Chapter 254

Almost every high-level Tianxie caught the news from Mandala for help at the same time.

Including the members who have been in Tianxie’s headquarters for a long time, they also began to prepare to go to support at this time.

“What’s the matter, mandala, a bunch of trash, do we need our own hands to deal with a small special affairs bureau?”

An extremely sharp voice came, the man wearing a pink dress, playing with the Luo fan in his hand.

The small petal-shaped Luo fan on this side is an earth-level spiritual weapon.

“Don’t talk oleanders here.”

Suddenly, in the shadow behind the woman, another purple figure appeared:

“Let’s go, it seems that the forces they encountered this time are not just as simple as the Special Affairs Bureau, maybe it was that shit Chenghuang who made the move.”

The purple-red figure gradually separated from the shadow, and it was another symbiotic ghost of the oleander: purple narcissus.

“You must know that Lord Thousand Faces is a little nervous when he talks about the city god, let alone the trash snack of Mandala!”

The husky voice of the purple narcissus made a strange laugh, and the members of the Tianxie behind them became cold.

At the same time, all the high-levels in various places of Tianxie, that is, this group of guys named after flowers, dispatched one after another.

A large number of members of Tianxie for a time.

From these flowers, grasses, snakes and animals to the ordinary guards, they were almost out of their nests.

The purpose is to get ahead of the official people and bring all the sacrifices back at all costs.

Pei Shun looked at the squeaky guards outside the door, but he was a little curious about what they were talking about.

Everyone of Tianxie’s strength is above Grade B, even though it was soaked with a variety of crooked potions.

But B-level is B-level after all, Pei Shun has been bound by the soul-binding rope for so many years, and he doesn’t know how much strength he can exert.

He even almost forgot how to use the ghost energy.

Looking at the four or five guards at the door communicating with each other, suddenly the five of them walked in and looked at Pei Shun.

Pei Shun quickly closed his eyes and pretended to rest.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes again, and only one of the five guards remained.

It’s a godsend!

This is a good opportunity to escape!

Pei Shun gritted his teeth secretly and looked at the only guard outside the door.

He has only one chance, and the driving ghost must immediately break free from the shackles of the soul-bound rope and at the same time be able to kill the guard.

Once it fails, the consequences are disastrous.

And he didn’t know what happened to Tian Xie at this time.

“Wait and see…”

Pei Shun muttered silently in his heart, looking at the empty corridor outside the hall door and the red coffin not far from him.

The idea of ​​running away is getting heavier.

“Everyone, immediately, hold on to me!”

Lily flashed back to Hedong, commanding the remaining forces of Lintian Sect to resist the army of the Special Affairs Bureau.

This time, the Special Affairs Bureau dispatched more than 40 A-level members and more than 20 S-level members.

Everyone in Tianxie has a Restrictions.

People like Mandala can activate Restrictions at any time so that they can disperse their souls. As long as they dare to resist the order, there is only one ending.

The ordinary members of Tianxie saw the army of the Special Affairs Bureau holding spirit weapons one by one. Although their hearts trembled, they did not dare to take a step back.

“No need at this time, when are you waiting?”

A man in a dark blue jacket held a black shiny stone in his hand and looked at the woman in the red robe.

“It might be a bit hasty to start the circle like this.”

The woman’s name is Hedinghong. In Tianxie, apart from her, only a thousand faces have the most power to speak.

The man squeezed the black stone in his hand, and asked:

“If you miss the good deeds of Lord Thousand Faces, you will bear the responsibility? And our main purpose now is to contain that shit city god.”

He pointed to the blood-stained girls in the dungeon:

“They are the top priority! Don’t forget that our ultimate goal is to help the Lord Thousand Faces Blood Sacrifice to open the seal!”

The man turned around, and there was a blue poison dart frog printed on the back of his jacket, which was his code name.

Heding Hong gritted his teeth and had to open the dungeon and unearth 20 girls.

The poison dart frog looked at the intricate patterns on the ground and placed the dark stone on it.

Hedinghong grabbed the girls one after another, surrounded the magic circle, waved his hand, a burst of red energy gushed from the hearts of those girls.


To be precise, the blood is mixed with life force and Hun and Po.


Scream after scream one after another.

The blood in the heart’s mouth continued to gush out of the girls like a thin line, pouring into the magic circle.

After receiving these energy, the strange lines in the magic circle began to emit a faint red light.

The entire magic circle suddenly seemed to have life, and powerful energy began to gush out.

The source of this energy is the black stone.

This gem is the key to this magic circle.

If you want to quickly transfer this group of girls, you can only use the array transfer.

But the magic circle not only consumes this earth-level spiritual weapon, but also a large amount of life energy as an aid.

Either sacrifice these girls, or sacrifice their evil people.


The poison dart frog watched the strong black and red energy in the circle boiling in it, like a pot of boiling red soup.

“I have informed that the rose is ready in Shu, and it can start!”

Hedinghong opened the dungeon and dragged the girls out of the iron cage one after another and threw them into this boiling pool of blood.


The sharp screams continued to spread, and every time they came into contact with that huge magic circle, they stopped abruptly.

At the same time, sacrifices from all over the Hedong and Hexi counties were continuously fainted in this circle.

When Crane Dinghong was transporting the offerings, his figure suddenly stopped, and the movements in his hands stopped.

“The top of the crane is red? What are you staring at?”

Seeing this, the poison dart frog pushed away the crest of the crane, and continued to hold the girls and throw them into the circle. When the girls touched the blood pool, they disappeared from the blood pool circle as if they had melted.

Crane Dinghong ran out in a panic, leaving only one sentence:

“You are solely responsible for this! Pei Shun ran away!”


The poison dart frog was stunned for a moment, but did not stop the movement in his hand, and the dark blue energy led the poor girls in the dungeon into the blood-red magic circle.

“Pei Sun escaped? How could it be possible?”

The poison dart frog felt very nervous, knowing that Pei Shun is Lord Thousand Faces and the person he values. If Lord Thousand Faces left the customs and found Pei Shun escaped, I am afraid that all of them would become the sacrifices of Lord Thousand Faces.

The poison dart frog swallowed involuntarily, but was helpless and could only pin his hopes on the crest of the crane.

Tianxie headquarters, on that empty pillar, there is no Pei Shun, there is only a dim soul tie, and the guard at the door who has no breath.

He Dinghong saw this scene, his teeth clenched loudly.

“Pei Shun!”

Hedinghong gritted his teeth and shouted Pei Shun’s name.

At this time, Pei Shun, seriously injured, jumped and jumped from a waterfall in Longling Mountain.

Life or death is a matter of fate!

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