Chapter 247 How many ghost kings bring a group of ghost kings?

Jiangning City, Jiangfu County, outside the Chenghuang Temple.

A figure walked around the crowd in a panic, and straightly found Wang Dazhu.

Since ordinary people began to pray for gods from the Chenghuang Temple to return home to worship, there have been a lot of people missing in the temple, but the power of faith provided to Qin Feng hasn’t been reduced much.

Wang Dazhu was very leisurely when he suddenly saw a dark figure attacking and jumped up from the desk in shock.

“Fuck, Zhan Yu, why are you running here in a panic?”

Wang Dazhu was frightened by the beating heart, and was frightened by the sudden flying Zhan Yu.

Zhan Yu clutched his chest and said breathlessly:

“You…you…please…Chenghuang lord…to help…Hedong…Hedong can’t stand it anymore…the ability of the Special Affairs Bureau is…limited…Oh, I’m exhausted!”

Wang Dazhu hurriedly brought a glass of water, and Zhan Yu did not even see the gurgling and raised his neck and poured it in.

“The Special Affairs Bureau…can’t beat them, that…Lintianjiao, too strong, there are still a lot of people, forget it! I’ll tell you a shit!”

Zhan Yu thought that he was right in front of the city god, turned around and knelt down in front of the city god statue, mumbling out everything about Hedong County.

Talking about playing, Zhan Yu banged his head several times at the Chenghuang like.

But for a long time I didn’t see any reaction, but my head was dizzy.

“Wang Dazhu… what did you… just give me a drink?”

Wang Dazhu was taken aback:

“That, the monkey wine rewarded by Master Chenghuang?”

Seeing Zhan Yu’s figure drifting a little, Wang Dazhu didn’t have time to walk over.


With a sound, Zhan Yu fell to the ground and fell asleep.

“Fuck! You can’t drink enough?”

Wang Dazhu hurried to shake Zhan Yu:

“Zhan Yu? Zhan Yu! Fuck! Wouldn’t you drink a bar anywhere else?”

Si Gong Yin & Yang saw this scene of Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry through the stone statues in the Chenghuang Temple, and couldn’t help but shook his head.

At the same time, the King of Hell suddenly appeared in the Chenghuang Temple.

Yin & Yang Si Gong, bull head horse face, black and white impermanence, day and night wandering god and the little baby in the arms of Bai impermanence, a group of human ghost defenders after death also gathered together.

“This time we are facing a large number of ghost guards from human beings, so you are specially invited to come. If you don’t have a lot of ghosts in your area, you can go together.”

Zhong Kui’s vigorous voice echoed in the Chenghuang Temple.

“My lord, I am waiting for no major incidents of ghosts and evil raging in the area.”

“Well~ Then set off immediately and go to Hadong County to help humans eradicate cholera.”

Zhong Kui waved his big hand, and the ghosts disappeared from the place instantly.

Hadong County.

When Zhu Sheng saw that the man took out the Heaven-Order Spirit Tool, his whole body was erected in an instant.

“Extraordinary! Retreat! Retreat!”

Zhu Sheng yelled at Lin Feng.

Before the words fell, a black needle in Mandala’s hand flew over like a bullet in an instant.

The Secret Service soldiers led by Lin Feng dealt with the surrounding leaders of the Lintian Church, while also taking care of the black needles around them that looked like mosquitoes.

Zhu Sheng was about to rush forward, and with a wave of the mandala, a row of black needles pierced his body with the sound of “shooing”, piercing fine holes all over his body.

Although it is invisible to the naked eye, I can clearly feel that the Ghost Qi in the body is flowing rapidly.

Several ordinary soldiers who were under siege were dying at this time, and those Lintian sect guardians who intended to whip the corpse turned Ghost Qi into a knife to wipe out the lives of these soldiers.

“F*ck! Looking for death!”

Seeing this, Mad Saber rushed towards the nearby Lintian Cultist who wanted to whip the corpse.

“Swish swish-”

A wave of air pierced with a group of dense black needles.

As if the bones of Crazy Blade had been taken away, he immediately fell down.

Fortunately, he had drunk monkey wine before, otherwise, he would be killed immediately at this time.

Mandala has a huge number of black needles, and the speed is extremely fast. Every time someone tries to interrupt her casting, they will always be overturned by a large black needle.

On the verge of dying.

As the soldiers fell one by one, the people of Lintian Sect quickly gained the upper hand, and some bold ones immediately absorbed the ghosts and evil spirits from the soldiers who had just died, and used them for breakthrough.

Mandala held his hands high, and was about to kill the crowd in front of him with fine needles, when a majestic force suddenly came from a distance.

“A crowd of Xiaoxiao, dare to make trouble here?”

From a distance, a loud voice sounded like Hong Zhong.

Accompanied by a strong Ghost Qi, those who had made breakthroughs in the Lintian Sect were backlashed instantly, and rushed towards the Lintian Sect leader beside him.

The mandala’s movements were suddenly stopped, and a terrifying coercion struck, and for a while, the mandala was actually very difficult to resist.

“Ghost? There are a group of ghost kings?”

The corner of Mandala’s eyes twitched, looking at the heavy Ghost Qi and one of the various ghosts, there was a pang of fear in his heart.

She had never seen such a big battle.

But I see it now.

Zhong Kui waved his hand.

Suddenly the sky darkened, and the surrounding clouds all turned into ghost Qi thick black clouds, and the clouds were full of the wailing of various ghosts.

Hearing from a distance makes everyone’s scalp numb, like a hundred ghosts scratching their hearts.

Some Lintian Sects with limited stamina were frightened in the initial moments and merged into the ghost realm summoned by Zhong Kui.

Mandala gritted his teeth and tried to twitch his body. He had just dealt with Zhu Sheng and others. At this time, it was a little difficult to compete with Zhong Kui!

“Damn! Move! Ah—”

Mandala bit the teeth in his mouth abruptly, and a strong breath gushed from the broken teeth.

Finally withdrew from this coercion.

Mandala hurriedly turned his head, at this moment Lily’s body exuded ghost energy everywhere.

Zhong Kui’s ghost mythical creatures are absorbing the ghost energy in their bodies!

Other ghosts rushed out one after another, turning into a stream of light among the crowd, pulling out the Hun and Po who were the principals of the Lintian Church in turn, and throwing them into the underworld.

“Lily, go call people, take things away, I’ll hold them.”

Mandala sent a message to Lily, and instantly smashed Lily’s soul.

Immediately after his hands were put together, the black and purple energy flowing from the fingertips gathered a handful of black needles in his hands.


It was another powerful energy, and the black and purple ghost domain of Mandala reluctantly pulled a crack in Zhong Kui’s ghost domain in an instant.

“Hahahaha… I didn’t expect that you are still a little capable.”

Zhong Kui chuckled a few times before suddenly pulling out a square thing from his cuff.

On it, the word “City God” shone with light.

The seal of the city god is divided!

Zhong Kui drove the ghost energy, and Fenyin immediately released a wisp of tyrannical energy, instantly depriving everyone of Lintian Sect of the ability to act.

The mandala’s black and purple Realm had just torn a hole, before he could catch his breath, he was suppressed in Zhong Kui’s ghost domain.

She clenched her teeth tightly, put her fingers together, and pointed towards her eyebrows:

“It seems that Lintian Sect must give up!”

Suddenly, the mandala stopped resisting, and the whole person instantly solidified like a statue.

A faint figure was forcibly drawn out of the main body of Lintian Sect, and the twisted figure was thrown into the underworld to wait for the trial and punishment.

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