Chapter 311


Gehrman looked at Qin Zhengtian puzzled.

“Now the ghosts and evil spirits in those realms are becoming more and more active, regardless of whether there is anyone behind them controlling them, or whether they are guiding them behind them, just from the point of view of the demon capital, the ghosts and evil spirits in the realm It is a ghost who has the ability to think independently and has the ability to organize, rather than just acting ignorantly according to own instinct.”

“Their purpose is to expand the gap in the Demon Capital and to summon more ghosts in the realm to come to the human world. The gaps in the entire world are countless. Once they are all activated, the result can be imagined.”

Qin Zhengtian raised his head instead, staring at Gehrman with deep eyes.

“Just put it straight, what information do you want to know.”

Gehrman was a little embarrassed to see Own Cao Si being seen through.

But for the safety of the people of his country, he no longer detours:

“I have sent some people to China to inquire before, but the information I got is not complete. I just want to know about the two things about Chenghuang and Tianxie.”

“As you said, once those ghosts and evil spirits appear in this world wildly, we who defend against ghosts may be able to struggle to survive, but what about other ordinary civilians? Even the weakest evil spirit can hurt ordinary people’s lives. , Not to mention… the kind of magic city.”

Gehrman once again looked at the energy vortex above the magic city, and he could obviously perceive that the energy in it had increased a bit, and more and more ghosts were squeezing out of the gap and falling towards the ground.

Qin Zhengtian walked twice in front of Gehrman with his hands behind his back, not knowing where to start for a while.

After thinking for a while, Qin Zhengtian stopped abruptly:

“Chenghuang…I don’t even know much information at the moment. What you can find in China is basically everything I know. We can only speculate about his true strength and source, but his existence must be related to ghosts. Recovery is related.”

“But the various deeds that have appeared recently can basically be concluded that the evil spirits are behind the ghosts, and the core of the evil spirits may be related to the realm.”

Qin Zhengtian basically informed Gehrman of all the information he had about Tianxie. After all, the existence of this anti-human and anti-social organization is a threat to any country.

In exchange, Gehrman also revealed the northern bear’s military strength and the detailed defense forces of the garrison boundary cracks. The two reached a consensus and the two forces joined forces to minimize the boundary’s impact on the human world as much as possible.

Gehrman also decided to deploy those troops that do not need to be fortified to assist some of the gaps in the border between the two countries, such as the huge gaps on the Daxinganling and Daxingan Mountains.

at the same time.

Outskirts of the magic capital.

Pei Shun felt the aura of his apprentice Zhou Fang from a distance.

Since returning to the SS level, Pei Shun’s energy and physical strength have been greatly increased.

“Mr. Pei…”

When Zhou Fang saw Pei Shun knelt down immediately and looked at the Xiong Ba and others who were equally unfathomable in strength around Pei Shun, Zhou Fang was even more determined to identify this master.

Pei Shun lifted up Zhou Fang, looked up at the huge energy vortex in the sky, his eyes kept twitching.

He immediately recalled the boundary gap that Qianmen had often heard in Tianxie.

Presumably, the other end of the gap in front of which ghosts and evil spirits are constantly squeezing out of it is connected to the so-called realm.

“Mr. Pei? Is there any news from Wu Shan?”

Zhou Fang looked at Pei Shun who was a little lost and asked cautiously.

Pei Shun turned his back to Zhou Fang and only shook his head slowly.

“You stay here. You can’t interfere with things in Pacific Plaza. I’m going to Kyoto.”

Pei Shun suddenly left such a sentence and was about to leave.

Before Zhou Fang had time to ask, he only felt a strong breath erupt from around Pei Shun.

Xiong Ba and others looked at Pei Shun who was going away, patted Zhou Fang on the shoulder, and looked at the people behind him:

“Let’s go to support the mall, Brother Dao may be in there too.”

Mazi, Yun Ran and the others nodded firmly, and then drove Ghost Qi towards the Pacific Mall.

Pei Shun’s figure bypassed the Magic Capital Baoding area, and he could perceive several powerful auras in it from a distance.

The old man’s face became more and more serious.

If Qianmen really achieves her goal, I am afraid that such huge cracks will appear all over China.

The more I think about it, the more anxious Pei Shun is, and he keeps driving Ghost Qi in his body to speed up and rush toward Kyoto, even though the breath in his body is already a little disordered.

The matter of the evil is always the most important thing in his mind.

Moreover, China has not experienced this kind of ghost wave. The Special Affairs Bureau has a way to deal with the gap in this field.

One more Pei Shun or one less of him is not a problem.

Pei Shun flew toward Kyoto while observing the huge gap in the sky around Baoding District.

After ten minutes of rushing, the old man finally came to the door of the Kyoto Special Affairs Bureau building.

Except for the resident sentry and civilian personnel, there are basically no slaves above the S level in the entire Kyoto.

However, a person above Pei Shun appeared in Qin Yi’s office.

“Qin Yi? Why is the breath so strange?”

Pei Shun Zou frowned and sensed the unfamiliar atmosphere in the office, and walked toward the building with his foot raised.

At the same time, Xia Wu in Qin Yi’s office also noticed the existence of Pei Shun.

As soon as the figure moved, he walked towards Pei Shun.


Xia Wu stood in the building, watching Pei Shun warily at the door.

This old man seems to have a weak aura, but he has SS-level strength. At this time, the magic capital is in chaos, and people with such strength are basically gathered in the magic capital. This point is not a good thing for people who come to the General Bureau of Kyoto.

Xia Wu suddenly burst into a Ghost Qi with divine power in his body, both of whom are guards against ghosts and the inheritors of divine power.

In China, there are only a handful of people who possess these two kinds of aura at the same time.

Pei Shun instantly felt that the person in front of him was not simple, and even Qin Yi did not have such qualifications in the Kyoto Special Affairs Bureau.

“Are you the director of the Special Affairs Bureau? Where is Qin Yi?”

Pei Shun ignored Xia Wu’s ghost realm, and did not show the intention of resisting. He was here to provide urgent reports, and there was no need to have any conflict with the Special Affairs Bureau.

“Looking for Qin Yi? He went to the magic capital. I am now the acting director of the Special Affairs Bureau.”

Xia Wu saw that the old man was not malicious, and the aura of the whole body reduced a little, but in order to prevent Pei Shun from suddenly making a move, he still maintained the restrictions of the ghost domain on Pei Shun.

“Acting Director?”

Pei Shun squinted his eyes, raised his hand, and unmistakably found out the information folder about Tianxie from Qin Yi’s office.

“I’m Pei Shun, the former head of the General Operations Department of the Special Affairs Bureau. I have important information to add about the evil spirits.”

“Pei Sun?”

Hearing this name, Xia Wu instantly remembered the disappearance of the Special Affairs Bureau that had been blocked from news a few years ago.

“Are you Pei Sun?”

Xia Wu’s heart was shocked, thinking of the information he had said about Tianxie, he immediately dismissed the ghost domain and led Pei Shun towards Qin Zhengtian’s office.

“Let’s go to Father Qin’s office and say.”

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