Chapter 366 Self-destruction, Qingjiang Evil God


The entire space shook for a while, and everyone launched the ghost domain in an attempt to resist the simultaneous explosion of the seven ghosts.

When the shock wave of the explosion was about to touch Qin Zhengtian, a golden streamer suddenly gushed from Qin Zhengtian’s eyebrows, turning into a solid shield to surround Qin Zhengtian and Gehrman.


The moment the shock wave passed by everyone present, a terrifying wave of air was set off, and the snowflakes, soil, and stones on the ground were rolled up by this energy and dispersed towards the surroundings.

It can be clearly seen that under this impact, Shi Shan’s whole person was suddenly torn apart.

His eyes were full of despair and unwillingness when he saw the terrifying energy surging from Qin Zhengtian’s eyebrows.

The explosion of the seven ghosts seemed so small under the protection of this golden divine power.

The source of all this is Qin Feng.

At the moment when he sensed this energy, Gehrman’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t help feeling a panic of fear in his heart.

At the same time, he took a sigh of relief.

He chose the right camp.

At the same time, the energy in Qin Zhengtian’s eyebrows couldn’t help making Gehrman curious.

What is the strength of this god of China?

The energy produced by the explosion of the seven ghosts is almost no one under the ghost emperor can survive.

Gehrman’s gaze turned towards George and Ryan. At this time, where there were still their shadows, they had already turned into nothingness.

But Barton’s mecha was also torn to pieces by this terrifying force. If it weren’t for the protection of the mecha, Barton would have completely disappeared from this world a long time ago, including Divine Soul.


Patton suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the moment the blood touched the ground, it was frozen by the low temperature of the north.

As a ghost defender, he generally has a strong ability to withstand severe cold. Now, his fingers are stiff, and his body is stinged by the cold.

Patton looked behind him tremblingly, Qin Zhengtian and Gehrman stood quietly under a golden light as if they were okay.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened, and his whole body suddenly turned red.


A mouthful of blood mixed with dark red fragments sprayed out, dyeing a scarlet on the ground.

Patton stood up hard, as he gradually stood up.

The armor slipped from him “cracking”.

Following him limping towards Xing Yaoguo’s direction.

The fighter plane in the air stopped at a corner of the snow-capped mountain and rushed down a few dark shadows and ran towards Patton.

The aftermath completely dissipated, and Gehrman quickly bowed deeply to Qin Zhengtian:

“Thank Sizhu Qin for his life-saving grace.”

Qin Zhengtian waved his hand::

“Go back. Our defensive troops in Beichuan County and surrounding areas will rush to North Bear Country as soon as they control the local ghost tide.”

After speaking, he walked in the direction of China.

“Thank you Sizhu Qin!”

Gehrman looked at Qin Zhengtian’s back solemnly.

Fortunately, at least the own country has hope.

China Magic Capital County.

Qingjiang District.

Qin Feng’s soul floated into the world of Dharma, and the Sifang ghost emperors hurried over.

“The ghost emperors of all parties listen to orders!”

Qin Feng snorted.

The seven bend down and stand in front of Qin Feng respectfully.

“Ghost tides have erupted in various parts of China, and the seven of you are now ordered to go to various parts of China to protect the local people and help humans defending ghosts to calm the ghost tide!”

The seven quickly leaned over and bowed:

“Follow the order of Master Qin!”

Qin Feng waved his hand and sent the seven people in all directions.

At the same time, Qin Feng suddenly flipped his hand, and a golden light flew over him.

Wherever the mighty divine power went, Ghost Qi was dispelled one after another, and this divine power immediately surrounded the entire Qingjiang District.

After completely controlling Qingjiang District, Qin Feng’s thoughts moved, and the world of Dharma Forms immediately enveloped the entire Qingjiang District, and he immediately sensed a powerful existence.

“Ghost? Interesting.”

Qin Feng’s expression condensed, and when he moved his feet, he came to this evil god who exuded a powerful aura.

This monster with a look like a centipede, ten pairs of arms and ten heads, is the commander of this group of evil gods army-Ravana.

This evil god is greedily consuming the human Blood Essence and some animals captured by his men.

When he sensed Qin Feng’s existence, Luo Po stopped in horror.

The Blood Essence in the air suddenly stopped flowing, and a group of weak human animals on the ground immediately fell to the ground, almost leaving only a breath.

As soon as Qin Feng lifted his hand, he immediately included these humans and small animals into the world of dharma.

The Heretic God flapped its wings vigilantly, and immediately moved away from Qin Feng for a certain distance.

At the same time, there was a roar from his throat, but all this became a language he could understand in Qin Feng’s ears.

“How dare you interfere with my cultivation?”

Qin Feng couldn’t help frowning slightly, and a ray of divine power flew out from his mouth:

“Tell you how to escape from the realm, and I will make your death easier!”

The evil god couldn’t help but let out a hoarse, strange laugh.

The advantage of this type of evil god is that it is extremely fast, so in their eyes, opponents who are slightly stronger than themselves still have the power to fight.

Luo Pona shook his wings suddenly, and the entire ghost body was stretched suddenly, and flew sideways toward Qin Feng with a whistling.

Qin Feng shot it out with a palm, and the terrifying energy instantly rushed towards Luo Pona like a tsunami.

However, this evil god figure suddenly stopped, and immediately drew away from this energy.

This is the advantage of their race.

Even if they can’t beat them, they are confident that they can escape.

Luo Pona’s figure quickly rushed to Qin Feng’s body. Twenty arms stretched out ghost claws and slammed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn’t dodge or dodge, but reached out his hand to catch Luo Po Na.


Luo Po’s ghost claws immediately pierced into Qin Feng’s body.

A few green smoke overflowed from the dense wounds on Qin Feng’s body.

And the divine power in Qin Feng’s body was constantly burning Lavuna’s claws, and at the same time Qin Feng’s hand had already held Lavna’s wings.

Both a god and a ghost felt a tingling pain one after another.

Ravana’s ten ugly heads were roaring with twisted faces and grinning.

And Qin Feng frowned as he was corroded by the thick Ghost Qi.

“This thing still has some strength, it’s a pity to kill it.”

Qin Feng began to make a decision in his mind, and now it is time for a shortage of manpower. This guy should be refined into his own helper in order to maximize the benefits.

When Luo Po’s just pierced into Qin Feng’s body, Ghost Qi was still driving his body to corrode Qin Feng. When he sensed that Qin Feng’s domineering energy was starting to corrode himself, Luo Po’s began to panic.

“What are you doing!”

Luo Po roared with that mouth and began to struggle at the same time.

However, the Ghost Qi in Qin Feng’s hands was tightly tied to Luo Pona’s body like an iron chain.


A faint voice came, and Luo Po’s struggling movements gradually began to slow down, but a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to perceive what Qin Feng was going to do to him, and his twenty blood-red eyes stared at Qin Feng in front of him.

He don’t want to be enslaved, even if it’s gone!

Immediately, Ravana’s body began to swell, and in his body, a wave of terrifying energy began to converge.

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

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