Chapter 264

“Chinese rose?”

Hedinghong stood up suddenly.

It seems that the progress on the rose side is the fastest, and the entire Shu is now under their control.

The rose looked around the crowd and said:

“Pei Shun ran away, and the sacrifice was also rescued. At present, only Shudu is temporarily controlled. I am not sure if that city god will suddenly come to Shudu one day to disrupt our plan again.”

“Therefore, the top priority now is to find a way to disperse the forces of the city gods. Their capabilities are far above the Special Affairs Bureau.”

Crane Dinghong nodded slightly and looked at the poison dart frog:

“Your subordinate, can’t you just have one anaconda? My family has already sacrificed several, you should always set an example.”

The corners of the closed eyes of the poison dart frog twitched.

Sure enough, are you going to attack his subordinates?

“Of course, you are also doing things for the thousand faces, how can you not be active?”

The poison dart frog stood up, and with a flick of his finger, three thin light blue lines flew out.

A few minutes later, a golden figure was the first to kneel in front of the poison dart frog, panting:

“Sir, poison dart frog, what’s the order for the golden scorpion?”

Then there was another black figure:

“Hei Mamba is here to report, my lord, please tell me.”

The poison dart frog helped them up and looked at the red crane top.

He Dinghong looked at the two figures and smiled slightly.

Suddenly a dark woman fell from the top of the Great Hall, her sharp eyes scanned the crowd, and finally stopped her gaze on the poison dart frog.

“Black Widow?”

Crane Dinghong looked at the woman in front of her in an incredible way. She was backlashed by ghosts in her body during the breakthrough six months ago, and she lost the ability to speak forever.

But now the black widow, who is already an SS-level ghost guard, doesn’t need a voice at all.

She can collect the voices of those who have died, then mix them together, and ‘say’ what she wants to say.

“Master Poison Dart Frog, Master Red Crane, this is the first time I have seen such a lively place here.”

There was a sound of fusion of countless people.

I heard the rose in the bottom of my heart for a while.

She had never seen this woman before, and even at first she had never heard of a boss named Qianmian besides Mandala.

“very good.”

Crane Dinghong smiled and glanced with satisfaction at the subordinates of the poison dart frog:

“In the battle in Hexi, what we can know at present is that Chenghuang’s subordinates are at most the level of ghost kings, most of them are ghost kings, and of course there are countless ordinary little ghosts.”

“In order to prevent them from searching the capital of Shu and destroying the place that Lord Qianmian attaches the most importance to, my suggestion is that you take the poison dart frog with your hands to harass the surrounding area of ​​Chenghuang.”

The poison dart frog suddenly raised its head, staring at Crane Dinghong and shouted:

“Go to harassment around Chenghuang? Just tell me if you want me to die!”

The poison dart frog is still very jealous of Chenghuang, after all, that terrifying coercion is still engraved in his mind until now.

“I only let you harass and attract their attention, but I didn’t let you fight them.”

Hedinghong sarcastically said:

“I’m afraid when I hear’City God’?”

The poison dart frog snorted coldly and said:

“I didn’t ask anyone to support me, I’ll take care of it by Chenghuang.”

Turned around and took the Jinxie three people and left the Great Hall of Tianxie.

Looking at the backs of several people leaving, Mandala asked:

“Master Crane Dinghong, what about us?”

Heding Hong squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised:

“You will continue to collect sacrifices while he is causing chaos.”

“If you are found by Chenghuang’s men, you can help if you can, and if you can’t help, let them die.”

He Dinghong’s eyes showed a touch of cruelty. She and the poison dart frog have always been at odds. If it weren’t for the needs of Lord Thousand Faces, she would never think of sharing the rewards that should belong to her alone with the poison dart frog.

Mandala and purple daffodil bowed slightly at the crane top red, and immediately left the Great Hall.

The rose standing in front of the crane top red body said:

“Should I still go to Shudu?”

Crane Dinghong looked at the rose with a smile:

“I heard that the capital of Shu is now in charge of Black Rose?”

The rose nodded slightly.

Hedinghong stepped forward and put his hand on the shoulder of the rose:

“Then you have absolutely no need to return to the capital of Shu, the current capital of Shu should not need much extra power assistance.”

Suddenly, a Ghost Qi suddenly spread from Hedinghong’s hand to the rose body.

Rose’s face suddenly changed, staring at the crest of the crane:

“My lord, what are you…”

She quickly tried to break free, but at this time she was like a puppet with a string drawn, completely out of her control.


After a sound, the rose collapsed on the ground, and the energy mixed with life was continuously absorbed by Hedinghong.

The body of the rose shrivels at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“The power of the mandala is too great, you have to die.”

Crane Dinghong gritted her teeth and made her die clearly before Rose completely lost consciousness.

As energy poured into the crimson body of the crane, her face gradually became rosy.

The dark wounds in the body also slowly recovered.

And the three ghosts in the rose body have become the nourishment for the red crane top at this time, and the overflowing ghost energy has also been used to nourish the red crane top ghost domain.

Finally, there was only one body left in the rose, and Crane Dinghong clapped his hands, and the guard outside the door carried the dry corpse out.

They have already taken it off for a long time.

Crane Dinghong suddenly flashed, and in the blink of an eye, a red figure appeared on the top of Longling Mountain.

He Dinghong’s eyes were full of yearning looking at the position of the dragon head of Longling Mountain.

There is the junction of Qinchuan and the capital of Shu, and it is also the leading position of Longling Mountain.

more importantly!

That is the last seal!

As long as Lord Thousand Faces leave the customs, the seal will be lifted.

She will become the master of this world together with Lord Thousand Faces.

The devil?

But it’s just their weapons.

Hedinghong smiled slightly, behind her, the air rippled, and two figures appeared behind her.

One person wears exactly the same clothes as her, the difference is that her cuff is a hyacinth.

The other is wearing a purple robe and is named Calla Lily.

These two people are her true confidants, the true first-hand training, it can be said that they are from the same blood.

Hedinghong turned his head and smiled from the bottom of his heart:

“How is the connection between you two?”

The hyacinth bends its knees slightly:

“The spies of the sunrise country expressed that they can cooperate with us, but the requirement is to hand over our’god’ to them.”

Hedinghong curled his lips and smiled:

“You can agree. They are just a bunch of disabled people. No matter how many conditions are given, they will eventually be my slaves.”

The calla lily then knelt down and smiled:

“Almost all foreign powers have ghosts, but at present, it seems that the sunrise country and the eagle country have a good intention. Although the Xingyao country is strong, they do not seem to be very popular. I am afraid that the sunrise country and the eagle country will be the target of the target. Point to Xing Yaoguo.”

Hedinghong looked at the calla lily with interest, but she didn’t expect that she would find out so much news, and she was so careful.

“So, what do you think we do best?”

Hedinghong asked with a smile.

The calla lily paused for a while, and then said seriously:

“I don’t think that the relations between these countries need us to provoke, especially the sunrise country. They themselves are the rats of the international community. With them, the situation will not be stable.”

“I think infiltrating the sunrise country is the best choice. Make it a bit more thorough on the basis of chaos. Moreover, the small country, the sunrise country, is relatively better controlled.”

Heding Hong nodded uncontrollably:

“Yes, it is worthy of my own cultivation, these matters, you two are solely responsible.”

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and disappeared on the top of Longling Mountain, turning into three streams of light running in different directions.

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