Chapter 271

Ye Yi suddenly felt a strong Ghost Qi.

“Xiaofan, you concentrate on absorbing Shankui, we will help you hold it, and strive to be promoted directly to A.”

All of Zhang Fan’s Mental Energy at this time were used in the struggle with Shankui’s consciousness.

Only vaguely heard Ye Yi’s voice.

“Block them!”

Ye Yi drank it softly, put down his own backpack, his hands suddenly turned into black claws.

Wan Sen held the Ghost Head Rod firmly in his hand, and the ghosts around him could continue to swim around him.

“is coming!”

A ghost appeared first in Wan Sen’s field of vision.

It only has one hand and one foot, but it moves very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the entire face appeared in Wan Sen’s eyes.

Two dark eyes grow on his forehead, with pointed faces and long teeth, thin ears and wide nose, and a dark blue complexion.


Just a hundred steps away from Wan Sen’s body, the only ghost hand stretched out its huge claw, and the tip of its long nail glowed with cold light.

Wan Sen contemplatedly estimated the distance and speed of the ghost, and slammed his stick.


After a sharp metal collision sound, the moment the ghost head stick and the ghost claw touched, suddenly golden sparks flew everywhere.


As the ghost ghost flew out, there was a muffled noise not far away.

The first ghost ghost had just been beaten by Wan Sen. Behind him, a black ghost and evil figure rushed towards him.

Ye Yi glanced at Zhang Fan, who was still absorbing Shankui behind him, and gritted his teeth:

“I hope you can make a breakthrough soon!”

The star and the moon above his head suddenly disappeared, and the gloomy Ghost Qi enveloped the three of them in an instant. Only ghost guardians like them could feel the existence of these things through Ghost Qi in the ghost body in the dark night.

Ye Yi’s right hand snapped abruptly, and a young coquettish ghost was firmly grasped in the heart of Ye Yi’s hand.

Constantly struggling with short hands and feet.

Ye Yi was thrown away fiercely, and the small body of the ghost flew out like a cannonball, and slammed into the nearby black shadow that was about to fly.

An ethereal scream came, and hundreds of ghosts and evil spirits surrounded the three of them.

Wan Sen was hard to resist, and a ghost behind him suddenly climbed on Wan Sen’s shoulder, about to bite Wan Sen on the back of his neck.

Suddenly the brilliance masterpiece of the wooden pendant on Wan Sen’s chest immediately ignited the ghost.

All the ghosts in his body receded after seeing this golden light.

“Ye Dage, let’s use this waist card to block for a while, so that the strength will not be ascension, but life will be in danger.”

Wan Sen held the pendant on his chest in his hands, and Ye Yi retreated to Zhang Fan’s side.

At this time, Zhang Fan’s eyes were blood-red, and he kept holding onto Shankui, but at this time Shankui had already completely disappeared.

Melted into his body.

From the outside, Zhang Fan had no vision except for the blood red eyes, but deep in his mind, the three evil spirits were trying every means to control Zhang Fan’s body.

And Zhang Fan must find a way to completely melt these three ghosts together, as long as they are refined into ghost generals and sealed in his body.

He will be able to officially become an A-level ghost defender.

“I don’t know how long Xiao Fan is.”

Ye Yi glanced back at Ye Yi’s state from time to time, and his brows were tightly twisted together.

Right now, although they are protected by this golden light, it will not last long. Once the energy of the three pendants is exhausted, they can only fight to the death.

The ghost outside the golden light occasionally tries to tentatively reach out.

But Ghost Qi’s ghost claws just touched the golden light, and a white smoke would be burnt out instantly.

Guixie opened his mouth wide, but the heat in his eyes remained undiminished.

Three live people, three live foods of good quality.

From head to toe, these ghosts have recognized the part they want to eat, and they are already salivating and eager to see through.

It’s a pity that with the protection of golden light, it is difficult for them to break through for a while.

As the light faded, the ghosts in the outer circle were getting closer and closer to the three of Ye Yi.

At this moment, Ye Yi also pulled out the pendant from his neck and suddenly lifted it out.

“Xiao Fan, you have to hurry up!”

Ye Yi and Ghost Qi poured into the pendant, and the time came to mastery, and the ghosts who had been approaching the three of them were suddenly lit by golden light.

There was a faint hissing sound, and the fart backed away.

But the weaker ghosts and evil spirits disappeared instantly.

In the gloomy night, there was only a little golden shimmer here, and Zhang Fan had come to the last step at this time.

Seal the ghosts!

As long as he can completely seal the refined ghost in his body, then he can completely become a qualified A-level ghost guard!

Wan Sen looked at the fine sweat beads and blood-red eyes on Zhang Fan’s forehead, and his heart touched his throat.

The breakthroughA level has only two results. Success is a qualified ghost defender, and if it fails, a ghost general will be released directly.

Ye Yi looked at the faint golden light, and a nervous cold sweat gradually appeared on his head.

“Damn! It looks like we will have a battle.”

Wan Sen gritted his teeth and took a step forward. With a sharp jab from the Guitou stick, he stabbed the nearest Li Gui to his heart.

It suddenly turned into a plume of blue smoke and dispersed, but the ghost stick was caught by another mountain leader around.


Wan Sen was about to shrink his hands, and suddenly not far away, a stronger breath suddenly came.

Ye Yi’s heart was cold for a moment, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes:

“Fuck! Misfortune never comes singly, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape now.”

From a distance, a strong voice came:

“Night chase night patrol, ghosts retreat!”

A huge energy immediately shook the surrounding ghosts and ran away.

But before escaping a few steps, he solidified in place.

A group of ghosts armed with various weapons took this group of ghosts away one after another.

In just a few breaths, all the ghosts and evil spirits were cleaned up.


Ye Yi looked up at the tall figure, and from the word “Night Watch” on the badge on his waist, he could confirm that this was the night travel god under Chenghuang.

Yeyoushen’s huge body lowered his head slightly, looking at Ye Ye on the ground and others.

“Why are you three staying here at midnight?”

Ye Yiyi cupped hands said:

“We are members of the Jiangning City God Guard. Because our strength has reached the bottleneck stage, we have to look for opportunities for promotion. Why are there so many ghosts and evils suddenly appearing in this area?”

Ye You Shen looked at Zhang Fan who was breaking through, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of coercion came, and immediately weakened the ghosts in Ye Yi’s body.

Ye Yi’s eyes finally recovered gradually, and after a few breaths, they finally recovered.

Turning his head to look at Ye Yi and others:

“I finally made it!”

Suddenly he felt a powerful force, and suddenly raised his head, seeing the extremely large and terrifying Yeyou God, he almost screamed.

Then he reacted and quickly cupped hands to thank him.

Yeyoushen shook his head slightly and said:

“We haven’t noticed the cause of this ghost wave. Generally speaking, every ghost wave erupts, there should be a precursor, but this time if the three of you didn’t break into Jinshan City, we wouldn’t be able to find the ghost wave here.”

The three of Ye Yi looked at each other, and suddenly a thought came through their minds:

The evil is at work!

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