Chapter 384 Fortress

With the same notifications from all counties and counties, places with large populations are spiritual weapons, and smaller areas are the power of merit.

For Qin Feng, he would rather exchange these spirit instruments for incense merit.

Unfortunately, the current system does not seem to have a recycling function.

Fortunately, every time the ghost tide in a region is subdued, it will be systematically incorporated into its own jurisdiction.

At least it is not necessary for Qin Feng to spend a lot of extra incense merit to unlock his jurisdiction.

Looking at the clusters of purple auspicious clouds in the mid-air of the Faxiang World and a few spiritual artifacts exuding a strong breath on the side.

Qin Feng suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Mochu.

This thing has a peculiar shape, it doesn’t look like a weapon at all, it looks like an ornament.

One end is a sharp triangular pyramid, the other head is a round ornament like a hydrangea, which is covered with various ancient mantras.

The entire Jiang Mo pestle exudes a strong golden divine power, and its aura is extremely huge.

Heavenly weapon.

Reached out and grabbed another piece: Qibao Liulizhi.

It looks like an extremely ordinary branch, but the whole body is green and the material is like jade, but it does not have the warmth of jade, on the contrary it is a bit cold.

The whole branch is slowly absorbing the divine power in the world of law, and golden auras flow through the whole branch.

Qin Feng looked at the entire colored glaze branch, temporarily not knowing what he could use it for, so he threw it aside.

Immediately after he stretched out his hand, the last spiritual weapon was caught.

The heavenly weapon Ding Haizhu.

However, there seems to be no use for eggs.

Qin Feng casually threw these three spiritual weapons that were enough to make anyone rob his head in a corner of the world of Faxiang.

At first, there was actually a bunch of these things stored in the Hades’s JMC, but at that time the spirit tool rating was still only ground level.

But for these few heavenly weapons, there is not a handy thing that Qin Feng can use, it is better to split the sea by one-fifth.

Qin Feng looked at the purple auspicious clouds on the horizon, and beckoned, the large purple auspicious clouds flew towards Qin Feng immediately.

Slowly stopped on top of Qin Feng’s head.


The strong power of merit flowed out from the purple clouds in the sky like a waterfall, and hit Qin Feng.

A powerful force instantly surrounded Qin Feng, warm and comfortable.

At the same time, The Mortal Realm.

The first circle of the city wall was finally completed. The engineers on the city wall formed a circle, looking at the 66-meter-high and 33-meter-wide city wall, they finally breathed out.

Fifty or six engineers looked at the nine-story tower with glittering golden light inside the city wall, shocked in their hearts.

One of the engineers beat his waist and looked up at The Mortal Realm’s nine-story Haotian Tower:

“The gods can build a tall tower with a wave of hands. If this city wall is repaired by the gods, it will probably be a wave of time.”

“Zhang Gong, you are thinking about unrealistic things in one day. The gods are willing to use this tower to suppress the seal. This is the blessing of our entire China. Do you want to see us build the city wall?”

The engineer surnamed Liu jokingly hammered the shoulder of engineer surnamed Zhang, and the two of them looked at the tower with a touch of reverence.

The nine-story tower went straight into the sky, and when it was on the ninth floor, it was suddenly cut off as if it had been cut off by something, and nothing was seen.

But in a daze, he seemed to be able to perceive the rest of the paragraph except for the nine floors of The Mortal Realm.

“Liu Gong, what do you say this tower does?”

Zhang Gong took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and scattered them among the people around him.

Liu Gong lighted it skillfully and took a sharp breath:

“I think it might be a test for us. If you look at those TV series animations, the higher the tower is, the stronger the ability is. I guess the top of the tower is in the God Realm. At the top level, you can get the guidance of Lord God.”

“Spirit world?”

The middle-aged man squatting on the ground studying the drawings suddenly raised his head and said:

“There is a shit god realm in this world. If there is a god realm, there will be no ghosts in the world.”

Middle-aged people smashed a few cigarettes. For their generation, the appearance of gods has already subverted their perception of existence.

Not to mention the God Realm?

Several people echoed one after another:

“I think the gods should live on the top of this tower. I haven’t heard of the existence of the gods. I would rather believe that this tower is the home of the gods.”

At this moment, a ghost defender next to them suddenly interjected:

“This tower is not the home of the gods, it is the gateway to the realm.”

The ghost defender took a sharp sip, and the cigarette in his mouth instantly burned half of it.

The news immediately caused everyone to stare and open their mouths in shock.

“I remember that this place used to be a gateway to the realm. The realm can also be called the devil’s realm or the devil’s realm. It is full of ghosts and evil spirits.”

“Master God built this fortress, one is to reinforce the defense of The Mortal Realm, and the other is to lead an army of humans to attack the Demon Realm, completely eradicate all ghosts and evils in this world, and restore China’s peace and tranquility.”

The ghost guard leaned against the city wall and slowly exhaled a puff of white smoke.

He took another snorting, the cigarette in his hand was completely burned out, the ghost guard twisted two fingers, and the cigarette butt instantly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Several engineers grew their mouths, staring blankly at the majestic back of the ghost defender, and then turned to look at the nine-story tower.

All of them swallowed slowly.

Lord God wants to get rid of all the demons in the devil world!

The news quickly spread throughout Qingjiang District, and almost every engineer and worker immediately became excited.

“When I have repaired these walls, I will sign up, and I will also go to the Demon Realm to clean up those ghosts!”

The workers used the crane to hoist the huge bricks made of special materials while bragging to the commander in the walkie-talkie.

“Go to the left…to the left… so stop… whereabouts! Just you? Go to the Demon Realm to clean up the ghosts? I heard that even S-level people are not qualified. You are an ordinary person and want to go to the Demon Realm. Okay, in place… …Get the hook!”


There was a roar from the huge crane, and the steel cable rose quickly.

“Not everyone who comes out of the womb is a ghost defender? I can’t do it now, I can practice slowly!”

The crane rotates quickly and lifts the huge brick made of new special material from another place.

The walkie-talkie in the hoist again heard a commanding disdainful voice:

“Old man Qin lived more than a hundred years old before he reached the SSS level. He has never heard of him being in the Demon Realm. You should build your wall with peace of mind. Don’t think so far. When you become a ghost defender, there will be no one in the world. It’s a ghost.”

The crane master looked at the materials under his feet and the rising city wall, turned his head and found the giant exorcism cannon and the giant guided missile vehicle on the ground.

The crane master looked at the neatly arranged special weapons specially developed for ghosts and evil spirits with fiery eyes, and he was excited.

Continuously mumbled in his mouth:

“You don’t necessarily need a ghost defender to be qualified to go to war!”

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

Group number: 837230068, readers are welcome to come to brag and discuss the plot, thank you for your support.

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