Chapter 320

“Thousand-faces? Heavenly evil? The organization of the Yang?”

Secretary Yin & Yang is puzzled, the underworld generally does not govern things in the sun, except for the evil spirits or the ghosts in the jurisdiction that disturb the peace, the underworld will take action.

Now King of Hell suddenly let them pay attention to a Yangjian organization, Zhong Kui, Yin & Yang Si Gong and others are at a loss.

“Yes, the Yangjian organization. But I speculate that they are probably related to the realm.”

From the first group of ghost guards who robbed his gods, to the relics of Xishan City, the cracks in the boundary between Lintian Sect and Demon Capital in the northeast.

Every time the incident continued, the final clue was directed to Tianxie.

And not long ago, there had been such a big change in Shu Capital, and Qin Feng couldn’t help but associate everything with Tian Xie.

Qin Feng Sisi fell into the memory:

“Almost every time a major event occurred, all the clues were somewhat implicated in this Tianxie, and Tianxie has been in the dark. It is too difficult to find clues.”

All kinds of signs almost indicate that the heavenly evil must have a deep connection with the realm.

Those captured Tianxie members will always explode and die at the moment Qianmen is mentioned, and all clues will be completely disconnected.

Zhong Kui suddenly cupped hands:

“Now that the Underworld is strong, and those thousand faces are no more than human ghosts, I have entered the realm of the ghost emperor. Once I get the news of the evil, I will lead the ghosts and gods of the underworld to destroy it together.”

Qin Feng frowned and shook his head:

“Thousand-face ability cannot be underestimated. The organization that has been lurking in China for so many years has not been found by the Special Affairs Bureau for any clues. We may not be able to get it easily.”

“Even if you get news about Senmian or Tianxie, you must not act rashly. Senmian is likely to know a lot about the realm, and it may also have a way to get through the realm and the Mortal Realm.”

As he said, suddenly Qin Feng looked around the ghosts and gods with solemn expression:

“Once the realm is connected to The Mortal Realm, it will not be easy for you and I to control. Even if we are not harmed in the Hades, the hundreds of millions of gods in The Mortal Realm will probably cease to exist.”

“Don’t arrogantly make suggestions and startle the snake!”

Once Tianxie really has a great relationship with the realm, the strength in the realm is not yet known, but a weak Divine Sense attached to the ordinary ghost has the strength of the ghost king.

And in the magic capital, the ghost emperor’s upward wave of terrifying energy was created.

No one knows the true appearance of the realm at present, but after he completely absorbs the essence of the Styx, he can probably also have the strength of the ghost emperor, and he must also have the strength to fight against it.

After hearing this, the ghosts and gods looked shocked and said:

“Follow the order of Lord King of Hell.”

After Qin Feng explained, he added:

“Anything else to report?”

At this moment, Bai Wuchang suddenly took a step forward and took out a stone that exudes colorful light from between his sleeves:

“Master King of Hell, this is a spiritual tool left by the members of the Tianxie organization before their death. Master Zhong Kui saw the breath of this thing, Bufan, and handed it over to me for Master King of Hell’s temporary storage.”

Qin Feng raised his hand, and a suction force immediately grabbed the beautiful stone in his hand.

The moment he started, a warmth spread to Qin Feng’s body composed of Divine Sense.

A stream of light suddenly circulated around his divine body.

Qin Feng was shocked when he sensed this power:

“This thing actually contains divine power?”

Qin Feng was playing with the warm stone in his hands, but for the time being, he couldn’t be distracted to do other things. Qin Feng just put the stone in his sleeves:

“You said this is a spiritual weapon of a member of Tianxie, is that person dead?”

Secretary Yin & Yang replied solemnly:

“That person seems to have triggered some Restrictions. Suddenly, his soul exploded, blasting Master Zhong Kui into serious injuries. If it weren’t for Master King of Hell’s Ghost Maru, Master Zhong Kui would have died in nine deaths.”

Zhong Kui nodded slightly when he saw Qin Feng’s eyes look at him.

Heiwuchang also added:

“This person is similar to Shan Si and others interrogated by the Evil Punishment Division before, and they are all caused by an explosion triggered by certain Restrictions.”

Qin Feng frowned when he thought of that terrifying energy:

“What is the strength of that person?”

“The Peak Ghost King.”

Qin Feng’s heart was shocked. At that time, the single thought burst body was just the strength of a ghost general, and he almost turned the Yinsi upside down. What kind of damage can a peak-level ghost king burst body?

Suddenly Qin Feng’s expression on Zhong Kui changed slightly.

Although it is the resurrection god collected in the Samsara, it is as Zhongkui as the ghost and god rewarded by the system, which makes people admire.

Qin Feng’s sleeves moved again, and a faint golden divine power suddenly floated out from between his sleeves, covering Zhong Kui’s ghost body.

The faint golden energy began to repair Zhong Kui’s damaged spirits and ghosts, and Zhong Kui’s figure solidified again.

As the golden light gradually dissipated, Zhong Kui quickly knelt to thank.

Qin Feng just raised his hand and lifted Zhong Kui up again:

“Apart from this five-color stone, do the ghosts and gods have anything else to report?”

The ghosts and gods looked at each other and shook their heads.

Qin Feng continued:

“Next, I will continue to concentrate on Closed Door Training and thoroughly absorb the energy of the fusion of the Stygian essence. You still perform your duties, but you must pay attention to the movement of The Mortal Realm Special Affairs Bureau.”

“At the same time, you must Ascension own strength as soon as possible. Although the Hades has many evils, you still have to support the main combat power. All the duties of the Hades of Hades are still in charge of me by Zhong Kui.”

After speaking, Qin Feng immediately turned into a golden streamer and disappeared from Yan Luo Great Hall.

“Follow the decree of Lord Yama.”

Zhong Kui and the other gods greeted the golden light that went away one after another.

The wisp of Qin Feng’s soul flew back to the midair of The Netherworld in a blink of an eye, and then merged with his own ontology again.

At the moment of fusion, the Five Light Stone suddenly emitted a five-color divine light, lingering on Qin Feng who was sitting cross-legged in the air in The Netherworld.

It can be clearly sensed that Qin Feng’s absorption of Styx’s power has obviously accelerated a lot.

“What is this? It has such a supernatural power.”

Qin Feng couldn’t help being overjoyed. This stone looked like a ground-level spiritual weapon, but it contained a divine power that could help him absorb the energy of the refining Styx essence for his own use faster.

After Shen Xin adjusted his breath, the energy of Qin Feng’s body immediately became a bit rich, and a huge force continued to circulate by Qin Feng’s side.

In the Yan Luo Temple, the ghosts and gods watched Qin Feng leave for a long time, before standing straight.

Zhong Kui raised his eyes to look at the people:

“You continue to return to your own mansion to perform your duties. If you have any news about the evil or the realm, you must report back to the underworld as soon as possible.”

Yin & Yang Si Gong and other ghosts and gods bowed deeply:


The ghosts and gods turned into streamers and flew towards the own mansion.

The entire The Netherworld and Yin Division immediately began to operate normally.

However, there was a panic in the Kyoto Special Affairs Bureau.

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