Chapter 252 S-level alert, the director disappears

Ye Yi looked at the mother and son Shuangsha, who were getting closer, clenching his fists tightly, his throat squirming involuntarily.

In the face of two S-level ghosts, his strength is probably not enough.


A soft sound.

The mother and son Shuangsha had already rushed towards Ye Yi’s face.

The bloody mouth seemed to be about to bite Ye Yishi, suddenly a golden light flashed in his arms.

Ye Yi glanced down suddenly.

City God Talisman!

In other words, it was the peace talisman given to him by Wang Dazhu!

The Ping An Talisman turned into a thin golden thread, continuously stretched out from the Talisman, and flew towards the mother and son Sha.


A weird scream came, and the female ghost who first touched the golden thread was cut apart by the golden thread.

The ghost claw made a “chichi” sound under the stimulation of golden light.

Immediately afterwards, these golden silk threads were entwined around the mother and son evil one after another, like a spider web temporarily trapping the two ghosts.

Seeing this, Ye Yi knew that he was not an opponent, and immediately fled this damn earth temple.

At this time, he alone, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with this mother and son Sha.

Even in the entire city of Shu, there are only a handful of S-level ghost defenders.

I’m afraid it will be hard to resist for a while.

Must ask for help!

As Ye Yi thought, he jumped down the mountain.


He stepped on a giant pine and bounced it violently.


With a crisp sound, the pine tree was trampled off, and Ye also bounced out suddenly.

It turned into a phantom and flew towards the Special Affairs Bureau of Bazhou City.

Seeing Ye Yi’s hurriedly fleeing figure through the eyes of mother and son Sha, Rose couldn’t help but sneer:

“Hahaha~ Do you really think you can escape the palm of my hand?”

Looking at the respectful black rose on the side, the corner of Rose’s mouth was filled with a bright smile:

“Now the entire capital of Shu is in my bag, will you be ruined by your little clown?”

Black Rose was silent. During this time, she had exhausted her beauty and intimidation.

With one hand to lure and the other to threaten, he stupefied and grasped the dead spots of all the high-level special affairs bureaus in the capital of Sichuan.

Rose looked back at Black Rose and asked:

“How are the family members of those guys arranged?”

Black Rose bent slightly, with a wicked smile at the corner of her mouth, bowed her head and turned back:

“They were all detained in the dungeon outside our altar. When the sacrifice was timed, the first group killed them.”

“Jie Jie Jie…”

Facing her achievements during this period, Rose was very satisfied, and she couldn’t help letting out a cold laugh.

After all, the price she paid for this is also very huge.

Ye Yi returned to Bazhou Special Affairs Bureau out of breath.

Chen Feng, a good friend, saw Ye Yi in a hurry, and asked quickly:

“Lao Ye, what’s wrong with you? I’m about to find you.”

Ye Yi sat on the ground and gasped fiercely, and then hurriedly said after a few breaths:

“Notify…notify the chief…Bazhou…Bazhou…turn on the S-level alert state.”

Ye Yi was clutching his chest, blushing and panting with her neck swollen.

“Turn on S-level alert? What happened?”

“The two S-level ghosts should still be in a community…what a special one! Find the director quickly.”

Ye Yi hasn’t gotten up yet, so he hurriedly took Chen Feng to the director’s office.

Chen Feng’s expression changed, and he lifted up Ye Yi who was sitting on the ground, and said:

“I’m also about to find you. Our temporary team investigating the Earth Temple found two people, a man and a woman, both of whom are above the S-level in strength.”

After Ye Yi listened, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and a terrifying thought flashed in his mind.

“I’m afraid, all Shu should have entered the S-level alert state!”

After speaking, Ye Yi grabbed Chen Feng while clutching his chest, and ran to the director’s office in a panic.

However, when he arrived at the door of the office, he realized that the door had been locked tightly at this time.

“Oh shit!”

Ye Yi cursed secretly:

“You go to the deputy bureau. I will write a report and submit it to the correspondence office to see if they can continue to report it.”

Chen Feng nodded and turned into a gust of wind and ran towards wherever the deputy director might appear.

After filling out the report, Ye Yi was almost recovered, but when he submitted it, he always felt that the colleague in front of him was a little absent-minded.

“This is an emergency! It must be reported as quickly as possible! Reply to me as soon as possible!”

Ye Yi almost roared these words, but there was no wave on the faces of these guys at the communication office.


Ye Yi gritted his teeth, turned and left the room, and ran into Chen Feng head-on as soon as he left the house.

Before Ye Yi could speak, Chen Feng said quickly:

“I’m gone, I don’t know where to go, and I asked several colleagues… I don’t know where to go.”

“The phone could not be reached, and the communicator did not respond.”

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he took a few breaths.


Ye Yi cursed secretly that the Wushui River incident was closed before there was a result, and there was no one to deal with the emergence of four S-classes in Bazhou.

After taking a few breaths, Chen Feng said hurriedly:

“Why don’t we contact the Shudu General Administration directly.”

“More than 300 kilometers, whether you can run or drive with ghosts, it takes a few hours.”

Ye Yi led Chen Feng out of the empty office building and walked outside the door:

“I am still being stared at by two S-class evil spirits, and I may not be able to pass the news of safety.”

“I’ll get in touch!”

Chen Feng looked at Ye Yi resolutely and stepped directly on the special motorcycle.

“Those S-level ghosts don’t necessarily know what I am doing. You just want to attract their attention. I promise to submit the news to the Shudu General Administration.”

Ye Yi nodded, following the roar of the engine.

Chen Feng raised a cloud of dust behind him, and immediately left the special affairs bureau.

Just as Ye Yi was about to turn around, he suddenly felt a strange breath behind him.

He turned back abruptly, but couldn’t perceive anything.

“Minister Chen? Minister Chen!”

A man yelled sharply.

Ye Yi looked towards the source of the sound, and yelled while holding a stack of thick portfolios.

“Minister Chen is not here, tell me something.”

“Minister Ye, the few missing incidents that happened just now.”

Ye Yi stepped forward and took a look at the portfolio.

Just 10 minutes ago, we received 13 consecutive reports of missing cases.

The portfolio shows the information of all the missing persons, and there is no connection between them.


Ye Yi looked at the thick portfolio in his hand, frowned and said:

“All the police forces that can be deployed are deployed on every street in Bazhou City. No matter what method is used, find me any clues that contain possible!”


The man hurriedly saluted a military salute, turned and ran towards the special service squadron.

Ye Yi’s figure flashed, and ran towards a nearby disappearance case.

at the same time.

Chen Feng just got on the high speed.

Pulling the police siren and speeding 200 kilometers in the emergency lane towards the Shudu General Administration.

Nearly an hour later.

Chen Feng came to the Shudu General Administration and looked up at the entire building, only to feel the deathly silence.

Suddenly, a strong Ghost Qi gushed out from between the buildings, enveloping Chen Feng in an instant.

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