Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 537: Get ready to hunt ghosts

Chapter 537 Preparing to catch ghosts

David was preparing to leave, but Director Zhang immediately stood up to persuade him to stay: "Even if Mr. Glamorgan wants to leave, please tell me the situation first before leaving!"

Whether David is responsible for solving the police station's problems or not, at least he can handle the current job from beginning to end, right?

David was just showing off. Of course he didn't want to miss such an interesting thing, so he sat back down the steps.

When they saw that they couldn't find out David's details, they stopped worrying about the matter and talked seriously about the situation at the police station.

 In addition to the four of them, the police also invited several masters to observe the police station.

According to those people, there are indeed some hidden dangers in this police station, but it is not a big deal. As long as you handle it carefully, you can naturally avoid this disaster.

“Several masters have all mentioned the Hungry Ghost Festival. As long as that day passes smoothly, nothing will happen again.”

 Director Zhang said something to calm the atmosphere and at the same time, he turned the topic back to business.

 “What do you think?”

Zhong Fabai looked at it and saw several young people looking at him. He knew that he had to speak first, so he expressed his opinion clearly and neatly: "In my humble opinion, what some of my colleagues said is not unreasonable. It’s just that Pindao feels that the evil spirit suppressed by the police station is quite strange and dangerous, so he must be careful to deal with it even if it is not the Ghost Festival.”

Zhong Fabai suggested that a set of formations should be set up in the police station to cooperate with the masculine and righteous atmosphere in the police station to continue to eliminate the evil and evil atmosphere. If you persist in this way for a period of time, there will naturally be no danger.

 When Zhong Fabai finished speaking, Zhang Lihua also expressed her agreement. She and Zhong Fabai had similar views.

“Miss Ma and Mr. Glamorgan think so too?”

Director Zhang turned to look at the two men on the left. After Ma Xiaoling glanced at David, she expressed her opinion first: "In addition to setting up formations, it is best to stay at the police station for a whole day on the Ghost Festival, so as to Just in case.”

“Miss Ma, do you think the evil spirits can’t be suppressed by using formation alone?”

Zhong Fabai and Zhang Lihua looked at Ma Xiaoling and then at David. What did this person think?

The eyes were focused on him again, and this time there was nothing to dodge. David gave his answer simply: "No matter the formation or the people sent, it can't be suppressed."


 I thought Zhang Tianshi and Zhong Daozhang's conclusion was bad enough, but Miss Ma's arrangements were even more cautious.

 But no one expected that David’s conclusion was actually worse.

David obviously decided that something would happen to the police station, and none of the suggestions put forward by the people present could solve the problem.

 Director Zhang looked calm on the surface, but he was a little suspicious in his heart. Did David want to make more money, so he deliberately made the matter so serious?

“You are only thinking about suppression. Year after year, the evil spirit has not diminished at all, but has become more and more suppressed. The resentment of those suppressed evil spirits is getting stronger day by day, and it has reached the point where it can no longer be suppressed.”

David ignored the looks of everyone and finished his opinion in one breath.

"Even if we can suppress it successfully this time, the next outbreak will only be more dangerous. What will we do then?" David glanced at Director Zhang: "Moreover, police stations renovated from old buildings will continue to be built in recent years. It was demolished, right? It will be even more troublesome when there is no more masculine and upright suppression by the police department, when evil spirits appear and people die on the construction site!"

 “That makes sense!” Director Zhang nodded when he heard this. The fact that the police station will be demolished in the future must be taken into consideration.

That police station was originally on the list of being demolished and rebuilt. It would be very troublesome to be haunted during the demolition. If someone died...

As for why there must be evil spirits, several people present could actually see this, and they all knew the identity of the evil spirits: they were the Japanese officers who committed suicide.

 “What should we do?”

David spread his hands and gestured to the people around him: "These are all from famous families. They are the experts in how to deal with evil spirits."

“Mr. Glamorgan is too humble.” Director Zhang saw that David seemed to have little interest in this business, so he turned to other masters for their opinions.

Originally, when David said that the evil spirit in the police station was so strong that it could no longer be suppressed, Zhong Fabai and Zhang Lihua did not fully agree.

They heard that the police station would be demolished sooner or later, and they understood that continuing to suppress them was not a reliable method, so they seriously thought about how to deal with these evil spirits.

 The solution is nothing more than to save these undead souls; or to beat them to the point of being driven out of their wits. The preparations required for these two options are completely different.

Decent people like Zhong Fabai and Zhang Lihua usually give priority to salvation.

 The two discussed on the spot what kind of ritual should be held and what preparations should be done? Ma Xiaoling occasionally interjected a few words, and David watched the whole process.

Even if someone asked, he would just smile and say nothing.

 After a few polite words, he simply said that he didn't understand these things at all and had no suggestions at all.

Everyone thinks so. Even if David really understands it, he only understands the Western procedures. It would be strange if he understood the rituals used by himself and others.

 The discussion between the three local exorcists was heated, and David and Director Zhang were relatively idle. Considering that David was the one the police wanted to make good friends with, Director Zhang took David and talked about other things.

For example, what specific work does David’s Everything House undertake?

Although he heard that David would accept any commission as long as he was willing to accept it, he always felt that this introduction was too general, and he might be able to understand more clearly by asking in person.

 “As long as I find it interesting, I will take it.”



If David finds it interesting, he will take it even if it is a job of helping people with their homework. If he finds the job boring, he will not bother to take it even if he is offered 10 million or 100 million pounds.

With these words, outsiders may think that David is bragging. Someone actually offered 100 million pounds, and no one believed that David would refuse.

Only people who know David well know that he really looks down on that mere 100 million pounds.

  In fact, several people nearby were paying attention to the content of the chat between the two people. They heard that David was not a professional exorcist, but actually opened a company that accepted any kind of work. This made other people who did not know the situation very strange.

 Zhang Lihua even made a joke with David: "If I want to find a boyfriend, can Wanshiwu help me introduce one?"

“Yes, Miss Zhang can state your request and I will help you pay attention to it.”

 “I will definitely visit you personally when I have time.”

They conveniently left business cards to each other. As for Mr. Zhong Fabai and Mr. Zhong, he didn’t have such a thing as a business card, but it was easier for others to find. Except for temporary work, he would stay at the grocery store in the Elite Center on weekdays.

What David didn't know was that after he expressed his opinion, he did not attract any rebuttal or questioning from Zhong Fabai and Zhang Lihua. Ultimately, it was precisely because Zhong Fabai had met David once before.

At that time, when Zhong turned white, he realized that David was definitely not an ordinary person, or even not a human being at all.

Such a being has determined that something will definitely happen there. Zhong Fabai, an ordinary person, will certainly not question it. He will only carefully recall various details and think about what he did not notice.

When we met again, although David was not as bright as the last time, Zhong Fabai was even more frightened.

He was confident that he would never make a mistake last time, let alone remember the wrong person. David left such a deep impression on him that he would never forget it in his life.

There is only one conclusion. David realized that he was too eye-catching like the walking sun, so he used some means to cover it up.

This method was silent and even traceless. Zhong Fabai secretly tried several times but failed to see through this disguise. He was more sure of his guess: this David Glamorgan was not an angel, but also a similar being descended to earth. , it can’t be human anyway.

Zhong Fabai felt that there was nothing unusual about him, but in fact, the few people present were all good people, and Zhong Fabai was not an unknown person. Both Zhang Lihua and Director Zhang had heard about his character.

 Zhong Daochang came from a famous family and became famous very early. Naturally, he also has a bit of the arrogance of a genius. He doesn't feel it himself, but outsiders' evaluations of him are indispensable with descriptions that match the word "arrogance".

 Such a person did not express doubts about an outsider like David, and even acted calmly. This is abnormal in itself.

 The reasonable explanation is that Daochang Zhong and David had met a long time ago. Daochang Zhong was very clear about David's strength, so he was so calm.

Director Zhang saw this, so even though David showed no interest in the matter, he still did not exclude David and formally issued a commission to several people present: After solving the evil evil spirit suppressed by the police station, Everyone can get paid millions.

 The price for all four people was the same, including Zhong Fabai, who said they would think about it carefully and would give a clear answer within three days, but they did not express dissatisfaction.

 Zhang Lihua, who is the successor of Zhang Tianshi, also smiled and said that she would think about it for a few days, but also did not express dissatisfaction.

 Director Zhang felt that his judgment was correct. He smiled and said he was waiting for their replies.

He personally escorted several people out of the conference room. Director Zhang asked Superintendent Hu Huishan to personally **** several masters out of the police station, which was quite a show of respect.

With such a simple move, when Zhong Fabai and Zhang Lihua said goodbye to Hu Huishan, they directly changed their words: "I will give a clear answer tomorrow!"

Even Ma Xiaoling said that no matter what, she would reply to the police tomorrow.

"And you?"

"You can tell Director Zhang that I'll take this job." David waited until the two people walked away, then pretended to be in front of acquaintances. There was fun to watch, so he had no reason to miss it. Once the business was completed, he would receive another amount of income. It didn't matter if he didn't have a new job for the next whole year.

When David returned to the Wanshiwuwu and was about to tell Cheng Leer that he had received a new job, Cheng Leer introduced him to a young girl who looked very well-behaved.

“She is here to interview for company assistant and front desk job. Her name is Ruan Mei.”

 (End of this chapter)

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