Chapter 364

Xing Yaoguo Parliament Building.

Conference room.

Barton and Yamaguchi gathered together, the Alliance Council lost Idra, and the former commander had to carry the leader’s banner. An SS-class early stage ghost defender became the only council president of the Alliance, Ryan.

The Eagle Nation also had to send Prince George to Xing Yao Nation for help.

They knew that Xingyao had a complete mecha unit, which was sufficient to resist the ghosts of ghosts.

Although the entire Eagle Nation has only three boundary cracks, it still caused Ryan to be overwhelmed. Their entire country is not half the size of China. Only 30,000 ghosts have less than three thousand SS-level ghosts. It was with the help of Xing Yao that he managed to form an army.

Most of the resources are plundered from other countries. With the backing of Xingyao Country, basically no one dares to stop it in the world.

In the same alliance, there are only SS-level ghost guards who are less than five thousand, but this time the ghost tide is countless only the ghost-lord-level ghosts, and these countries have no qualifications to resist.

In desperation, they had to come for help and Button.

However, Xing Yaoguo at this time no longer had the same scenery as before.

Button looked as if he had been several decades old, and his dry face was covered with wrinkles, and he seemed to be more sluggish than Qin Zhengtian.

Button rubbed his face anxiously, and said impatiently:

“There are 16 rifts in our country, and the total offensive and defensive army is only more than 200,000 people. They are all on the front line. How do you ask me to deploy my troops to help you?”

The leaders of the other three countries suddenly opened their eyes:

“Two hundred thousand defenders with sixteen cracks?”

Patton’s distorted face kept twitching, and he smashed the desk with a fierce punch:

“A lot? Only five of the 16 cracks have successfully established effective lines of defense. There are already eight cracks that have completely collapsed. Half of Star Yao Nation has been completely occupied. How do you want me to dispatch troops?”

Button approached the three of them step by step, his eyes full of anger and murder staring at Yamaguchi:

“There were only four ghost emperors in the south. How much do you think my 160,000 army can dispatch to destroy them?”

“Apart from this, there are countless ghost kings and ghost kings. Even if all the armies of our four countries are united, they may not be able to control this ghost wave.”

Barton was talking, looking at the crowd with blood-red eyes, and made no secret of the anger on his face:

“If it hadn’t been for that damn god to kill our guard, how could our defense line collapse so fast!”

At this time, Ryan was slightly retreated for a few steps. The moment Patton turned around, he turned his head and leaned in George’s ear and said:

“Now there is only Qin Zhengtian in the world as an SSS guardian. According to the international treaty, he must take action to help us suppress the ghost tide.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Button couldn’t help laughing:

“Innocent things, do you think you have followed me to attack China, will Qin Zhengtian still help you suppress the ghost tide?”

Ryan flushed immediately.

At this moment, the corners of George’s mouth suddenly rose slightly:

“It was your idea to attack China at the time. We were totally intimidated by you, Yamaguchi, Ryan, am I right?”

Button suddenly turned dark, and a burst of anger rose in his heart:

“I see who of you dare to go!”

“Don’t forget that we are the United United Front. It was not my Xing Yaoguo who provided resources to help you build an army. You have long since disappeared from this world!”

George suddenly exploded a Ghost Qi all over his body, looking at Button angrily:

“Now that several of our countries are all caught up in ghosts, at least we should also consider those innocent citizens!”

Shi Shan suddenly drew the shikigami banner from his waist:

“If you dare to stop, now we will disappear from this world together!”

Button’s pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn’t help swallowing when he saw the five flags in Shishan’s hand.

Without the presence of SSS-level ghost guards, the detonation force of the five ghosts was enough to level the building.

The attack method of the sunrise country is extremely restrained from the human ghost defenders, which is the only reason why their small country and the few people have been able to contend with ghosts and evil until now.

Ryan took George and Yamaguchi a flash and left Xing Yaoguo’s parliament building.

With the roar of engines, a jet helicopter swiftly headed towards China.

A white shadow was drawn across the sea.

Barton looked through the window helplessly at a trailing shadow drawn on the sea, and the trees fell and scattered.

In a short period of time, the unified united front supported by Xing Yaoguo suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, a person suddenly broke into Patton’s office in a panic:

“General Barton, another ghost emperor-level ghost has appeared in the crack number 9, and all the defenders have lost contact.”

Patton’s eyes widened and turned his head abruptly, and asked with a look of horror:

“Crack Nine? How many defenders?”

“Seven thousand four, eight hundred and twenty people with SS-level powers, and the remote protocols of the power mechas all failed, and they were out of the control of the headquarters.”

The fall of the ninth crack means that two-thirds of the Xingyao Country has been completely occupied by ghosts.

Barton sat slumped on a chair in the office, looking at the ceiling with empty eyes.

Before he could take a few breaths, he suddenly rushed in. Half of the mecha on this guy was shattered, leaving only half of his chest and a few pieces of armor on one of his legs.

“Boom! Boom—”

The moment the whole person extinguished the engine, he immediately fell heavily next to Button.

Looking at this picture, it is very likely that he escaped from the front line.

“Report to Patton… General… Commander-in-Chief… Joseph was killed, the First Army… was completely wiped out. A ghost above the SSS level appeared in the cracks in the 13th district. I am a soldier of the First Army with the number SS-0754, the only one. Survived.”

Patton was almost completely welded to the chair, unable to move.

He hardly had any strength when he heard the news, and even every breath became extremely difficult.

In his memory, he has never heard of ghosts above the SSS level.

Patton stared at the ceiling blankly:

“I knew this would be the result, so I shouldn’t be an enemy of China…”

At this moment, he didn’t have a trace of strength on his body, and he collapsed weakly on the seat.

The ghost guard who entered the room first walked up and said with a solemn expression:

“General Patton… I think… why don’t you ask for help… China?”

“After all…Xing Yaoguo still has millions of innocent people…”

After the man finished speaking, he didn’t know what to do. First of all, Patton would probably not agree, and secondly, China might not help.

Patton turned his head and glanced at the ghost defender, and sat up with difficulty holding a chair:

“Look for Qin Zhengtian…”

Suddenly, his eyes were confused, and he stood up with his chair.

“Is there any other way…no!…I have to go to Qin Zhengtian!”

Button solemnly pushed away the soldier in front of him, and ran straight to the airport.

The whole person’s face was extremely distorted, and he murmured:

“The people are not guilty, and Qin Zhengtian will not sit idly by!”

Button has never asked for help in his entire life, except for Odin since he took this position.

Moreover, it is to seek help from a person and a country that I despise the most.

Barton couldn’t help gritting his teeth, his eyes cracking.

Not only asked Qin Zhengtian, but also found a suitable and sufficient reason.

While running, Button kept thinking about excuses in his mind.

Then he repeated silently in his mouth:

“All this is Odin’s arrangement. Odin is now dead, and the people of our country are innocent!”

PS: Dear readers, the number of words in the book is now close to 800,000, and a new world will be opened soon. There are still many plots worth discussing, so a reader group has been specially formed.

Group number: 837230068, readers are welcome to come to brag and discuss the plot, thank you for your support.

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