Chapter 292 Is it a blessing or a curse?

Xiong Ba and Yelena almost held their breath while looking at the determined eyes of the old man in front of them.

The old man Pei Shun squeezed Xiong Ba’s hand tightly, for some reason he thought this guy with a look of bandit was a person worthy of trust.

“The leader of Tianxie is called Thousand Faces. Now he has opened eight of the nine seals. Currently there is only one seal left, and this seal is at the junction of Tianchi Mountain and Longling Mountain in the capital of Shu!”

“If the last seal is opened, then the realm that sealed the ghosts and evils hundreds of years ago will be completely intersected with the world we live in. The leader of Realm, Qianmen, will call it the Demon Lord.”

“According to my speculation, the strength may be higher than the ghost emperor, and once this demon lord leaves the seal of the realm, our world will be completely destroyed, or he will be reduced to a prison for conceiving ghost slaves.”

“Also, Tianxie’s headquarters is inside Longling Mountain!”

After speaking, Pei Shun let out a long sigh of relief.

Gritting his teeth and looking at the majestic power behind him, Pei Shun suddenly pushed Xiong Ba and several others, and resolutely walked towards Hedinghong:

“Hurry up! I’ll block it for you!”

Pei Shun didn’t go very far, and was suddenly held by pockmark:

“and many more!”

At this time, Xiong Ba stared at the crane crest red not far away for seven days, then looked around and Yelena said:

“If we join forces, it may not be their opponent! That SS-level ghost guard and the ghost energy that has overdrawn in the body will not have the peak strength of the SS-level.”

Xiong Ba took out the hip flask in his hand and unscrewed the cap:

“Don’t drink too much, this is both wine and medicine. Together, we will let this gang of evil miscellaneous things come and go!”

“You fool! Don’t you know how important this information is to China?”

Pei Shun’s heart burst into anger. If he really was such an old man, he would have died on the spot.

Xiong Ba shook the jug:

“Even if you don’t believe me, you should believe in the god of resignation!”


Pei Shun was choked in a sigh of relief and didn’t know what to say for a while.

“God… is there really a god in this world?”

Pei Shun looked at the hip flask in Xiong Ba’s hand. Although he had doubts in his heart, he had read ancient books.

The book does record the so-called gods.

And he also firmly believes that there really are gods in the world.

“Master Red Crane…”

Hyacinth looked at Xiong Ba, four people and one corpse, the four foreigners and Pei Shun altogether ten people.

And they have overdrawn countless ghosts, and the ghosts in their bodies are restless at this time. If they continue to fight like this, they must be dead.

The more powerful the ghosts and evil spirits in the ghost defenders are also stronger.

And there are more ghosts that need to seal the ghosts.

At this time, they were just the end of the battle, but because of the help of some strange liquor on Pei Shun’s side, their ghost realm was obviously much stronger.

Crane Dinghong took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, turned it upside down in his hand, and kept thinking in his heart:

Now that Pei Shun has a group of bodyguards, it will inevitably cost a huge price to catch him again.

Is a Pei Shun just worth it?

Worth it…

Hedinghong’s pair of beautiful eyebrows were firmly locked together, and his face was suddenly full of gloom.

“My lord… I think we… don’t necessarily have to catch Pei Shun…”

The hyacinth suddenly looked up at the red and gloomy face on the top of the crane, and said:

“Pei Shun’s going to Kyoto is nothing more than to provide them with information on our Tianxie and seal plan, but even we only know or don’t know the details.”

“Senior Senmian will tell him the plan to seal it.”

“Moreover, now Kyoto is the target of various foreign forces. Even if he goes to Kyoto, I only need to let the greedy wolves of foreign countries step into China’s territory. Then the special affairs bureau of Kyoto will be destroyed. Who will Consider a Pei Shun who has disappeared for many years?”

At this time, Hyacinth watched the sorrow on Heding’s red face gradually stretched, and continued:

“Even if he Pei Shun relayed the news to Kyoto, the group of foreign guys attacked Kyoto. Do you think they deal with foreign attacks first or domestic evils first?”

Crane’s red eyebrows gradually stretched, but the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly.

She squeezed the hyacinth’s chin abruptly and smiled:

“It seems that you were very considerate when you arrived.”

“The adults have praised it, it’s all good for the adults.”

The hyacinth smiled and said:

“Pei Shun, you can get it back anytime, but the most urgent thing is to make perfect preparations for Lord Qianmen’s plan.”

He Dinghong nodded solemnly, lowered the hyacinth’s chin, and glanced bitterly at Pei Shun not far away:

“Let’s go! Let’s do our business first. After the two of you are finished, continue to do what you should do. Remember, the more chaotic China is, the better! I don’t want any forces to intervene in our Tianxie plan!”


The hyacinth, the calla lily and the bauhinia all bowed deeply, and everyone suddenly dispersed in one direction.

Pei Shun on the other side had just drunk the monkey wine, and suddenly a majestic force began to wander around him.

After perceiving the popularity of the crowd on the top of the crane had dissipated, Pei Shun simply settled down and began to adjust his interest rate.

That energy constantly seeped into his ghost domain, and the weak ghost domain itself gradually became stronger under the strange energy of the monkey wine.

At this moment, those foreign messengers also shined, and this energy made them all Ascension a small stage.

At this time, Alexei finally reached the S-level pinnacle completely, and Yelena was stuck in the bottleneck at this time, and then Ascension herself was required, only luck and opportunity.

Suddenly, a strong aura exuded from Pei Shun’s body.

Xiong Ba and Yelena were suddenly shocked, and quickly stepped aside.

“Fuck! This old man is going to be promoted!”

Several people dispersed in a panic, forming a circle around Pei Shun.

Suddenly, Pei Shun’s eyebrows kept pouring drops of sweat, and the clothes on her body were also soaked with sweat.

Xiong Ba hurriedly stretched out his hand, and a thick Ghost Qi was passed to Mazi, Mazi was passed to Qingtong, Qingtong was passed to Yunran, Yunran was passed to Yelena…

In this way, several people formed a circle to protect Pei Shun’s law.

To be precise, to prevent him from being backlashed by ghosts.

Every S-level ghost guard breakthrough is a big catastrophe.

Once backlash, there is a ghost at the peak of a ghost instead of a ghost defender at the early stage of the SS level.

The ghosts at the peak of the SS level will either be killed by the ghost defenders of the same level, and the result will be that the ghost defenders will be hurt miserably, or at least two or three cooperative S-level ghost defenders will be needed to deal with him to kill him. The ghost can then be wiped out in one fell swoop.

At this time, a group of them gathered together. Once Pei Shun was backlashed, they had to strangle the ghosts of the backlash in the cradle for the first time.

As long as the shot is fast enough, the ghosts of the backlash will be killed at the moment of absorbing the host’s ability!

Just when several people thought that Pei Shun’s breakthrough this time would be a matter of course.


A terrifying energy wave suddenly came from the direction of the magic capital.

Suddenly, Pei Shun’s face slowly climbed up the scary purple line, and Xiong Ba and several others looked up in the direction of the magic city.

There was a sudden shock in my heart!

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