Chapter 399

The Mortal Realm, sunrise in the country.

The sunrise country now has no anger, except for ghosts or evil gods, there is no human breath anymore.

These evil gods are raging in the sunrise country, trying to extend to other countries.

As the Ghost Qi of the Sunrise Kingdom became thicker and more active, the former shrine of the Sunrise Kingdom suddenly couldn’t stand the pressure of this strong Ghost Qi, and suddenly exploded a wave of terrifying energy.

The wooden shrine was suddenly bombarded into fragments by a horrible energy, and the horrible energy swept the shrine’s fragments and white dust spreading around it.

Wherever the shock wave went, all the ghosts and evil spirits were torn apart by this arrogant force.

At the same time, a stone altar in the inner sanctuary of the shrine suddenly exploded, and a terrifying energy soared into the sky, drawing a huge beam of light on the horizon of the sunrise country.


In addition to the horrible explosion, a huge hole was also torn apart the entire horizon. In the sky above the sunrise country, a variety of different breaths were mixed together.

The turbulent energy quickly attracted the attention of countless ghost defenders and ordinary people. For a while, almost the entire The Mortal Realm turned its own eyes to the position of the sunrise country.

Especially China, which is the closest to the country of sunrise, is also the fastest to perceive this breath.

“Ye Dage! Ye Dage!”

Zhang Fan hurriedly walked towards the third floor of the Tongtian Tower.

In the past few days, Ye Yi, Qin Zihan and others are all like crazy, even sleeping in the Tongtian Pagoda, just to be able to Ascension own strength faster.

As soon as their abilities are restored, they will go straight to the upper levels of Tongtian Tower to challenge the ghost clones or Qin Feng transformed by the seven or eight or nine layers of divine power.

Once he is exhausted and his divine power is exhausted, he will turn his head and return to the first three levels to recover from the rich divine power.

Those who are weaker always use Qin Zihan and Ye Yi to spur them crazy, even if they can’t even get up to the sixth floor.

Under the influence of these two guys, the entire China almost rushed towards the Tongtian Pagoda in a steady stream, thinking only about the strength of Ascension.

Ye Yi heard Zhang Fan’s panicking voice, and immediately sensed something bad happened. At the same time, the elites of The Mortal Realm, including Qin Zihan, Yu Wenxuan and Huang You of Breathing Exercises, also opened their eyes.

“what happened?”

Ye Yi looked at Zhang Fan, who was leaning on his knees to gasp, and his face suddenly changed. Nothing major happened. This kid wouldn’t rush in in such a panic.

“Ye Dage…you…you go out…look…”

Zhang Fan pointed his finger at the direction of the sunrise country, and covered his chest with one hand:

“Sunrise country…over there…something happened!”

Ye Yi frowned, got up and walked out of the Tongtian Tower, Qin Zihan and other people immediately stopped meditating.

When they thought of the country and the coalition forces preparing to attack China before, their expressions suddenly became gloomy. This time, they will have no return!

However, when all of them looked in the direction of the sunrise country, all of them were dumbfounded.

A beam of light emitting a strange light rises from the sunrise country, shining in the sky of the sunrise country, reflecting a strange brilliance.

At the same time, a strong breath continued to radiate from the Sunrise National Center.

If it hadn’t been for China to have the protection of the gods and divine power barriers, now this terrifying aura would have already hit their faces.

Even the always calm sea was lifted by this terrifying energy into a huge wave 100 meters high, and various creatures in the sea were lifted into the sky.

“Cracking” he smashed toward China’s supernatural barrier.

Ye Ye saw these scenes of visions, and suddenly everything that he had seen before and when the gods were in Cangshan appeared in his mind.

“Could it be…”

Ye Yi suddenly thought of the Chaos Seal in Cangshan and the bifurcation that was collected by Qin Feng.

Ye Yi’s eyes flashed with golden light, and it seemed that he had to go this time.

“You don’t want to follow this time. Without Master Qin, my strength alone can’t protect you at all. The guys from the Kingdom of Sunrise this time may be similar to those you met in Cangshan last time.”

Ye Yi turned his head and looked at Zhang Fan and Wan Sen with a serious face, and both of them knew that this was not the time for the two of them to mix up.

The two children nodded slightly.

Ye Yi turned his head and looked at Qin Zihan and others:

“At least the strength of SS level or above is necessary to be able to fight against it. Come if you are willing to join me, don’t try to be strong if you are not strong enough!”

Qin Zihan and others, as well as all the ghost guards who came to join in the fun, nodded again and again.

Ye Yi’s hands violently shook out a ray of black energy, and a ray of jet black energy suddenly overflowed under his feet, and the ghost domain suddenly unfolded.

At the same time, Qin Zihan, Huang You, Yu Wenxuan, Crazy Dao, Xiong Ba, Mazi, Qingtong, Yun Ran followed Ye Yi and flew towards the country.

Since the Tongtian Pagoda was built, almost all of them have spent their nights and eats cultivation in the Tongtian Pagoda like a bunch of lunatics.

And only they know that only by breaking through the Tongtian Pagoda can they be qualified to follow the Lord God.

The group of people quickly left the protection area of ​​the god barrier, and suddenly a strong Ghost Qi rushed toward their faces. They stayed in China with strong power for a long time, which made it difficult for them to adapt for a while.

It seems that the air has been contaminated by this ghost Qi.

Soon after, a group of ghost guards led by Xia Wei’s son Xia Ning also gradually left the open sea, each of them holding a special weapon to deal with ghosts.

The army followed Ye Yi’s fading back and quickly headed to the sunrise country. Just approaching the high seas of the sunrise country, they were immediately blocked by a crowd of evil gods and ghosts.

Ye Yi and others and the ghost guard army have offered Ghost Qi or activated special weapons to deal with these ghosts.

At the same time, it is farther away from China.

The tingling sensation in Fei Lian Pingyi’s mind from Chi You had not completely disappeared, and the two of them were taken aback.

A powerful force rushed towards the front door of the two of them, and the surrounding evil gods were also swayed by the force.

Suddenly, Pingyi’s complexion changed, and his head was held tightly with both hands, and his gaze swept to a corner of The Mortal Realm.

I saw the horizon in the east, bursts of strange brilliance.

“It looks like some artifact is about to come out!”

Pingyi’s face was immediately happy, but the nerves that had just been relaxed were immediately stirred by Chi You’s energy.


Pingyi couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Let’s go! In case that place is Lord Demon’s things, we can get free after we get it!”

Fei Lian gritted his teeth to resist the pain, and immediately ordered that all the evil gods follow them to the source of the vision.

At the same time, together with Xing Yaoguo’s logistics Yinlingzi, they also sensed this vision, and led the Cthulhu army toward the same goal.

At this time, at the source of this vision, China’s army had already taken the lead in logging into the territory of the Sunrise Kingdom.

The place where the vision was born is not far from Ye Yi’s eyes.

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