Chapter 299 Stop!

City God Yin Division.

“Sir Yin & Yang Secretary!”

Ma Mian rushed into Yin Si, before he could speak, Yin & Yang Si Gong said:

“But for energy fluctuations?”

The horse’s face was solemn, and he nodded repeatedly.

“Where is the bull’s head?”

“Still on a night tour outside.”

After Yin & Yang listened, with a wave of his hand, a black air formed a whirlpool in the hall.

After a few breaths.

A tall bull head figure appeared in the vortex formed by black energy.

“Meet Mr. Yin & Yang Sir.”

Niu Tau hurried to his knees, thinking of the energy fluctuation a few breaths ago, Niu Tau probably knew the reason for summoning him.

“Let’s go.”

The company Yin & Yang turned and stood up. When he raised his hand, a huge vortex appeared in the center of the Great Hall, and three ghosts and gods raised their feet and stepped in.

Appeared in the underworld in an instant.

At this time, Zhong Kui, Black and White Impermanence Day and Night Traveling God and Xiao Rou Tuan had already gathered here.

“Master Zhong Kui.”

Yin & Yang Si Gong and Niu Tau Ma Mian gave salutes one after another.

In the palace of the underworld, human ghost guardians such as Yuecheng are also among them.

“Everyone, you must be aware of the energy in the sky above Modu County.”

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Zhong Kui’s deep voice wandered throughout the Great Hall of the Hades.

“This energy is similar to my energy in Samsara, so I suspect that some ancient ghost and god is resurrecting again. Now that Lord King of Hell is not here, I will decide on behalf of the Lord to dispatch all the departments of the Hades with all their strength. , Rush to the magic city.”

“Do you have any objections?”

The ghosts and gods shook their heads. At this moment, Yue Cheng suddenly stepped out of the queue:

“Master Zhong Kui, the energy fluctuations in the sky above the magic city, what is the rating?”

At the same time, Black and White Wushuang is out:

“Brother Yue, when I am stationed in Lufu County, I have a clearer perception of the energy above the capital. According to your rating method, it is probably at the level of the ghost emperor.”

As soon as the voice fell, Yue Cheng’s expression suddenly became a little flustered.

Ghost Emperor level!

Although China’s strength is somewhat hidden, it may be a little tricky for China’s Special Affairs Bureau to deal with the ghost tide of the ghost emperor level.

“Master Zhong Kui, the villain begs the adults to lead troops to the magic capital immediately. The Special Affairs Bureau of China may not be able to deal with this ghost wave.”

Yue Cheng hurriedly knelt on the ground, although he is now a bad guy, but his thoughts still stay in human beings.

As a man who defends against ghosts, how can you not be anxious to see your compatriots suffer.

“Well… Since everyone has no objections, let’s go now.”

Zhong Kui waved his big hand, and a few trump cards appeared in his hand.

Then a thick black mist enveloped everyone, and instantly came to the colonel outside the Hades.

“Yuecheng, black and white are impermanent.”

A token appeared among the three.

“The three of you rushed to the surrounding areas of the magic capital with three thousand evil servants to evacuate the people and clean up the escaped ghosts.”


The three of Yue Cheng and Black and White Wuchang knelt down on one knee, and the token immediately flew into Yue Cheng’s hands.

The evacuation of the masses still needs the Special Affairs Bureau to take action, and Yuecheng himself is a member of the Special Affairs Bureau and should be more accessible.

Zhong Kui secretly nodded to own arrangement.

“The rest of the people, excluding all the jurisdictions, leaving 500 haunted day and night parades, and all go to the magic capital with me to punish the ghosts!”

at the same time.

Magic City, Pacific Plaza.

Liang Xin looked at the approaching ghost guards and the ghosts unblocking in Qiu Wei who was slowly approaching in front of him, his eyes were unusually firm.

Among the more than 40 ghost guards, only a dozen of S-class barely had combat capabilities, and everyone began to slowly approach the mall at this time.

As a veteran who has served for more than 30 years, Liang Xin’s forehead is still covered with sweat.

They couldn’t compete with the horror scent emanating from the mall, they could only pray for quantitative change to cause qualitative change, and some control over this ghost tide.

More than a dozen S-level ghost guards were struggling. At this time, Qiu Wei’s ghost outside the mall had already approached the door.


The ghost violently stretched out some of its arms and slammed it against the glass door.

When everyone was staring at the mall, suddenly behind the crowd, there was a roar of Ghost Qi mingled with Ghost Qi.

“Stop! Don’t attack!”

A man quickly walked into the group of ghost defenders with a solemn expression:

“Stop! Don’t go near the building! Who is your leader!”

The man hurriedly pushed away from the crowd, drilled a gap in the crowded heads, and rushed into the cordon.

“What are you doing? No one can get close to the cordon! Danger!”

An A-level Special Affairs Bureau member in the crowd saw Xiao rushing in a panic, and they were ready to stop him.

But now they simply don’t have the ability to distract to stop Xiao’s footsteps.

However, Xiao didn’t care about the obstacles of those A-level ghost guards, and rushed directly to Liang Xin and his party who were slowly approaching the building.

“Stop it!”

Finally, everyone stopped at the same time, looking at the panting figure behind him.

“My name is Xiao, and I belong to the sect of Crazy Dao.”

The man took a few breaths on his knees, and then said:

“Your strength is simply not enough to contend with the monsters in the building. Breaking in without permission is just to add nourishment to them!”

“Who is your leader?”

Xiao Huan looked around, when a middle-aged and young man walked out of the crowd, and other ghost guards made way for him.

“I’m Liang Xin, their leader, the head of the Magic Capital Special Affairs Bureau.”

Liang Xin made a military salute to Xiao Jing. Before he could put his hands down, Xiao immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Liang Xin:

“You immediately retreat to the outside of the cordon. Brother Dao is now going to the Chenghuang Temple for help. It should not be long before someone will come to support us.”

“You break into the building without authorization, it will only make the ghosts inside the Ascension faster. You must know that the souls of ghost guards are different from ordinary people!”

After speaking, Xiao craned his neck and looked out of the building.

Qiu Wei’s ghost had already smashed a glass door at this time, and at the same time a part of the figure inside began to run towards the door.

Liang Xin looked back and saw that he was about to give orders to respond to those people.

Suddenly, a horrible energy turned into a big hand and was caught at this group of people in an instant.


One by one, the white figures separated from their bodies, struggling to twist their faces.


Xiao Muxuan yelled at everyone, Liang Xin still hesitated, those innocent people were right in front of him.

To save or not to save?

He himself was not sure or sure that he could kill the ghosts in this mall.

Suddenly a gloomy wind hit, a wave of waves from the inside of the shopping mall, but Qiu Wei’s ghosts were wrapped in an instant.

In the faint black fog, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Qiu Wei’s ghost.

At this time, the terrifying vortex formed by the black cloud above suddenly stopped moving.

Seeing the terrifying energy constantly appearing in the black mist, Liang Xin was a little startled for a while.


Xiao grabbed Liang Xin’s shoulder and reminded again in a deep voice.

Liang Xin turned his head and glanced at Xiao, and then at the terrifying energy in the black mist that shook the space into circles of ripples.

It was obvious that Qiu Wei’s ghosts quickly fell into a disadvantage, and a large number of helpers appeared once again around the huge figure.


A horrible energy burst out from the building, and Qiu Wei’s ghosts were completely torn apart.

That energy suddenly poured out from the depths of the mall.

Liang Xin looked at the ferocious energy, and hurriedly shouted:


A group of ghost guard soldiers hurriedly retreated outside the cordon. Before they reached the cordon, the energy immediately sent a crowd of people, including Xiao and Liang Xin, flying out, and the cordon was completely torn as a result. Into pieces.

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