Chapter 370 Attack on Shannan County

Wan Sen looked at Yaksha, who had rounded his sledgehammer, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He immediately picked up the ghost head stick. One section of the ghost head stick was a dark skull, and the other end was like a spike.

Wan Sen grasped the fine fragment and waved at Yaksha with the tip of the ghost.


When the weapons collided, Wansen’s tinnitus shook with a bell-like sound.

The intense pain in the tiger’s mouth caused Wan Sen’s face to twist together.

But he still held the Ghost Head Stick tightly in his hand.

Fish Head Yaksha’s sledgehammer hit the Ghost Head Rod and was shattered by terrifying force instantly. The Ghost Head Rod broke through the sledgehammer’s defense line and slammed straight towards Yaksha.


With a crisp sound, Yaksha’s abdomen was suddenly dented.

The figure flew back at the speed of Ye Yi, and even smashed the Cthulhu behind him.

Ye Yi sat up with difficulty, and Ghost Qi running inside his body began to repair his own dark wounds.

Zhang Fan grabbed the peach stick and Wan Sen to form a simple line of defense, piercing the attacking Cthulhu with a stick.

The mahogany stick is in the shape of a “y” and the branches are very sharp.

As an ancient spirit weapon, although this mahogany staff seems to be wood, it contains terrifying energy.

Zhang Fan can easily pierce the body of Cthulhu with a single aim.

General Man in the distance looked at the unusual power of the wooden stick in Zhang Fan’s hand, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

“Such a weak human being can easily pierce our armor? It seems that this is a treasure.”

General Man smiled to himself and slammed on his feet, and a terrifying force overflowed from his feet.

The whole figure rushed towards Zhang Fan like a cannonball.

When Zhang Fan was waving the peach stick, Yu Guang suddenly noticed a very fast figure flying towards him. Before he had time to retract the peach stick, a terrifying force appeared in his chest.


A sense of horror tearing spread all over Zhang Fan’s body, as if the whole person was about to be torn apart by this impact.

As Own’s figure fell toward the rear, Zhang Fan saw that the monster in front of him was trying to snatch the peach stick in his hand.


Zhang Fan exploded with all his strength, exuding a divine power from his body, which immediately burned on General Man Man.

“How can this kid have supernatural power?”

General Man made a strange noise in his mouth, his eyes showed a hint of horror, but he still didn’t let go.

After all, this divine power in Zhang Fan’s body was too weak to pose a threat to General Man.

Wan Sen saw his good brother Zhang Fan fly out and was about to go for rescue. He saw Ye Yi who was still meditating and adjusting his breath, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

“Ye Dage! Zhang Fan seems to have something wrong!”

Wan Sen yelled at Ye Yi again and again, backing back after being suppressed by the evil spirit army.

The speed of the ghost stick waving in his hand is getting slower and slower.

From the initial killing, it gradually became disabled and wounded.

Up to now, these evil gods can only slightly retreat a few steps.

Ye Yi clutched his chest, gritted his teeth and stood up with difficulty.

“Damn, it looks like these guys are interested in Zhang Fan’s weapon.”

Ye Yi reached out to touch the wooden sign of Chenghuang around his waist, ready to ask for help with Chenghuang.

Now he almost doesn’t ask for anyone except Qin Feng.

But before he completely pulled out the wooden sign from his waist, suddenly a strong and familiar breath came over.


Ye Yi’s complexion suddenly changed, and he felt this familiar force intently.

“Master Chenghuang!”

Ye Yi and Wan Sen couldn’t help but cried out in surprise.

At the same time, the two nodded to each other, and hurriedly ran towards Zhang Fan, who was thrown down by Generals behind him.

Zhang Fan gritted his teeth, the pain in his chest almost made him faint, General Man hugged Zhang Fan tightly, and quickly hit the edge of the ghost domain.


The huge impact shook the ghost domain for a while, and at the same time set off waves on the boundary at the edge of the ghost domain.


The moment Zhang Fan’s back touched the enchantment, a large pool of blood suddenly vomited from his mouth.

The blood suddenly splashed all over the general’s face.

General Man, who smelled the smell of blood, became more excited, his eyes glowed with red light, and the fangs in his mouth suddenly soared.

Two claws grabbed one toward the peach stick and the other toward Zhang Fan’s head in an attempt to get rid of Zhang Fan completely.

Seeing General Man’s movements, Zhang Fan couldn’t help feeling desperate, but the peach stick held tightly in his hand did not loosen at all.

At the moment General Man grabbed the peach stick, a terrifying energy suddenly came.

A faint green breath poured into Zhang Fan’s body, and the open wounds and dark wounds began to heal.

Zhang Fan sensed this gentle energy and swept it away with the peach stick in both hands.


A terrifying force immediately lifted General Man Man into flight.

General Man’s red eyes dimmed suddenly, but there was a panic on his face.

Because he felt a terrifying breath.

And this breath is not from the peach stick or Zhang Fan, it is from Qin Feng.

Although the mahogany staff is a spiritual weapon, it must have enough strength to exert its full strength. Zhang Fan has been suppressed and has no intention to fight back.

Instead, Qin Feng actively activated the Taomu staff.

As soon as Qin Feng passed by Zhang Fan and the others, he felt that they were being suppressed.

With a light flick in their direction, a ray of golden light flew towards their ghost domain.

He likes the human ghost defenders, especially the three of them who are determined to be human.

Such meritorious people can continuously provide Qin Feng with a steady stream of power of faith after they become mad believers, and after their prosperous life is over, Qin Feng can be more at ease with those positions of Yin Division given to them.

And in Ye Yi’s ghost domain, a terrifying golden light suddenly appeared.

After General Man felt the terrifying pressure from Qin Feng, his heart trembled and he raised his head and let out a sharp howl toward the sky:

“Quickly retreat!”

Qin Feng felt the roar, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These weak ghosts perceive that Qin Feng only has one idea of ​​running away, which is a good thing for Qin Feng.

Weak ghosts and evils are handed over to the human ghost defenders to deal with them in order to maximize the benefits.

At the same time, the golden light of Qin Feng flew into the ghost realm of Ye Yi and others, and the golden light turned into Qin Feng’s appearance.

A terrifying coercion erupted from Qin Feng’s phantom, bypassing the three of Ye Yi and directly covering a group of evil gods.

General Man’s whole person immediately froze in place.

The Guixie, who was approaching the Ghost Emperor level, stood in place like a stone statue and didn’t understand it.

It’s a pity that all this is too late.

Ye Yi and the three people looked at Qin Feng’s shadow and thanked them again and again.

At the same time, Zhang Fan was lifted up.

The peach stick in Zhang Fan’s hand gave out a burst of green light.

As a stream of green energy was injected into their bodies, open and dark injuries began to heal quickly.

Looking at General Man who was controlled by Qin Feng’s coercion, the three of them didn’t know where to start.

Wan Sen picked up the Ghost Head Stick and prepared to stab it down with the tip.

At this moment, Zhang Fan suddenly blocked Wan Sen’s movements and said:

“This guy’s strength is close to that of the ghost emperor, Ye Dage, try if you can catch his breakthrough own strength.”

Ye Yi’s eyes flashed with golden light, and his strength was now at SS rank. If he swallowed the spirit of this evil god, he might be able to successfully break through himself.

Ye Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed General Man’s head. A terrifying mental energy was transmitted into General Man’s mind along Ye Yi’s arm.

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

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