Chapter 286 Fierce battle, magic city vision

Hei Mamba raised his hand with a thick black air, and the thick Ghost Qi was swimming around with his hands stirred.

Wan Sen firmly looked at the scar not far away:

“I’m sure to make a tie with him. His sword is just an ordinary weapon.”

Zhang Fan and Wan Sen looked at each other and nodded.

The figure of the black mamba soon attacked the three of them.

“Zhang Fan, come and help me!”

After Ye Yi finished speaking, he let out a loud shout, his claws exuded a cold Ghost Qi, and his figure rushed towards the black mamba.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also held the Mithril dagger tightly, and his figure flashed towards the black mamba.

The thick fog surrounding the black mamba suddenly spread towards him, and forcibly tore a crack from Ye Yi’s ghost domain.

At the same time, he unfolded his misty ghost domain.

Use thick Ghost Qi as the fog to confuse the enemy’s sight.

A clear dividing line appeared where the ghost domains of the two intersect, but it is obvious that the ghost domain on the black mamba is stronger.

“Is this the gap between A and S?”

Ye Yi sighed secretly in his heart, but the Ghost Qi in his hand still attacked the black mamba.

As the fog grew thicker, the black mamba’s figure gradually faded.


With a fierce wave of Ye Yi’s ghost claws, the thick mist suddenly opened a gap.

But the vague figure was still a long way from them.

“Oh shit!”

Ye Yi cursed secretly, only to see the black mamba not far away, and suddenly flashed towards Ye Yi.


With a loud noise, Ye Yi’s figure flew out immediately, and his ghost realm also began to shake.

At the moment when the Black Mamba collided with Ye Ye, Zhang Fan’s figure also instantly picked up.


The Mithril dagger in his hand easily inserted into the black Mamba’s body.


Black Mamba screamed.

Mithril has natural restraint against ghosts. This thorn seems to have ignited a ghost in the black mamba. Although his physical pain can be tolerated, the ghost in his body is agitated.

He must be cloned to control the ghosts in his body.

On Wan Sen’s side, due to the restraint between weapons, Wan Sen’s Ghost Head Stick consumes a lot less ghost energy than Scar, and soon Scar becomes a little harder.

At this time, the scar merged into the shadow of the black mamba.

Wan Sen quickly opened Yin & Yang’s eyes and looked at the mist.

Suddenly, a terrifying energy suddenly came from the distant horizon.

Suddenly, the ghost domains of Black Mamba and Ye Yi shattered like glass in an instant.

“what’s the situation?”

The five of them looked at the source of energy in shock, and there was a wave of fear in their hearts.

This energy is so huge that it still has the ability to smash the ghost realm so far away, and it cannot be ignored.

Several people looked up at the direction of the energy source at the same time.

“Mad City?”

Ye Yi couldn’t help but exclaimed, muttering in his mouth:

“Is anyone breaking through to the SSS level in the magic city?”

But that energy can’t dissipate for a long time.

Wan Sen’s Yin & Yang immediately looked at the sky of the magic capital, and as he concentrated his energy, the sky in the distance gradually became clear in his eyes.

“This energy concentration is at least the level of a ghost emperor, and this energy is very manic. I am afraid it is not a human ghost defender, but a ghost!”

Ye Yi’s Zhang Fan’s complexion changed, and he was suddenly terrified:

“Ghost emperors of the ghost emperor level? We probably have few ghost guards at the ChinaSSS level.”

Wan Sen shook his head and continued to observe the energy with a solemn expression:

“I just said that this energy is the energy of the ghost emperor, not that the ghosts in it have the ability of the ghost emperor.”

“But it is likely to break through to the ghost emperor, and the ChinaSSS-level ghost guard seems to…”

Wan Sen looked around carefully and didn’t see the huge amount of energy, so he sighed:

“I am afraid that there are no ChinaSSS-level ghost guards at all, or they are all hidden, or they are too weak.”

“In short, once the ghosts and evils on the side of the devil capital break through to the ghost emperor, I am afraid that China will have a huge disaster!”


Ye Yi frowned sharply, and dark purple blood vessels appeared on his face.

The eyeballs were suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes.

“Ye Dage!”

Zhang Fan was about to step forward, but after seeing this scene, he instantly felt a familiar breath.

With joy in my heart, he pulled Lawanson and whispered:

“Ye Dage is about to break through to S!”

Wan Sen quickly explored Ye Yi, and it turned out that the ghosts in Ye Yi’s body were about to be promoted due to the energy fluctuations in the magic capital.

“Oh! What about those two guys!”

The joy that Zhang Fan had just raised suddenly disappeared, and a strong sense of crisis emerged.

Even if he and Wan Sen join forces, they may not be able to get any benefits in the hands of Black Mamba.

“Don’t worry, they are still observing the energy. When Ye Dage breaks through to S, the two of them will not be our opponents!”

Wan Sen stared at the black mamba and scar, the ghost stick in his hand suddenly clenched.

At this time, Scar was the first to notice Ye Yi’s situation, and hurriedly hit the arm of Hei Mamba:

“Master Black Mamba, do you see that guy is breaking through?”

Hei Mamba was still wondering if this movement was caused by a red crescent, and was awakened by such a collision.

Looking at the abnormally agitated Ghost Qi around Ye Yi, the corner of Heimamba’s mouth showed a wicked smile, and he thought to himself:

“Breakthrough in front of me? Really looking for death!”

Seeing that the black mamba was deliberately blocking, Scar asked quickly:

“If his promotion is disturbed and the ghost becomes a ghost after the backlash, what should we do?”

Black Mamba glanced contemptuously at Scar:

“Do you have a head for walking? Can’t run?”

As soon as the voice fell, the black Mamba figure moved, and instantly rushed towards Ye Yi.

Wan Sen clenched his teeth tightly and looked a little flustered.

At this moment, Zhang Fan grabbed his shoulder and said:

“Don’t panic, I just stabbed him, his strength should be somewhat weakened, you can help me, but don’t forget the scar face.”

Wan Sen nodded, and suddenly a Ghost Qi burst out of the two young people. Of course, it was not their ghost domain.

Under the suppression of the black mamba, the A-level early stage ghost guardians could not expand the ghost domain at all, let alone they have not refined their ghost domain.

Suddenly a mist enveloped the three of them, and Wan Sen suddenly discovered that this mist was useless to his Yin & Yang eyes!

Wan Sen was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly whispered to Zhang Fan:

“I can see through his mist, please pay attention to my command!”

At this time, the black mamba had come to Zhang Fan from the fog, and what he saw in Zhang Fan’s vision was a shadow that had a chance to stick to his face.

“The first 20 steps!”

With a cry from Wan Sen, the blade Zhang Fan was about to stab was suddenly taken forward by his own figure by a distance of 20 steps.


After a sound, the dagger stabbed firmly into the waist and abdomen of the black mamba.

Hei Mamba’s expression changed, frowning and slapped Zhang Fan severely.

Zhang Fan flew upside down for more than a hundred paces, but the black mamba simply removed the mist, clutching the wound and constantly adjusting his breath.

Scar was also caught in a fierce battle with Wan Sen at this time.

Hei Mamba gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Yizheng’s breakthrough figure not far away, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly the figure flashed and rushed towards Ye Yi’s position.

“Wan Sen! Be careful!”

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