Chapter 349: The First Meeting

After Qin Fengzhu killed the Demon Lord, he also suffered a lot of injuries.

Qin Zhengtian adjusted his breath several times and stepped towards Qin Feng:

“Qin Zhengtian, on behalf of all the people of China, thank you adults for your action.”

Qin Feng heard Qin Zhengtian’s voice and nodded slightly:

“You don’t have to be polite, Sizhu Qin, you can just call me Qin Feng.”

Qin Feng has never been accustomed to these weird names. He was also an ordinary person in his previous life, and being called by people who are also humans always gave him a weird feeling.

Qin Zhengtian then cautiously asked:

“Qin… Your lord…”

After thinking about it, I really didn’t know what to call it. Seeing that Qin Feng hadn’t stopped him, Qin Zhengtian continued:

“The seven people just now seem to be the five legendary ghost emperors. What official position does the lord occupy now?”

Qin Zhengtian naturally knew the legendary five ghost emperors, but the five ghost emperors were ghosts and gods under the command of Emperor Fengdu, and were equal to the King of Hell.

If Qin Feng is still King of Hell, it is obviously impossible to command the five ghost emperors.

And he is the first inheritor of China’s divine power, and this divine power comes from Emperor Fengdu.

Qin Zhengtian guessed that the current Qin Feng was probably the Emperor Fengdu.

After Qin Feng adjusted his breath, most of the intense pain from Shenhun dissipated, and he responded:

“Now he has been promoted to Emperor Fengdu.”

Qin Feng opened his eyes abruptly, and a ray of golden light flashed by.

When Qin Zhengtian heard Qin Feng say that own is Emperor Fengdu, his eyes widened.

Excited hands could not stop shaking:

“The inheritance I have obtained comes from Emperor Fengdu.”

A touch of surprise flashed in Qin Feng’s eyes.

I only know that China has some inheritors of divine power, but I didn’t expect it to be the great emperor Yu Fengdu.

It seems that the power they inherited is very likely to be the last Emperor Fengdu.

“Then do you know about the world and the battle a hundred years ago?”

Qin Feng couldn’t wait to figure out what the world was like.

Since he just crossed into this world, everything here has left him at a loss.

Now I can finally find a chance to uncover the true face of this world.

Must be well grasped.


Qin Zhengtian’s mind was spinning fast, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he responded:

“I have indeed inherited the divine power and memory of Emperor Fengdu, but I am not very clear about the realm, but Qin Zihan has inherited a Divine Sense from Nv Xi. It’s better to ask Qin Zihan.”

Qin Feng was surprised secretly, it was really effortless.

With a finger hook, a wisp of terrifying power immediately caught Qin Zihan by their side.

Qin Zihan looked at the strange environment blankly, a flash of panic in his eyes.

Suddenly she saw Qin Zhengtian and Qin Feng, and immediately knew where she was.

Since Xishan City, Qin Feng’s image has been deeply imprinted in Qin Zihan’s mind. Now that they meet again, Qin Zihan’s eyes are full of excitement.

However, now Qin Feng is already a real god, Qin Zihan was at a loss for a while, and didn’t know what to do.

Seeing that Qin Zihan and Qin Zhengtian were extremely restrained, Qin Feng had to explain:

“You don’t have to think of me as a god. Just like you, I’ve always been an ordinary human before. All this is just a coincidence.”

Then Qin Feng continued to ask:

“I heard Sizhu Qin say that you have inherited a ray of Divine Sense of female ghosts. Has she ever told you about the realm?”

A touch of joy appeared in Qin Zihan’s eyes, and he was about to speak.


Her eyes suddenly became hollow, a ray of golden Divine Sense emerged between the three of them, and it took Qin Zihan a while to come back to his senses.

The figure of the female ghost was weak, and Qin Feng immediately sensed that the strength of the female ghost was not the same as the demon lord just now, but was somewhat similar to himself.

As a result, Qin Feng lifted his hand slightly, infusing him with a strong ray of divine power.

The figure of the female ghost immediately solidified a lot.

An ancient etiquette was performed in the eyes of the woman with gratitude.

“You can’t speak?”

Qin Feng could not help being a little curious when he saw the female Yanzhi’s actions. Although the images of the two female Yanzhi recorded in ancient books were beautiful and ugly, no one said she was dumb.

The female Yun opened her teeth slightly, and a voice like a spell came immediately.

Qin Zhengtian and Qin Zihan suddenly looked at a loss, completely unaware of what she was talking about.

However, this old saying, like a spell, could be clearly understood when it was introduced into Qin Feng’s ears.

Even Qin Feng himself mastered this language without a teacher.

“Say it, I can understand.”

Qin Feng responded with the same spell-like language.

The female ghost immediately saw a joy, and she informed everything in the realm:

“The leader in the realm is the demon god who just confronted you, named Chi You.”

“The entire realm is sealed with ten ancient demon gods: Xing Tian, ​​three-legged Golden Crow, Kua Fu, Gong Gong, Fei Lian, Ping Yi, Hou Qing, Yin Ling Zi, and Chi You and me.”

“In addition to us, there are countless fierce beasts, such as the candle dragon, the willow, the gluttonous crowd. And countless evil gods, ghosts and evil.”

After listening to Qin Feng, his expression suddenly became serious.

Qin Feng asked quickly what kind of boundary, it was clearly the lair of ghosts and evil spirits:

“Then do you know the origin of this realm?”

The female ghost nodded:

“Chi You is at odds with my father’s ideals, so he summoned a kind of evil god and beast to attack my father, which led to the great war between ghosts and gods a hundred years ago.”

“The battle was not divided, but Chi You and the others had been in contact with The Mortal Realm for a long time, causing the evil thoughts in the body to obliterate the good thoughts, and my father and the gods did not completely destroy them. Qualifications can only use the power of the gods to seal these demons and ghosts one after another.”

“That realm, in fact, is the same as your world. It was transformed by my father’s law. Without ghosts in the world, there would be no incense from The Mortal Realm in the gods, so the seal was loosened, and some ghosts with weak seals escaped. Came out.”

Qin Feng couldn’t help muttering to himself: “These gods are not rigorous in their affairs?”

Seeing that Qin Feng did not continue to inquire, the female Yun said:

“I was originally the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, in the same blood line as the gods, but because of the turbidity in the battle, evil thoughts suppressed my kind thoughts. Not long ago, the realm was shaking, and I took advantage of the evil thoughts to be suppressed and then escaped. Come out, I beg you to help me recover.”


Qin Feng frowned:

“How can I help you recover?”

The female ghost didn’t know how to answer for a while, she thought for a long time before she said:

“My body is sealed in the realm, and now there is only my evil thoughts in the realm. I hope that my evil thoughts can be completely wiped out and my name can be justified.”

Qin Feng couldn’t help being surprised, and then asked:

“How much is the strength of the Demon God in the realm compared to me?”

The female ghost released a wisp of Divine Sense, visited Qin Feng and replied:

“Far above you, Chi You’s strength is a hypocrite, your current strength can closely compare with some fierce beasts.”

Qin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

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