Chapter 342: The Might of a Thousand Faces, the Evil God backlash

Lord of Shu, Qixing Blood Pool.

There was a sneer in his eyes with thousands of faces, and he looked at Qin Zhengtian who had turned into a streamer and flew out.

“Small bugs.”

Qianmian sneered in disdain.

As soon as she uttered her voice, she felt a powerful energy fluctuation.

“Oh? Xiaochenghuang…”

Qianmian sensed that the breath was getting closer and closer to her, and at the same time the faint smile on her face gradually stagnated.

Instead, his eyes opened wider and wider.

A look of horror gradually emerged from her face.

“That Chenghuang! How could it be possible!”

“How could he Ascension so fast?”

Thousand Faces widened her eyes, and suddenly a strong aura burst out from her body, and her sleeves suddenly disappeared automatically, and thick energy surrounded her, preparing to resist the powerful force from Qin Feng.


The moment that golden light hit Qianmian’s body, a muffled sound was heard in her ears, and a horrible breath almost suppressed her breath.

In her impression, Qin Feng was just a little god at the level of a ghost king who had just recovered.

The current strength gave Qianmian an unfathomable feeling.

As soon as Qianmian blocked this energy, her pupils suddenly shrank and she turned her head abruptly.


The eyes of the Qixing Blood Pool were extremely confused by the impact of this golden light.


Thousands of faces flashed in horror, and quickly rushed to the distance within a hundred steps of the eyes.

Constantly instilling her own power into the array eyes, suppressing the chaotic breath of the array eyes.

The eyes of Yinyuan suddenly dimmed, like a candlelight blown by the strong wind, almost completely extinguished.

Fortunately, Qianmian remedy it in time. With the constant instilling energy into the array eye, the array eye finally came back to life.

And the other side.

Qin Zhengtian was lifted so far by the majestic energy of Thousand Faces, and finally stopped in the air.

After sensing Qin Feng’s breath, Qin Zhengtian’s cloudy eyes seemed to have brilliance again.

“China is saved!”

Qin Zhengtian couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

At the same time, he adjusted his breath, and this energy should also indicate that the gods are about to leave.

He should do his best to stop Qianmian’s behavior.

Qin Zhengtian knew the strength of the realm, and no one knew the realm better than him.

Therefore, we must not let Thousand Faces completely smash the seal.

Qin Zhengtian believed that Qin Feng was now able to easily handle a thousand faces, but for the realm, not to mention that he was Qin Feng alone, even if the original master of his body’s divine power, Fengdu the Great, was present.

Not necessarily able to deal with the entire realm alone.

A faint golden light shone from Qin Zhengtian’s body, and it was just the golden light that made him not seriously hurt.

A flash, a golden light flew towards Qianmen again.

The Thousand Faces on the edge of the Seven-Star Blood Pool finally protected Yin Yuan’s chaos, and the Seven-Star Blood Pool began to operate again.

Before Qianmian had time to adjust her breath, another familiar breath quickly approached her.

“The old immortal thing!”

Qian Mian gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly, and a burst of anger in his heart suddenly rose with resentment.

If you can’t vent to Qin Feng, just use this old man to vent his hatred!

The sleeves of the Thousand Faces jerked for a while, and a crimson and black Realm suddenly unfolded.

The rich energy converges into a river, which has a slight similarity with those rivers in the boundary.


The river made of pure energy made loud noises, and a wave of waves rose suddenly.

Qin Zhengtian had also arrived, and with a fierce wave of his hands, a stream of light suddenly appeared from his fingertips.

The ghost domain of the thousand faces was torn into a small crack, and Qin Zhengtian’s ghost domain was based on this crack, unfolding within it, competing with the blood domain of the thousand faces for territory.

The rich golden light in Qin Zhengtian’s hand rose sharply, and with a fierce wave of the sleeves of the thousand faces, the spray rose several feet high in vain.

Two terrifying energies slammed into each other.

At the moment of contact, the two identical energies erode each other and cancel each other out.

The light gradually began to dim.

The surrounding space was torn out a series of scars, and the pure power after offset poured into the cracks and began to slowly repair.

Seeing that this old man still had some abilities, Qianmian suddenly thought about it.

I saw that the seven-star blood pool that was in motion was suddenly drawn out of a bright red energy, which flew towards Qin Zhengtian.

Like the tentacles of an octopus, they started to grab Qin Zhengtian.

The power of the Seven-Star Blood Pool was almost inexhaustible when it was running, and Qianmen obviously had the upper hand.

The energy of Qin Zhengtian’s body was gradually weakened.

Divine power and Ghost Qi are being consumed in huge amounts.

The energy contained in a person’s body is actually limited.

During the operation of the Seven-Star Blood Pool, it can absorb all the surrounding energy that is almost irresistible, and transform it into the energy needed by the thousand faces to gather in the hidden element of the array.

The energy that a thousand faces can call is almost unlimited.

Qin Zhengtian felt the increasing pressure, but he could no longer withdraw.

Once this type of confrontation is chosen, whoever withdraws first will be backlashed by the power of the two at the same time.

“Unblock Cthulhu!”

Right now, Qin Zhengtian only had this thought in his mind.

The ghosts and evils in every ghost defender are much higher than their own.

The higher the rating, the greater the gap.

And he himself has the inheritance of divine power, and may be able to use the ghosts and evils in his body to co-process a thousand faces with himself.

Qin Zhengtian gritted his teeth and was about to shoot.


There were bursts of visions suddenly appeared in him.

Qin Zhengtian’s eyes widened in horror, and the Heretic God, who had been sealed by both ghost energy and divine power, seemed to want to backlash him at this time.

Qin Zhengtian used perception to observe the seal inside his body, while looking at the thousand faces in the distance.

At this time, I couldn’t let Qianmen find a vision.

Qin Zhengtian gritted his teeth, his heartbeat speeded up suddenly, and fine beads of sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

Could it be that the energy of the blood pool resonated with the evil god in his body?

Qin Zhengtian felt that the energy that was constantly eroding him like octopus tentacles was somewhat similar to the power of ghosts in his own body.

Qianmian’s breath continued to strengthen, and Qin Zhengtian’s breath gradually became weaker.

Qin Zhengtian’s eyes gradually began to glow with blood, and his attention slowly moved away from Qianmen.

At this time Qianmian felt Qin Zhengtian’s vision, and an idea rose in his heart.

Completely punish Qin Zhengtian!

A great opportunity of a lifetime.

Such a confrontation would only damage Qin Zhengtian’s soul and greatly reduce his strength.

But a ghost defender and divine power inheritor who almost reached the ghost emperor must have a way to escape.

Even after Death, after Samsara, Divine Soul will still have the qualification to inherit divine power.

But with the opportunity of the ghost backlash, let his spirit become the nourishment of his own ghost and evil, and at the same time control the ghost and evil in the next Restrictions, it can completely make Qin Zhengtian disappear from this world.

Qianmian began to slowly converge his breath, and as the strength of the two gradually disappeared, Qin Zhengtian was already deeply trapped in the vortex resisting the evil spirits in his body.

As the two’s enormous power disappeared, Qianmian gradually began to cautiously approach Qin Zhengtian.

Qianmian raised his hands slightly, and a peculiar formation formed on Qin Zhengtian’s head.

“Dead old man, it’s over!”

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