Chapter 301 God’s Order!

Xiangxi County.

With that golden light flew from Jiangning City.

A strong and gentle energy spreads wherever this golden light goes.

Pei Shun, who was breaking through, was sweating at this time, and the ghosts in his body were constantly attacking his seal like a crazy orangutan.

And every impact brought him great pain.

Pei Shun’s face is now covered with wrinkles, twisted together.

A huge pimple bulged up between the eyebrows, and the wrinkles were twisted together to draw flowers of chrysanthemums on the face.

Cold sweat gushes out between the wrinkles and gully, flowing all the way to the chin.

And his neck is also covered with purple blood vessels, which will burst open one after another The next moment.

“Old Pei…”

Yun Ran was a little worried, his face was very gloomy.

It was the first time that she saw such a difficult breakthrough.

A group of people surrounded Pei Shun, and everyone’s heart was on their throats, and they couldn’t help holding their breath.

It seemed that every exhalation would stir up the air around Pei Shun, causing the ghost energy in his body to completely collapse.


At Pei Shun’s neck, a purple blood vessel exploded suddenly.


After a crisp sound, a horrible ghost burst out instantly.

Everyone looked horrified.

“Mr. Pei!”

Mazi exclaimed involuntarily.

Suddenly, a powerful wave of energy came from the horizon.

The ghost in Pei Shun’s body immediately calmed down.

After that blood vessel burst, there was no more vision, but Pei Shun’s expression became calmer and calmer.

The blood vessels in the neck gradually dissipated, and the eyebrows twisted together on the forehead were also unfolded.

“This is……”

The moment Xiong Ba felt this energy, he suddenly felt his heart palpitations.

This energy resonated with a trace of divine power contained in the monkey wine he had just drunk in his body!

This golden light is supernatural power!

Xiong Ba was overjoyed in his heart, looking at the direction Jin Guang was going, his expression suddenly became serious.

“The magic capital… the gods personally took action to the magic capital.”

At this moment, there was a strange voice in his mind.

This voice is composed of pure divine power!

Go to the magic city!

Such a sentence came from the depths of the minds of everyone present.

It was the message Qin Feng used to convey his supernatural power.

Except for Xiong Ba, everyone else perceives the syllables produced by this supernatural power.

Among them, the two bearers and Yunran felt the most obvious.

They come into contact with Qin Feng most frequently, and are naturally the most familiar!

At this time, Pei Shun finally opened his eyes and finally made a breakthrough, reaching the SS early stage.

At the same time, his posture is no longer as old as before, but as if he is a few years younger, he looks more energetic.

“That was just now?”

Pei Shun raised his eyes to look at the frenzied Mazi and Xiong Ba.

Xiong Ba quickly said excitedly:

“That is the power of the gods! The gods command us to go to the magic capital! As soon as possible!”

Since Crazy Blade took over the Kuijiao, he has never seen the true face of the gods. This time, he finally has a chance!

At this time, Pei Shun said with a worried expression:

“My apprentice separated from me to escape, now I am afraid it is in danger, I…”

Xiong Ba immediately interrupted Pei Shun:

“Elder Pei, don’t worry, this is surrounded by the gods, and the evil people don’t dare to stay too much. Just now the gods have been revealed, they are probably trying to flee for their lives.”

“I know the people from Chenghuangwei, and I will ask them to help you find them. By the way, what’s your apprentice’s name?”

Pei Shun was a little lost in his eyes, and said:

“Zhou Fang, Wu Shan… Wu Shan may have been killed by the evil people.”

After hearing this, Xiong Ba nodded solemnly, and immediately took out the City God Wooden Talisman, and sent a message to the City God Guard who held it to search and rescue Zhou Fang Wu Shan.

After doing this, Xiong Ba glanced at everyone:


At the same time, both feet rushed towards Demon Du.

Pei Shun simply followed the crowd, as long as he arrives at the magic capital, can Kyoto be far behind?

Intelligence matters!

Except for the few foreign ghost guards, the others followed Xiong Ba and Mazi one after another.

“Are we going?”

Yelena looked at Alexei, who still had a suspicion in her heart at this time.

“It’s better not to go. It’s inevitable that people will be suspicious if we run to a few foreigners abruptly. Let’s look for information elsewhere.”

Yelena looked at the direction Pei Shun was leaving, and let out a sigh of relief.

Although they didn’t inquire about any intelligence, they could basically sort out some context and key clues only from the conversations between a few of them.

This is enough!

at the same time.

The three Ye Yi from Suling County were walking towards the Chenghuang Temple.

After the energy fluctuation, the three of them immediately decided to return to the Chenghuang Temple first.

Without going far, Ye Yi suddenly felt a strange breath in the distance.


Ye Yi suddenly became vigilant, and immediately gathered a Ghost Qi in his hand.

Zhang Fan suddenly took out the dagger around his waist, gritted his teeth and said:

“Could it be… those guys just now?”

The two guys who came in just now made him itch with hatred, and if he was caught, they must be broken into pieces.

Wan Sen frowned, Yin & Yang looked into the distance and said:

“It should not be, the breath is different, and this talent is B-level.”

Then he quickly put away the ghost stick he had just taken out, and his expression was a little flustered:

“This person is very weak, let’s go and see!”

As soon as the voice fell, the three of them immediately ran towards the strange breath.

As city guards, rescuing the wounded and helping the people are their basic tasks.

In just a few breaths, the three of Ye Yi saw Zhou Fang from a distance.

At the same time, Zhou Fang also sensed them, and immediately condensed a ray of Ghost Qi vigilantly:


Zhou Fang watched these people in front of him vigilantly, and a panic appeared in his heart.

He is just a B-level ghost defender, and three people who can’t detect the strength can play between him and his palms casually.

Ye Yi looked at the vigilant young man in front of him, and quickly cupped fist said:

“We are the people of the Jiangning City God Guard. We rescued the wounded in the name of gods, and realized that your breath was weak, so we ran over.”

After going up and down a lot, it was discovered that this person didn’t seem to have any trauma, only excessive use of ghost energy made him extremely weak.

“My name is Ye Yi. I originally belonged to the Special Affairs Bureau of the Capital of Shu. Something happened in the Capital of Shu, so I came to Jiangning Chenghuangwei.”

Zhou Fang waved his hand:

“I’m fine, thanks a lot.”

Then he was ready to slip away as soon as he cupped hands, but suddenly it occurred to Ye Yi that he was a member of the Special Affairs Bureau?

Zhou Fang looked at Ye Yi suspiciously.

At this moment, Ye Yi took out a small notebook from his arms, opened it and handed it to Zhou Fang.

The ID card of the Special Affairs Bureau.

The siren position and ability are written on it.

Every time Ascension needs to replace the ID card, and will upgrade the rank or position due to the strength of Ascension.

“Very good!”

Zhou Fang’s eyes lit up, and he immediately grabbed Ye Yi’s arm with excitement:

“I have very important information and I need to report it to the Special Affairs Bureau…”

Before Zhou Fang could finish speaking, suddenly!

A beam of golden energy came from the horizon.

Ye Yi, Zhou Fang and the others immediately looked up, and the two and their strong golden light instantly flew towards the terrifying energy of the magic capital.

At the same time, there was a burst of divine power in his mind.

Ye Yi’s expressions changed at the same time, and Zhou Fang quickly said:

“You go to Jiangning City God Temple to rest for a while, let’s go to the Demon Capital to come back and talk about it!”

Ye Yi untied his own waist card:

“Just take this to find the temple wish in the temple, just say that it is Ye Yi…”

Ye Yi raised his hand and was about to hand over his waist card to Zhou Fang. Suddenly the waist card was lit up again, and a string of small characters appeared:

“Searching for Zhou Fang Wu Shan, Mr. Pei has already gone to the magic city with us.”

A message from Xiong Ba suddenly appeared on his waist card.

“Mr. Pei? Master?”

Zhou Fang was overjoyed and looked at the waist card in Ye Yi’s hand excitedly:

“I want to go to the magic city too!”

Ye Yi glanced at the two Wansen, then nodded:

“Okay, the four of us will go to the magic capital together, but the ghost tide in the magic capital is very strong, you can’t get too close to the magic capital.”

“When the ghost tide subsides, we are taking you to find your master!”

Zhou Fang nodded solemnly, and the four of them immediately followed the path of the golden light and rushed towards the capital of the demon.

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