Chapter 288

Xiangxi County.

The hyacinth in the distance suddenly spotted the four bearers.

“It’s a bit tricky…”

Hyacinth stared at the four people on the ground intently.

“It’s a pity for these two men and women with a cathodic body.”

Hyacinth still looked at Yun Ran and Qingtong reluctantly, thinking in her heart:

If it can be scattered and broken one by one, it will be very simple.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Hyacinth’s mouth. He looked at the four figures of Xiong Ba not far away, and immediately accelerated and rushed towards Xiong Ba.

Let’s get rid of the most threatening guy first.

“I’m afraid it’s an evil person again?”

Xiong Ba looked at the blood-red figure of Hyacinth not far away, especially her costume was almost exactly the same as the SS Grade Ghost Slayer just now.

Mazi turned to look at Qingtong and Yun Ran:

“Be careful yourself.”

Yun Ran nodded, and put the red coffin on the ground with a “Boom!”

“I’m almost recovered, let’s go on with the four of us.”

A stream of cyan energy turned into silk threads to seep through the cracks in the coffin and connect to the corpse of Uncle Fu inside it.

At the same time, he looked at the young boy.

At this time, Qingtong also tightly held the wooden sword in his hand, and strands of black and yellow gas permeated into the wooden sword, gradually emitting a strand of metallic luster.

It looks like a thick pig iron sword from a distance.

Xiong Ba looked back at the four figures behind him and nodded:

“Let’s deal with her together. If she is really an evil person, she is the most important clue.”

Suddenly among the four people, the rich various kinds of energy gradually began to surging, and the various auras slowly hovered around the four people.

The hyacinth saw from a distance that all four of them had a fighting capacity that was not as good as the S-class, and he felt a little unsure.

It’s not that she pretends to be big, but that she has an earth-class spirit weapon-Five Light Stone.

The hyacinth stopped at a distance of more than a hundred steps for four people, and took out a five-color jade-like object from his waist.

Placed in the palm of her hand, she instilled a raging ghost energy for her, and immediately radiated a faint light of various colors from her five fingers.

Gold, green, blue, red and brown, corresponding to the five elements’ gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

A stream of energy originating from the power of the ancients can be felt by the young boy from a hundred steps away.

“The stone in her hand is a bit powerful, you have to be careful.”

Qingtong reminded quietly, and at the same time an Eight Trigrams plate appeared on his waist.

The breath was faint, as if it were just a piece of ordinary artifact.

Suddenly, the four people moved at the same time, turning into four streams of light and rushing out.

An outrageous energy radiated from Xiong Ba’s body immediately enveloping the four of them. With the energy instilled by the other three, black whirlwinds rose from Xiong Ba’s ghost realm.

When the hyacinth turned his hand, five different colors of light suddenly shot towards the front door of Xiong Ba and several people.

At the same time, a strong smell of blood emanated from her body, and rivers of bright red blood rushed through her ghost realm.

Standing behind Uncle Fu, Yun Ran suddenly threw the hat from behind her, and as the green energy poured in, the hat suddenly increased several times.


With a muffled sound, the hat covering the sky immediately stood in front of the five people, blocking the five violent energies that radiated from the hyacinth’s fingers.

But after the hat was hit, the cyan breath became extremely weak, and Yun Ran’s face became extremely ugly.

Yun Ranxiu frowned, his face was a bit ugly, and said with difficulty:

“Sure enough, there is still a big difference between Fanpin artifacts and tiers!”

Xiong Ba’s body swelled again, but the huge figure flew towards the hyacinth extremely quickly.

The ghost sickle in Mazi’s hand also gradually solidified, and the harsh cold light accompanied by the rich Ghost Qi waved towards the hyacinth.


The figures of the two of them emitted a burst of huge energy, whizzing towards the hyacinth.

The gust of mysterious yellow air in Qingtong’s hand also lengthened his figure, and a faint golden light radiated above the sword peak.

The thick murderous intent overflowed from the three of them, and they approached the hyacinth.

And Hyacinth didn’t have the idea of ​​head-on, the red figure flashed suddenly, and it flew towards Yun Ran in an instant.

The young boy yelled in horror:

“Crap! Yun Ran, Big sis, be careful!”

Jianfeng rushed in the direction of Yun Ran as soon as he turned.

But obviously the speed of the young boy cannot be compared with that of Hyacinth.

Soon the hyacinth came to Yun Ran’s face.

Yun Ran’s surroundings were suddenly surrounded by a disgusting and strong bloody smell, and a surge of turbulence appeared in his stomach.

But she still gritted her teeth, and the green energy-gathering silk thread in her hand shook suddenly, and Uncle Fu suddenly stretched out her hand and rushed towards the hyacinth.

The hyacinth turned his hands into claws and slammed into Uncle Fu’s chest.


It penetrated Uncle Fu’s chest with great ease, but Uncle Fu firmly grasped the hyacinth.

Hyacinth’s complexion suddenly changed, and there was a panic in her heart, only then did she discover that Uncle Fu was actually a ghoul controlled by someone!

The thick cyan energy gradually surrounded the hyacinth, and the bloody smell all over her became weaker and weaker.

At this moment, a jet of black energy was ejected from her hand, and the energy immediately flew towards the west.

“She is asking for help!”

Mazi noticed this energy, and she was about to chase after her.

Qingtong and Xiong Ba had already rushed to Hyacinth at this time, but due to Uncle Fu’s corpse, both of them were not easy to take action.

The three corpses tightly surrounded the hyacinth, the hyacinth looked at the four people bitterly, gritted their teeth and screamed, and suddenly separated a phantom from her body.

The phantom was immediately released from the shackles, and the blood river in her ghost realm suddenly surged with a huge wave, which immediately enveloped her phantom.

The body in Uncle Fu’s arms instantly shrivelled.

Qingtong and Xiongba hurried to chase after them, but at this time, the waves of the river of blood, the hyacinth rider, fled all the way to the west.

Seeing that the message for help had flown away, the pockmark on the side turned to chase the hyacinth that had turned into a wave of blood.

After a few steps, Hedinghong appeared in front of several people with two Tianxie guards.

Mazi stopped quickly and looked at a few powerful breaths in the distance.

The hyacinth quickly broke away from the river of blood, and the scarlet blood formed a thin veil to block her pale body.

“Master Crane Red, save me!”

The hyacinth rushed to Hedinghong’s side, and the ghost domain of the two was not only the same but also blended.

The aura of the blood river suddenly became more magnificent under the blessing of Crane Dinghong.

“Received two calls for help in a row! What is wrong with you and the calla lily?”

Heding red looked at Hyacinth with a bitter face, and at the same time looked at the bear bully who had attacked her:

“There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, The Underworld has no way you want to break through! You die!”

A terrifying wave surged high in the blood river, and the wave of Crane Top Red Pusher gradually approached Xiong Ba.

“It seems that they are absolutely evil people, right!”

Xiong Ba clenched his fists tightly, and if he went head-to-head this time, there was definitely no chance of winning half a point!

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