Chapter 368

Within Shannan County.

The boundary fissure is located around Cangshan Mountain in Shannan County.

And the evil god who entered The Mortal Realm this time is Yaksha.

After Zhu Jiuyin perceives the rich Ghost Qi in Shannan County, he wants to use the Heretic God to help him find the ancient spirit weapon.

Just a flash, Zhu Jiuyin immediately rushed to the outside of Shannan County.

The evil god Yaksha leader Xing Yi felt a powerful aura that was completely different from his entire ethnic group at the moment Zhu Jiuyin arrived in Shannan County.

With a group of entourage hurriedly came to the border of Shannan County.

“Candle Nine Yin?”

Xingyi looked at the red figure falling from the sky with an ugly face.

Fierce beasts are much stronger than their evil gods. Fortunately, Yi has the strength of ghosts, but Zhu Jiuyin is far above him, and even half of his body is already above the ghost ancestors.

And Zhu Jiuyin rushed to Shannan to take over this Heretic God Kingdom.

If he can successfully regain this Heretic God Kingdom, with the help of the Heretic God, he will surely be able to find a way to save the Demon Lord and them faster.

“What are you doing here?”

Fortunately, Xingyi frowned, holding the long knife at his waist tightly in his hands, and the entourage behind him also vigilantly pinched the spears and halberds in their hands.

“Look for your help.”

Zhu Jiu said indifferently.

The fire spirit in his mouth was slowly beating like a candle flame.

And this fire spirit is the difference between the candle dragon and the ordinary beast.

Although the strength is only the ghost ancestor, but with this fire spirit, the strength is far above the ghost ancestor, and it can even fight Ghost Immortals.

Fortunately, her brow furrowed, her eyes filled with doubts:

“An ancient fierce beast asks the evil god for help? What can I do for you?”

“The Mortal Realm has a deity with strong strength. I and Sang Liu can’t take care of it. We want to use your army to distract the deity so that we can find the weapons of the devil.”

The fire spirit in the mouth of Zhu Jiu Yin suddenly shook, and a dazzling light suddenly shot out, illuminating the pitch-black Shannan County into a day.

The flesh on Xingyi’s face trembled, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes:

“We still have our own things to do. The Mortal Realm’s army is surrounded by Shannan County, and your mess has nothing to do with me.”

Suddenly, Zhu Jiuyin frowned, and the long tail behind him swept:

“Then I have to grab it myself!”


The long tail of Zhu Jiuyin struck with a wave of mountains and seas. Fortunately, perceiving this majestic power, Xing Yi’s face suddenly turned for a hundred years, and his eyes widened in horror.


Fortunately, his sturdy legs slammed on the void, leaving a horrible energy vortex in the air.

The entourage also retreated one after another.


The long tail of Zhujiuyin suddenly swept away from the place where Xingyi had just been, and a clearly visible gap was drawn in the air.

Fortunately, the corner of his eyes twitched, he drew his waist knife abruptly and pointed towards the sky.

A burst of energy radiated from the tip of the knife, and a large army gathered behind him in the blink of an eye.

The fire spirit in the mouth of Zhu Jiu Yin suddenly flashed, and the raging fire suddenly increased several times.

The fire made a “puff puff puff puff” sound, and the whole body formed a sun-like fireball in front of the candle nine yin.

Fortunately, when he saw this, he swung his knife and pointed:

“Go! Kill him!”

The mighty Heretic God army immediately rushed towards Zhu Jiu Yin.

Zhu Jiuyin controlled the fireball to continuously burn an unquenchable flame on these evil gods, but after all, he only had one, and he was soon snatched by the evil gods.

“Puff! Puff!”

A long spear and short knives pierced Zhu Jiuyin’s body one after another.

Fortunately, looking at Zhu Jiuyin’s distorted face from a distance, he couldn’t help but smile:

“It’s nothing more than a tainted remnant soul, really you still have the abilities you once did?”

As he said, the wind shook the long knife in his hand and slashed it towards Zhu Jiuyin’s tail.


There was a sharp noise, and a section of his tail was cut off immediately after he picked up the knife and dropped the candle.

Zhu Jiuyin was in pain, gritted his teeth and wagged his tail fiercely, ignoring the sword soldiers that had broken on him, and hurriedly fled to the outside of Shannan County.

A group of evil gods behind him wielded incomplete weapons and screamed continuously.

“A mere candle and nine shadows still want to grab my site?”

Xing Yi walked towards a cave in Cangshan with the entourage behind him.

Just after driving away from Zhujiuyin, the morale of the army was in full swing, and he wanted to fight the iron north while it was hot.

Convene the fourth of the eight generals of Yaksha, and lead a group of troops just now to attack the Jiangxi border.

Strive to expand their territory to Jiangxi.

And the blockade they want to hit is the blockade where Ye Yi and others are located.

The four generals are Mo, Man, Zhi, and Wei.

Basically all have the strength close to the ghost emperor level.

Besides the three of them, Ye Yi’s defense line was mostly S-level ghost defenders, with only five SS-level ghost defenders.

The first line of defense was quickly broken through, and the defenders covered each other and retreated.

Liu Qi, the commanding captain of Line 1, ran towards the rear in a panic.

“Minister Zhan, the Heretic God Legion is coming so fiercely that the first line of defense can’t be held back at all.”

Zhan Yu said to Ye Yi with a serious expression:

“Pay attention to all three of you, I have to go to the front.”

Turning around, Zhan Yu got into the car with several other ghost guards. As the engine sent, a cloud of dust was raised behind the car.

“Ye Dage, shall we go too?”

Ye Yi looked at the thick Ghost Qi in Shannan County with a solemn expression.

The barracks they were in were quickly emptied, and all kinds of weapons to deal with ghosts and ghost defenders drove away.

Ye Yi glanced at the two people behind him:

“Go! Keep up with them!”

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Ye walked straight towards a transport truck.

It was bumpy all the way for a few minutes.

Ye Yi and the three people quickly felt a strong pressure, and the Ghost Qi in the air was sticky like a paste.

Every breath takes a lot of effort.

Zhang Fan held the peach stick in his hand tightly while Wan Sen also pulled the Ghost Head Stick from his back.

“get off!”

The commander in the car yelled, and Ye Yi decisively jumped off the slow-moving transport car.

The Ghost Qi in his hand rushed out immediately and began to circulate around him.

Then Wansen Zhang Fan and others in the car, a group of soldiers and police officers, and some wild ghosts wearing casual clothes like them jumped out of the car like dumplings.

At the same time, the transport vehicle turned the front of the vehicle and drove away.

Zhang Fan looked at the extremely rich Ghost Qi on the horizon, and the black fog—the ghost realm of the soldiers.

Can’t help but speed up my heartbeat and shortness of breath.

He grew up so old and had never seen such a scene before.

The whole area was lifeless, without a trace of living creatures, whether it was flowers, plants or animals.

There was nothing more than Ghost Qi, which was sticky and misty from the horizon.


Ye Yi suddenly ran towards Zhang Fan and the ghost realm suddenly unfolded.


The three of them were ringing in their tinnitus by a huge force at the same time.

The Ghost Qi that Ye Yi saw with both hands suddenly turned into two slender ghost claws.

His ghost domain was immediately torn apart, and a monster with a horse head and a harpoon in his hand suddenly appeared in front of them.

Officially one of the four generals of Yaksha.

Just as the three of Ye Yi gathered their sights on this monster, more Yaksha slid into the ghost realm full of generals.

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

Group number: 837230068, readers are welcome to come to brag and discuss the plot, thank you for your support.

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