Chapter 386: Where Is There No God in China

China’s ghost tide finally subsided.

At this time, the city of Jiangning was very lively, and the mighty Chenghuang Temple was full of people who came to worship the gods, and many of them survived this ghost tide and police officers from the Special Affairs Bureau.

“Wang Dage, I want to build a city god temple in our local area. I don’t know if there are any taboos. You are a temple wish. Can you give us an idea?”

“Brother Wang, we have already built it in the same way as your village. I want to ask a few gods to go back, the bigger one, do you have any powerful masons drop us a stone?”

The entire Jiangning City God Temple was surrounded by water from the third and outer three floors, and Wang Dazhu and all the Chenghuang Guards were very busy.

“Don’t worry, everyone, there is nothing taboo about building temples. Our Lord Chenghuang is sincere and spiritual.”

Wang Dazhu commanded the city gods and guards carrying large and small statues, while dredging the crowd, emphasizing “sincere is spirit” over and over again.

More and more tourists and reporters outside Jiangning City are carrying cameras or holding mobile phones towards the Chenghuang Temple.

Many people walked out of the temple with a variety of souvenirs full of joy.

“Pharaoh, what did you take? Is it still hidden?”

The people who were squeezing in looked at the old Wang who was tightly wrapped in his arms, and couldn’t help but feel a little curious.

Lao Wang squeezed in the crowd for a long time, opened a corner of his arms, and half of his face was exposed from a wooden statue.

This face is exactly the same as Qin Feng, with two dark green jade inlaid on his eyes.

“Oh, your hands and feet are neat, I think I may not even be able to get a safety talisman today.”

Old Wang shook his head and continued to squeeze out of the crowd:

“There are no peace charms in the temple anymore. As the temple wish said, sincerity is the spirit, and it doesn’t matter if there is no peace charm. It doesn’t matter if you only find someone to spend a statue or make a wooden sculpture. The effect of worship is the same every day. I’m looking for them. It was made by a carpenter in Jiangning and used as a dowry for my daughter.”

All the people around just realized, where is there no god in China?

For a time, the crowds in the Jiangning City God Temple gradually dispersed, and instead, carpenters, stonemasons and clay sculpturers from all over the country began to get busy, and many statues of Qin Feng’s gods rose from the ground.

In Yong’an District of Qinchuan County, the Special Affairs Bureau and a group of civilians joined forces, and a huge Chenghuang Temple rose from the ground.

Two bright red pillars write:

“Yangjian III, it is up to you to accumulate good and do evil; throughout the ages, who has been spared by Yin Cao’s underground palace.”

As soon as the Chenghuang Temple was completed and the cordon was torn off, a large crowd of people swarmed into the temple.

In the main hall is a huge statue of Qin Feng, with majestic golden light gleaming in his eyes.

On the left hand side, Zhong Kui held the Fengmojian sword in one hand and the Suoyin hook in the other hand, with the soul-catching flag across his waist.

On the right hand side, Mr. Yin & Yang sits on a lotus platform, dragging the seal of the city god with one hand, and holding a measuring ruler with the other.

On both sides of the main hall, bull heads and horses face black and white impermanence day and night, standing in a row with the gods on the right.

On the left, the five generals showed murderous expression in their hands and held iron cables, and a row of bound demon ghosts stood aside respectfully.

The entire Great Hall can accommodate more than fifty people, and the ground is densely covered with futons.

People stepped forward one by one, inserting three pillars of fragrance into the huge incense burner at the feet of Qin Fengxiang, and more than fifty people knelt down in the Great Hall array to thank Qin Feng.

Strands of cyan power of faith poured out from everyone’s foreheads and slowly flowed into the statue of Qin Feng. The entire statue seemed to be shrouded in a golden light, and a ray of divine power instantly illuminated the entire Great Hall.

In addition, in the direction of Tianchi Mountain, the capital of Shu, towards the east, with the cooperation of more than a dozen masons, a huge god gradually revealed its true appearance.

It is seventy-one meters high and twenty-four meters wide at the shoulders. The huge idol sits upright in the mountains, gazing at the east with majesty.

There is a huge incense table at the feet of the statue, in which the burning fragrance is indelible by the wind and rain. The entire colossus exudes a faint golden light, which is more conspicuous at night.

The entire mountain was nourished by the divine power radiated by this statue, and the haze was swept away, and it was covered with mountain elixir.

For a time, city god temples and statues of Qin Feng continued to appear in various places in China. The strong power of faith flows from the bodies of the common people into the statues, and then flows out from various temples and statues, bringing China’s Each Chenghuang Temple is connected to each other.

As the power of a large number of beliefs slowly surging, all of them gathered into the world of Qin Feng’s dharma, Qin Feng suddenly raised his head, and the entire world of dharma was almost all exuding a light blue power of faith.

Qin Feng sat cross-legged in the world of Dhamma, his whole person was startled, the strong power of faith almost overwhelmed the world of Dhamma.

At this time, the reward sound of the system sign-in suddenly sounded in his mind.

“Successfully sign in, get a billion wisps of merit.”

Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this sound.

“A strand?”

Just as the next voice sounded, the entire world of Dharma Stage began to tremble.

From around the world of dharma, another thick purple auspicious cloud appeared.

The purple power of merit and the cyan power of faith rushed towards Qin Feng from all around like a tsunami. The extremely terrifying and powerful power instantly filled Qin Feng’s world of Dharma, and the thick auspicious clouds could not see the end for a while.


Purple auspicious clouds surged over Qin Feng’s head, a beam of light descended from the sky, and the strong energy instantly enveloped Qin Feng.

No matter where he could hear any systematic broadcast, Qin Feng just felt a few things appear in the world of dharma, and the rest was only the warmth and comfort surrounded by the power of merit.

The Sifang Ghost Emperor and Qin Zhengtian in the world of Faxiang trembled when they saw this scene.

This terrifying energy made them feel an unprecedented sense of awe.

As these strong energies began to be quickly absorbed by Qin Feng, the idols in various parts of China also emitted a fierce golden light.

The people in the temple saw this scene, but did not feel dazzling. On the contrary, it made people feel extremely comfortable like the warm sun in winter.

The golden light enveloped the entire land of China.

After a few minutes.

When the brilliance of the idols gradually faded, the surface of all idols was plated with a layer of gold.

The people in the temples and around the Tianchi Mountain colossus looked at the golden statues dumbfounded, and everyone was stunned.

The rickety old man also slowly straightened his back, because the person who was paralyzed by severe rheumatism suddenly felt warmth from the kneecap, and suddenly recovered from the injury.

But at this time, Qin Feng in the world of Fa-xiang slowly fell from mid-air, and stepped firmly in the world of Fa-xiang.

From the outside, it seems that no changes have taken place, and no extremely terrifying aura spreads towards the outside.

But when Qin Feng looked at the system panel, even himself opened his mouth in disbelief.

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

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