Yi and others followed closely.

As he walked, Qin Zihan asked, “Can you perceive the aura that is different from Chaos in this Realm?”

The female Yun didn’t reply immediately, but a powerful perception came out from Qin Zihan’s body.

This divine power quickly spread far away, and the thick chaotic aura in this world was enough to block any aura.

The female ghost felt almost nothing: “The chaotic aura here is too strong, and I can’t perceive it either. Unless the source is a hundred miles near you, I can judge the direction by the power of the chaotic chaos.

Qin Zihan couldn’t help being shocked, the chaotic aura in this Realm could only penetrate the position of a hundred li, compared with The Mortal Realm, the aura of these Realm was so strong.

Continuing to walk in one direction, just as Qin Zihan was about to give up and withdraw to The Mortal Realm, the voice of a female ghost rang in his mind:

“Stop! There is something abnormal!”

Qin Zihan stretched out a hand vigilantly and stood in place.

At the same time, Crazy Dao and others also stopped behind Qin Zihan and each took out their own weapons.

Everyone was surrounded by a strong Ghost Qi, dispelling the chaotic aura around them.

A boiling black mist formed around the nine people, walking among the crowd.

“Left front!” The female Yun finally sensed the exact position and prompted Qin Zihan to walk in one direction.

Soon, a large area of ​​ruins came into view.

Various boulders and mud are piled up irregularly in front of them.

Qin Zihan’s vision was beyond the chaotic air, only huge rocks remained.

These mountains and rocks have no rules and are scattered randomly everywhere as if they were blown up by something.

“The breath here is really different.” Ye Yi suddenly showed a long knife condensed with Ghost Qi in his hand, and the other one touched his chest.

The chaotic seal can be large or small, and Ye Yi usually uses rope to hang this object on his chest.

At this moment, he just vigilantly held the Chaos Seal in his hand.

Qin Zihan walked toward the depths of the ruins, bypassing the huge boulders under the instructions of the female ghost.

And this piece of ruins is exactly where the Nine-Colored Lotus Terrace was once located.

Everyone walked all the way into the depths of the ruins, and the female ghost was the first to perceive a strong divine power.

“Demon Realm, actually has supernatural power?”

Qin Zihan was horrified, and the nine people walked toward the depths quickly, and soon their vision gradually became clear.

In the thick golden light, vaguely through the strong divine power, you can see a huge chaotic, black and yellow bronze bell upside down on the ground.

“Chaotic clock!” Qin Zihan’s voice sounded in her mind: “This is the ancient sacred chaotic clock!”

Qin Zihan was overjoyed immediately, and relayed everything the female Yan had said to others.

Everyone’s eyes flashed with excitement. Not to mention the strength of this holy object, they can show some strength. With just one holy object, any one of the nine of them will surely become a holy object. The first person to enter the demon world to follow Qin Feng!

A sacred object, two great opportunities.

Who can stop this temptation?

Although a sacred object, they can’t exert their powerful strength, but as long as they can enter the demon world, with the help of Qin Feng, it is easy to quickly Ascension own strength.

Everyone looked at the sacred object in the divine power with scorching eyes, everyone was excited, excited, and at the same time very vigilant.

They didn’t know what would happen if they could take away this holy object.

I don’t even know if the nine of them are qualified to obtain this holy artifact.

Spirit artifacts are divided into four levels: where, earth, heaven, and god.

Spirit artifacts up to the god level can be called artifacts, and artifacts are called earth and sky artifacts, and each level is divided into upper, middle and lower third rank.

And the high-grade heavenly artifacts are up, it can be described as a holy artifact.

Only the top ten objects of sacred objects can be called sacred objects.

As for the holy relics, except for the individual Xiantian gods, almost no one has heard of it.

These objects are called Kaitian Lingbao.

Among the six realms, there are only nine.

All spirit tools above the god level are no longer a simple host to choose a spirit weapon, and a spirit weapon also has the right to choose a host.

This is a two-way choice. If the spirit tool does not recognize its own master, then the holder will not be able to use its full capabilities.

As for the artifacts above the upper ranks, the host has no right to choose. Forcibly holding such artifacts will only be backlashed.

The nine people present, faced a chaotic clock that can be described as one of the top ten sacred objects, were itchy, but they knew that among the nine people, it was very likely that no one would be recognized by this sacred object.

“Let’s go, don’t try, how do you know if this thing belongs to us.” Crazy Blade took the lead in the direction of Chaos Clock with alert.

The nine people consciously formed an arc, and approached the chaotic clock at the same time.

But not a few steps away, suddenly an invisible wall appeared in front of them!

“Damn it! There is an enchantment here!” Mad Saber slammed angrily at the invisible wall.

However, when everyone’s field of vision looked into this enchantment, everyone was stunned.

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