Chapter 306: The Unstoppable Director Qin

“At present, the total strength of ghosts and evil spirits in the mall is far above us, and our current statistics are basically based on estimates.”

Qin Yi roughly counted the police force of the Special Affairs Bureau currently surrounding the magic capital, and roughly rehearsed his plan in his mind:

“I don’t think we have any chance of winning if we attack and disappear. As far as I know, there are as many as 20,000 people trapped in the mall. If the siege continues, few people in this mall will survive safely by then.”

“Can’t attack without permission!”

Xiao seriously looked at Qin Yi and everyone present:

“A person from a special advance company just released the seal and attacked, but it has no effect. We are not 100% sure that there is a ghost emperor level ghost inside, but it has the ability to kill a ghost emperor level ghost evil in a second!”

After hearing this, several people fell into silence.

There is no conflict between no ghost emperor level ghost evil and the ability to kill ghost emperor level ghost evil in a flash.

Ghost emperor-level ghosts are not invincible, as long as the number of ghosts participating in the battle is large enough and the cooperation is perfect, it is enough to kill in seconds.

Basically, ghosts can only fight by instinct, but if they have the ability to kill ghost emperor-level ghosts in seconds, it can only mean that there are one or more ghost leaders with independent thinking among them!

Moreover, ordinary ghosts and evil spirits will cooperate with the commands of thinking ghosts and evil spirits independently, that is, puppet ghosts and evil spirits.

From this point of view, rashly launching an offensive will only cause heavy casualties!

Zhu Sheng looked at the waist card of the chief leader of the Kuijiao on Xiao waist and asked quickly:

“Where’s the leader of Kuijiao Crazy Sabre? There is a shortage of manpower at this time, why is he not here?”

At the same time, Zhu Sheng and Qin Zihan also showed the same waist card, that is, the wooden city god symbol.

Xiao saw that the two of them were chief leaders of the Québec, and he immediately performed a Qubei etiquette and said:

“Brother Dao went to the Chenghuang Temple to ask the gods for help. Our current strength is far from the opponents of these ghosts and evils. I am afraid that only by asking the gods for help can we safely rescue ordinary people in the mall.”

After Xiao finished speaking, he sat helplessly at the temporary desk, staring at the dense statistics on the screen.

If you want to deal with a ghost organization that has autonomous consciousness and will cooperate with the military as close as the army, I am afraid that all China’s troops will be put here, and it may not be safe to deal with this while safely rescuing the victims in the mall. A batch of ghosts.

Even if it can handle it, China’s combat effectiveness will be greatly injured. By then, China will lose its main force, and its ability to deal with such crises will become weaker in the future.

The whole office fell into silence.

After a long time, the special communication equipment on Qin Yi’s waist suddenly lit up:

“Call Director Qin. I am Xiao Li, the commander-in-chief of the first garrison stationed in the fissure of the boundary. I was temporarily dispatched to the magic city by the order of Mr. Qin. I am expected to arrive in five minutes.”

Qin Yi’s eyes lit up, and he himself did not expect that Father Qin Zhengtian would dispatch the first defender to the magic city.

“Received, we are temporarily stationed in the southern part of Pacific Plaza. Later, we will release a signal flare to guide you where to land.”

Qin Yi put down the short-distance special channel communicator, his eyes were full of joy:

“It should be no problem now!”

Xiao’s expression was a little serious. He was just a princely envoy. If he really stopped, he would definitely not be able to stop the offensive plan of their official army.

So he asked:

“Director Qin, may I ask the strength of the First Defender…”

Qin Yi looked up his head and searched for information in his mind, before answering after a long time:

“I remember that Xiao Li himself is an SS-level middle stage. There is no detailed data on his army, but the army guarding the rift in the boundary is generally the most powerful army in China. The first defending army has at least one battalion of troops. In addition to members such as communications and military doctors who are not suitable for this kind of battle, there are about 400 people as the main fighting force.”

“Four hundred people…”

Xiao frowned and fell into contemplation. The force of four hundred men, coupled with the current wild ghost guards and officials from the official Special Affairs Bureau, came from all over the country, and the team size was thousands of people.

If you really want to attack, there must be a chance of winning, but… I am afraid that there will be heavy casualties… In addition, there is still an organization called Tianxie in China. Maybe all this has something to do with Tianxie!

The Qin Yi in front of him must be determined to attack. I’m afraid it would be difficult to persuade him.

But he still has to try, this is the order of the crazy knife!

“Director Qin, I think it’s better not to attack without authorization…”

“After all… the building has the ability to kill the ghost emperor in a flash.”

Xiao bit his head and continued to persuade Qin Yi.

Qin Yi couldn’t make a decision for a while, pacing repeatedly in the camp:

“But you said that Crazy Sword asked the gods for support, so far there is no news? If it continues, even if we wait for the so-called support, how many people are still alive in the mall?”

“At that time, what’s the point even if it’s attacked?”

Everyone in the camp was silent for a moment, and this reason was basically impossible to refute.

Where is the god now, even the crazy knife who went to ask for help didn’t know.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying thunder in the sky, and this thunder originated in the whirlpool above the mall.

During the impact, the blue-violet energy continued to emit bursts of dazzling and dazzling light like lightning, and at the same time bursts of terrifying sounds.

The people in the camp finally couldn’t sit still, and a group of people walked out of the camp and looked at the terrifying energy in the sky.

“Hey… I hope Head Xiao can arrive as soon as possible.”

Qin Yi looked at the terrifying energy fluctuations in the sky with deep eyes, and clenched his fists involuntarily.

And Xiao hoped that the gods’ reinforcements could arrive as soon as possible. If these soldiers really launched an offensive, according to Crazy Blade, they would very likely become the nourishment for the ghosts in the mall.

At that time, I am afraid it will become more difficult to control.

The crowd clenched their teeth, clenched their fists secretly, and watched nervously at the blurry ghosts and the innocent people in the mall.

“Brother Dao… why don’t you have any news yet!”

Xiao’s forehead was anxiously covered with beads of sweat. At this moment, the sound of the engines of the large transport aircraft came from everyone’s ears.

The sound of howling gradually approached Pacific Plaza.

Looking at the sky from afar, two huge shadows appeared in tandem.

At the same time, in other directions, there are also scattered helicopters heading towards the magic city.

“Head Xiao is here!”

Qin Yi looked up at the sky in surprise, and soon outside the Pacific Plaza, circles lit by signal bars kept lighting up.

The large transport plane dropped hundreds of soldiers on the outskirts of Baoding District like dumplings, and then flew towards the nearest airport, bypassing the energy vortex.

“It’s time to attack!”

Qin Yi looked at the terrifying energy in the mall, clenched his fists and pointed at the interior of the mall:

“Immediately approach the mall. After Commander Xiao and the others land, let them directly attack the mall!”

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