Chapter 278 Important Information

Magic capital.

After Hyacinth broke the boundary gap in Demon Capital, the entire Demon Capital suddenly fell into chaos.

Cheng Ran met another spy from the Rishi Kingdom on the beach in the eastern suburbs of the magic city.

“Miss Hyacinth, Yamamoto-kun is not with you?”

Okamoto looked behind Hyacinth, but there was no one in sight for a while.


The hyacinth frowned, and said angrily:

“That rubbish, it is said to protect me and open the cracks in the boundary. As a result, the ghosts and evil spirits in the boundary sprang out, and the scared guy squirmed his head.”

“Almost killed me!”

Okamoto was suddenly puzzled, and Yamamoto was not the one who would escape.

It seems that something else must have happened.

Okamoto pretended to laugh, and immediately bowed deeply:

“Miss Hyacinth makes atonement. It may be that Yamamoto is not mentally prepared. I will definitely bring Yamamoto back to Hiji Country to punish him. As for…”

The hyacinth suddenly raised his hand, interrupted Okamoto’s words, and said angrily:

“He’s dead! No way, the courage can only die. If you don’t even have this psychological preparation to break the gap, you are embarrassed to be a spy?”

Hyacinth raised her eyebrows, and a huge ghost energy suddenly spread from her body.

Okamoto lowered his head, his face suddenly became serious while resisting this ghost energy.


There are more than ten shikigami in Yamamoto, even if these shikigami are sacrificed, they will not die in the ghost tide.

Okamoto pretended to lower his head and bow his waist, apologizing:

“I’m really sorry, Miss Hyacinth, this is our mistake. What compensation Miss Hyacinth wants, we will satisfy you as much as possible.”

Suddenly, a familiar ghost energy wave appeared from the west.

Hyacinth keenly noticed this energy, and suddenly a message for help appeared in her mind.

From the calla lily!

The hyacinth’s complexion changed, and he suddenly became serious, and he didn’t bother to continue to blackmail the trash:


Hyacinth turned around, looked at the gloomy Ghost Qi above the magic city, and said solemnly:

“I’ll talk about compensation later, I still have something to do.”

It suddenly turned into a red streamer and flew towards Xiangxi.

Okamoto looked at the back of the hyacinth, gritted his teeth and murmured:

“How can the spies of my sunrise empire be frightened by a small ghost wave?”

“When we have occupied the entire China, everything you defrauded of, I must double back!”

Okamoto’s mouth kept chucking his teeth.

He firmly didn’t believe that Yamamoto was killed by the ghost tide because of fear, it must have been done by Hyacinth himself.

However, the top priority now is to use China’s internal rebel forces to disrupt the situation in the country.

When the time comes, Xing Yaoguo and the sunrise country will join forces, and the pace of attacking China will speed up a bit.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Okamoto’s mouth, and he flashed around and flew toward the high seas.

This is the fixed place where all their spies from the sunrise country meet.

After reaching the fixed coordinates, it didn’t take long for a few familiar auras to gradually approach Okamoto.

“Okamoto-kun, have you found any new information?”

Koizumi cupped hands and bowed to Okamoto who arrived first.

Okamoto shook his head slightly:

“The information that China can find is almost the same. I have been looking for Yamamoto for this period of time.”

As soon as the voice fell, another figure flew over:

“Okamoto-kun, Koizumi-kun, it seems I’m late, where’s Yamamoto?”

Ono glanced at the two of them, and at the same time used ghost energy to explore the surroundings, but still did not find the breath of the fourth person.

Okamoto shook his head and sighed slightly, his eyes filled with anger:

“Yamamoto sacrificed. The evil woman said she died because of the ghost tide of the Devil Capital. I think she killed Yamamoto.”

“Yamamoto has never been a person who can escape. How could he be easily killed by ghosts because of fear?”

Ono and Koizumi stared at Okamoto, clenching their fists.

“Yamamoto-kun was killed? Damn! These damn pig slaves!”

Okamoto patted the two on the shoulders, signaled them not to get excited, and said:

“China is just the end of the war, and we will start a war with it soon. It is expected that China’s defense lines will be completely destroyed in just a week.”

“At that time, we can fully avenge the sacrificed Imperial soldiers! The top priority is to check the intelligence!”

The three nodded unanimously, and at the same time, facing the direction of China, in silence for their dead brother.

After a minute, the three began to compare the information they had obtained.

Koizumi took out a few Chenghuang Talisman from his arms:

“Everyone, this is the city god amulet I got from their city god temple recently. We bring one with us, and occasionally we may be able to respond to an emergency.”

When Okamoto looked at this yellow paper, everything that happened before at Hinode Kuni Shrine suddenly appeared in his mind.

Two ghosts killed one and the other wounded!

With such a powerful force, Okamoto received the Chenghuang Talisman, and his heart palpitated.

“If we can really control their gods, it will be easy to get the whole world in our bag!”

Okamoto held the city god talisman, and this triangular yellow paper seemed to weigh a lot in the palm of his hand.

Ono also took this piece of paper, put it in his arms, and said solemnly:

“This piece of torn paper can actually burn a ghost directly to death. To be honest, I have no idea about attacking China now.”

Koizumi smiled and patted both of them on the shoulders, with a confident look:

“Don’t worry, this paper is only useful for ghosts and evil spirits. It does somewhat restrain my Shijin, but don’t forget that other countries are humans who directly use supernatural powers.”

“China’s ghost guards are actually in this way, and this yellow paper will not be aimed at humans. Therefore, as long as we let the guys from Xing Yaoguo take the lead and wipe out their main force, then it will be easy to seize the gods.”

After listening, Okamoto burst into laughter, and constantly patted Koizumi on the shoulder:

“Koizumi-kun, you deserve to be, I think all of us are less than one-half of your intelligence value!”

Koizumi humbled his cupped hands:

“Don’t dare, it’s just something everyone in China knows.”

On the contrary, Ono was a little disobedient, and took out a piece of paper from his arms, with a table drawn on it:

“This is what I found out about the strength of various organizations in China. Let me talk about the city god first. I heard that there are ten ghosts under him, and the two ghost kings and the others are ghost kings.”

“Then there are Chenghuangwei and Kuijiao. These are two non-governmental organizations. There are no SS-level ghost defenders at all. S-level ghost defenders are very few. The others are just A-level and B-level shrimp soldiers and crabs.”

“And their official ghost guard, as far as I know, apart from Qin Zhengtian, a SSS-level ghost guard, there is no stronger person. Most of the others are SS ranks. I heard that a group of young talents are about to be promoted to SS. , But I don’t know if it’s true.”

Koizumi and Okamoto took the paper and examined it carefully.

It is densely written with ghosts and names, as well as strength ratings.

The two of them stared at each other with wide-open eyes:

“I’m afraid this belongs to China’s national secrets, right? Hurry! Go back to the country immediately, and you must bring the news back as soon as possible!”

The three nodded to each other in unison, tapped on the coral reef in the high seas, and immediately flew towards the sunrise country.

at the same time.

The hyacinth quickly moved away from the magic capital and ran towards the place where the distress signal was issued.

“A bunch of damn Japanese people, dare to use me as your pawn?”

Hyacinth looked at the direction of Demon Capital behind him, and gave a vicious “Bah!”

Now it’s just taking the opportunity to blackmail a little bit of the country’s resources to fill their own pockets. Anyway, the country is asking for them, so it’s better to get more resources and complete the evil plan by the way.

Tianxie is determined not to cooperate with any organization.

What’s more, it is a disgusting Japanese country.

Under her feet, a ghost energy burst out again, and the space behind her burst into ripples, and the blood-red figure flew towards Xiangxi like a meteor.

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