Chapter 257 Qin Feng’s Dream, Blood Sacrifice

Since suppressing the Wushui River incident, Qin Feng once again triggered a special sign-in.

At that time, he had already sensed the anomaly in the capital of Shu.

But at this time, even if you already have enough incense merit to control the entire capital of Shu, for now, let’s completely wait for all the forces behind Tianxie to surface and talk.

What’s more, the top priority now is Ascension’s own strength, so take the time to absorb the essence of Styx.

Recently, Tian Xie’s movements have become more and more frequent, and I am afraid that the last battle is getting closer and closer.

At night, after visiting Zhan Yu, Ye Yi stayed in a hotel nearby.


Ye Yi looked helplessly at the black cloud outside the window, thinking constantly in his heart.

“Master Chenghuang, you must help me get rid of those ghosts in the capital of Shu.”

Thinking of the several S-level ghosts and evil spirits in the capital city of Shu, and all the strange things that happened recently, the more Ye Yi thought about it, the more he felt his scalp numb.

Finally fell asleep.

As he fell asleep, Ye Yi saw that he had come to a gloomy place somehow.

Ye Yi came to a floating island.

There is only one huge mountain in the entire island, and there is also a rich Ghost Qi hovering on the mountain.

Several dark palaces are located in the mountains.

Will there still be ghosts in Ghost Qi, screaming and floating around?

Looking down the island, the terrifying ghosts are constantly screaming below.

Tianlei Earth Fire is constantly torturing these ghosts and evil spirits, presumably it must have made some serious mistakes during his lifetime.

Suddenly, a golden streamer slowly flowed down from the mountains, exuding a warm current in this gloomy island.

This golden light fell in front of Ye Yi and turned into a human form.

Ye Yi looked up at the man in front of him, always feeling as if he had seen him somewhere.

Look carefully from head to toe, and then from toe to head again.

It’s so familiar and can’t remember it.


Ye Yi’s gaze stayed on the man’s eyes.

These majestic eyes!

Portrait of the city god!

Ye Yi inexplicably thought of the majestic city god during the day.

“Master Chenghuang?”

Ye Yi knelt down respectfully, and asked frightenedly.

There was a burst of surprise in my heart. I actually dreamed of Chenghuang in my dream?

In other words, is Chenghuang entrusted the dream to me?

Qin Feng raised his hand and helped him up.

“It’s not that I won’t help you eradicate evil spirits, but now, we need to wait for the moment.”

Qin Feng spoke slightly, and a voice like Hong Zhong came.

Although it is extremely loud, it will not make people feel the eardrum tingling, but will feel very comfortable.

Ye Yi arched his cupped hands:

“My lord, many S-level ghosts and evil spirits have appeared in Shudu at this time. Before I left, many people had disappeared. If you don’t take action, those ghosts and evil spirits are raging, the people of Shudu are probably…”

Ye Yi didn’t dare to go on, he didn’t dare to imagine that the four S-level ghosts slaughtering himself were as simple as crushing ants, what kind of picture it would be like to slaughter the people.

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head:

“Don’t worry, for a while, they won’t easily attack the people. Those who are missing are probably used as eyeliners. Once you return to the capital, you will immediately enter their control.”

“We have to wait for the opportunity, because they are also waiting, waiting for the characters behind them to wake up. Especially, a force of the so-called demon lord!”

Qin Feng suddenly concentrated, his expression extremely serious:

“And I have to wait until the moment their behind-the-scenes forces emerge. Uproot them!”

Ye Yi looked at the extremely young and handsome Chenghuang in front of him, and he didn’t seem to be a god at all.

But his every move and the incomparably majestic look often gave him a sense of Sacred that cannot be offended.

Ye Yi stared at Qin Feng for a long time, without knowing what to say.

Arched his hands and bowed deeply,

After a while, Qin Feng’s figure gradually faded.

Ye Yi also woke up from the bed.

Before he could walk out of the room, he heard Wang Dazhu’s voice.

“Ye Yi! Lord Chenghuang gave me a dream!”

The last tall and honest figure ran in.

Ye Yi smiled and nodded:

“He gave me a dream too.”

The two checked the content again, basically the same, Ye Yi also decided to stay and join Chenghuangwei to prepare for the future.

What he didn’t expect was that there were still two teenagers in this Chenghuangwei.

And these two teenagers are actually as strong as own!

At the same time, the capital of Shu.

“Please help me find my son as soon as possible!”

A middle-aged woman cried and yelled to the police center on the other side of the phone.

The operator of the special affairs bureau command center is also frowning. Recently, the disappearance of the capital of Shu has become more and more frequent.

The operator kept comforting:

“Big Sister, don’t worry, can you tell me the detailed location of your home, we will dispatch the police to investigate immediately.”

On the other side of the phone, there was a sudden silence.

The operator thought that the woman had not heard it, and repeated it again.

But there is still no response.

Suddenly the woman on the other end of the phone said:

“No, my son is back, thank you.”

The operator looked dumbfounded, but the phone had been hung up, and only a busy tone came from the other end.

The woman looked at own son, wiped her tears and walked over.

The boy was staring at the food on the table.

“My son, eat when you are hungry.”

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the boy sat at the table and gobbled it up.

The rose looked through the boy’s eyes and saw that the woman didn’t have any suspicion, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

At the same time in Shudu, those who had disappeared suddenly appeared in Own’s home.

It just became reticent, and suddenly had a big appetite.

These twelve people were all removed from the Restrictions by the rose, and Hun and Po were taken away. Now they are just starving ghosts in human skin, and they are also their eyeliners.

To lift the seal, 13 of them must be used.

“Now, almost everything is ready, I only owe a thousand-faced lord to go out.”

The rose smiled and looked at the black rose beside her:

“At that time, the entire Shu will be our sacrifice, not to mention opening one seal, even if it comes to three places, it will be more than enough.”

Black Rose just smiled, she is not good at chatting with these people, she is still suitable to seduce the guys who control those special affairs bureaus.

“Master Thousand Faces… Master Demon Lord… Hahaha, what will happen to this world if they all wake up?”

The Chinese rose involuntarily began to show off what will happen in the future.

Thousand faces go out, the capital of Shu blood sacrifices.

Open the seal and awaken the demon lord.

Then what?

Give yourself a small official and put the whole world in your own bag.

At that time, you can raise as many ghost slaves as you want. Ascension has as much strength as you want.

The rose looked at the black rose with a smirk, as if all this had already happened.

Just when the rose was happily dreaming of a comfortable life in the future.

Seeing the rose, Black Rose’s face gradually turned from excitement to doubt, and then gradually twisted together, very ugly.

“Master Rose, you…”

Before Black Rose could ask, she also received the news.

Pei Sun escaped!

Pei Sun escaped!

The corners of the eyes of Black Rose and Chinese Rose kept twitching.

“Damn! This bunch of trash!”

The rose gnashed her teeth and cursed, her mouth creaking with silver teeth.

“You stay, I’ll find someone!”

The rose looked at the black rose angrily, turned around and disappeared into the shadow.

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