Chapter 408

Devildom, within the imperial formation.

Qin Feng had just sent away Qin Zhengtian and others, and returned to the branches of Qibao Liuli.

At this time, the seven-treasure colored glaze branches have grown a lot under the nourishment of the strong chaotic air.

The entire colored glaze branch exudes a glowing light like a small living sapling, and at the same time it constantly absorbs the Qi of Chaos to refine it into divine power.

Qin Feng sat cross-legged on the edge of the Qibao Liuli branch, Breathing Exercises absorbed this strong power.

Getting stronger is the only thing he wants to do now.

Qin Feng just didn’t sit down for a long time, and suddenly a system prompt came in his mind:

“Ding, regain the nine-color lotus platform of the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East, and trigger a special sign-in, do you sign-in?”

Qin Feng opened his eyes abruptly and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Only then did he feel what he had just done while staying in The Mortal Realm’s avatar clone.

Qin Feng couldn’t help laughing a little secretly, and immediately thought:

“Sign in!”

“Sign in successfully, get Dao Yuan Dan.”

“Get the Universe Bag. The power of merit is a million strands.”

In the blink of an eye, a purple auspicious cloud rushed from the horizon, suddenly tearing the devilish energy around the imperial formation.

No loss is a system that is above everything. No matter where Qin Feng is, the power of the system will always be the most domineering existence.

At the same time, a cloth bag appeared on Qin Feng’s waist.

As soon as Qin Feng stretched out his hand, he fetched the Nine-Colored Lotus Terrace from The Mortal Realm Tower, and a golden medicine ball also floated on Qin Feng’s forehead at the same time.

“What a strong supernatural power!”

Qin Feng felt the divine power emitted by the golden ball in front of him, and his heart was shocked.

This strong divine power seemed to condense all the divine power in the entire world of dharma.

In addition to the divine power, it also contains the breath of the avenue.

Qin Feng looked at the lotus platform with the big palm in his hand and the golden bead in front of him, his eyes suddenly became hot.

The opportunity for breakthrough is here!

Qin Feng threw the lotus platform lightly under his feet, and the entire lotus platform suddenly rose up and suspended quietly in the air.

Qin Feng’s figure moved lightly and floated on the lotus platform.

The moment his butt was attached to the lotus platform, a strong divine power instantly rushed from the bottom to the top.

At the same time, this Dao Yuan Dan gradually began to disintegrate, turning into strands of golden divine power and a flow of mysterious yellow air into Qin Feng’s eyebrows.

Qin Feng’s whole person was instantly enveloped by this breath.

The spiritual weapon of the Eastern Ji Qinghua Emperor Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun naturally contains extremely terrifying and strong energy.

But if Qin Feng wanted to absorb all the divine power in this nine-color lotus platform for a while, it was completely impossible. He had to use this lotus platform to break through from the medium-grade Earth Immortals to the top-grade Earth Immortals.

Although it seems that it is only a small level difference, the difference between the two is not even a little bit.

Qin Feng transferred to the system panel and looked at the rapidly growing power of faith on the panel.

With a finger hook, billions of strands of faith power on this panel instantly filled the entire imperial formation, and under the operation of divine power, the cyan power of faith gradually transformed into strands of purple power of merit.

Reshape the golden body!

The purple power of merit completely surrounded Qin Feng, and a golden barrier appeared on Qin Feng’s body surface.

This barrier is getting more and more dazzling, gradually turning from transparency to entity, Qin Feng sitting cross-legged on the nine-color lotus platform is like a god made of pure gold at this time, still emitting a little golden light under the shining of divine power. .

Dao Yuan Dan gradually disappeared, and Qin Feng, who looked like a pure gold, was filled with strong divine power, profound yellow energy, and merit energy like a progress bar.

The three energies merged with each other, and within Qin Feng’s body, a golden spherical pill shaped like that Daoyuan Dan was formed.

Qin Feng closed his eyes tightly, and the pure gold divine body outside his body began to melt away, overlapping with his own body.

In his mind, chanting sounds gradually came:

“We are the town of Kunwei, and the work is done. Benevolence is virtue and benevolence. Huiyang is in the palm of the hand. The sacred heart benefits the sage, and the sun and moon are in the sky. The Five Sacred Mountains praise the east, and The Three Realms stand alone in the middle…”

Almost at the same time, there were bursts of voices chanting scriptures in every Chenghuang temple across China.

The growth rate of the Power of Belief column in the Qin Feng system panel has become more rapid, almost starting to increase at a rate of hundreds of millions of threads per day.

Everyone in China today believes in Qin Feng, and the wooden bronze or clay sculptures of Qin Feng are placed in the halls from door to door.

There are three pillars of fragrance and a plate of fruits in front of the statue. With every bowing, a ray of faith will slowly overflow from the human forehead and pour into the god statue.

Qin Feng, who was sitting under the seven-treasure glaze branch, opened his eyes suddenly, and the entire imperial formation was in a daze.

Even the seven-treasure colored glaze branches that exuded the luminous radiance turned gloomy in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng slowly stood up, and the Nine-Colored Lotus Terrace suddenly became smaller, quietly floating beside Qin Feng.


Qin Feng let out a sigh of relief. Wherever his aura went, the Demon Realm, which was corroded by demon energy, grew flowers and plants.

Qin Feng was really taken aback by this vision, and only then discovered that all kinds of plants had begun to grow wherever he had stepped.

Under the nourishment of the strong divine power in the imperial formation, these flowers and plants grew rapidly and gradually spread to all parts of the imperial formation.

It seems that with these plants, the air in the entire Imperial Formation has become much fresher.

Everyone knows that this flower and grass are born from the essence of heaven and earth, but if it grows anywhere in The Mortal Realm, it will be enough for a person to break his head.

With Qin Feng’s breakthrough, the gods, spirits and evil spirits outside the imperial formation have also sensed the vision in Qin Feng’s imperial formation.

For a time, the eyes of the entire realm were all set for Qin Feng.

“It’s him again!”

Chi You’s eyes were bright red, and his eyes flickered and flickered like a raging fire.

Looking at the visions in the direction of Qin Feng’s imperial formation, Chi You suddenly stretched out his hand in anger, and the whole mountain that sealed him quaked violently. Can move outside the mountain.

Looking at Xing Tian, ​​who closed his eyes and sat in the magic pond condensed by the devilish energy, he couldn’t help but curl his lips.

Xing Tian’s recovery speed was not half as fast as Qin Feng in the distant imperial formation.

The light of Chi You’s bright red eyes jumped violently, and the intense pain from the depths of the soul caused Chi You’s forehead to burst and gritted his teeth.

I only felt that there was a horrible tearing from the depths of Own Soul, as if the painful Chi You was about to lose consciousness.

Even with this kind of injury, Chi You still didn’t stop the strong devilish energy in his mind.

If you don’t stop the fellow Qin Feng, Ascension, after he gets rid of this huge seal on his body in the future, according to Qin Feng’s speed, it may not be easy to kill him.

Finally, gritted his teeth and persisted, from the depths of Chi You’s brows, a dark shadow with a very powerful aura gradually appeared.

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