Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 499: Minor changes in the development model

  Chapter 499 Minor changes in the development model

  David thought about it, and felt that the murderer was most likely the Burning Legion.

  According to the time, it is almost time for the Burning Crusade plot, the Dark Portal opens again, and the warriors of Azeroth set off to Outland.

   It's just an attack on the outer domain this time, what kind of situation will it be?

  Will the new orc tribe led by Thrall cooperate with the Alliance?

   In addition, because I have influenced too many things, is Illidan still locked up?

   Without Illidan and Kael'thas, the situation in Outland should be completely different from what I know.

   "Oops, there is no prophetic advantage."

   It's not just the situation in Outland, the Alliance army just wiped out Northrend not long ago, which means that the plots of The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King are all gone.

  Azeroth in this world line will go in a completely unknown direction.

   I remembered that when Fording introduced himself to Varian, he also buckled the hat of a prophet.

   As a result, I didn’t make good use of my identity as a prophet, so I was suddenly laid off.

   "It seems that it is not useless, you can predict the catastrophe in advance..."

  David immediately thought that Fording also knew the plot, so it was impossible for him not to be on guard against the black dragon in advance. After Bao Buqi solved the problem in Outland, he turned around and recruited a group of heroes to slay the dragon.

   "You can consider asking Fording for dragon blood, dragon scales, dragon skin, dragon whips and the like."

   Just do it when you think of it, make a list directly, record what you want, and then give it to Jaina, and trouble her to bring it to Fording next time she returns to Azeroth.


  Jianna took the things that David handed over calmly. Although she worked part-time as a delivery girl, it was just a small favor, and she didn't care about anything with David.

  Anyway, I had a good time in Winter City. Since the **** of magic was killed, the shackles attached to the magical power of the world of Brennia have been completely lifted.

  Now she can cast spells as she likes in Azeroth, and even Brennia's spell casting environment is better than Azeroth, because there is a higher concentration and easier mobilization of arcane energy here.

   After talking with Jaina about the draenei, Jaina left.

She recently teamed up with Tony Stark and Steve to tackle the problem of stabilizing the teleportation facilities that can go back and forth between worlds. This project has actually been researched since the first day she came to Winter City. Although it has not been successful after such a long time, but Also accumulated a lot of experience.

With the accumulation of various technologies in Winter City and the space technology of the Sakan people, it seems to be very close to success. At this time, there are guys like Tony who cheat, and Steve, who is especially good at defense, With the help of the former supreme mage who broke the space barrier, the results will be produced soon.

  David is looking forward to the early arrival of that day, but the problem he has to deal with right now is still Gwen's father, Mr. George Stacy.

  After strolling around Cold Winter City, Mr. George Stacey, who has lamented the magic of Winter City countless times, left after having a meal in Cold Winter Castle.

  Looking at the exquisite food on the huge dining table and the busy servants around, Mr. George Stacey experienced the feeling when David was eating at his home.

  Food can't make him feel comfortable, and the surrounding atmosphere makes him feel uncomfortable all over.

   At this time, he finally had the feeling of facing His Majesty the King.

  Even if this man is very young and is his daughter's boyfriend, he can't suppress the other party in terms of momentum.

  In this case, George Stacey didn't ask too many questions, just chatted with David for a while, barely finished the meal, and then left.

  No matter what, he has already confirmed that his daughter's boyfriend is not a liar. Although his identity is a bit outrageous, it is not unacceptable.

  And the other party showed quite excellent abilities, proving that he is fully capable of providing a good enough living environment for his daughter.

  Plus that his daughter really likes each other, so he has nothing to worry about.

  Bringing a few golden apples, a native product of Winter City, George Stacey went home under the leadership of Gwen.

  David guessed that after returning to his home court, George would definitely ask more questions after returning to his senses, but those were the questions Gwen had to face.

  As long as you don't confront yourself face-to-face, everyone won't be completely torn apart, and things won't be too bad.

   "I hope Gwen can handle it."

   Randomly made two gestures and prayed for Gwen, hoping that she could get through the 'difficulty' smoothly.

I don’t know if it was David’s prayer that helped. Gwen didn’t show any embarrassment when she came back from dinner. She seemed to have relaxed a lot. It seemed that the conversation with her father went smoothly, and it resolved the pressure she had been having all along. mind problem.

   This made David very curious: "Didn't you tell your father what happened in Winter Castle?"

  Gwen shook his head: "I think he has seen it."

  Her father is an experienced old policeman, and many things can be guessed at a glance.

   "Then he didn't tell you to leave me as soon as possible?"

   "He just said that no matter what decision I make, he will support me."

  David stretched out his hand to embrace Gwen, and gently stroked her back with his palm: "Me too."


  The two embraced each other and fell asleep, enjoying this peaceful and comfortable time.

  The next day, the sun rose as usual, and the people of Winter City still got up according to their usual habits and started a new day of busy life.

  Cities are building and expanding, and the northern plains are full of busy scenes.

  Rinwinter City, Snowfield Fort, and Port Tiran, the three areas are developing at the same time. According to this rhythm, within a few years, the entire northern plain will be fully developed.

  However, the northern plains will not become a complete city, and will still retain considerable natural scenery. Some of the reserved green areas will be planted with trees, and several additional forests will be built.

  “Part of the residential area will be integrated with these small forests, and it will look like living in the forest.”

At present, in the southwest of Winter City, that is, on the land on the west bank of the Iron Water River, a residential area like this is planned to be built. It is a single-family house with a long distance between them. It is surrounded by lush trees, and the natural features are relatively intact. It can also make life more comfortable.

   And also to try to attract elves to settle there.

   "Many nobles in the city are very interested in this plan."

  David listened to the words of Sutton Stewart who ran back to Winter City not long ago, wondering when this guy changed his job as a real estate developer? Do you want to start thinking about setting up property taxes?

   "I just want to remind you that since the nobles have this idea, you might as well ask them to hire someone to form a team to be responsible for the construction and development."

"You mean, throw out these infrastructure work and let them spontaneously contribute to the strength of Winter City?" It's not that David didn't think about this method, but it was just that Winter City was not big at that time, and he hoped to develop The situation is in your own hands.

If he throws away these jobs early, he worries that Winter City will soon become like the capital of King Tilan: the inner city area is beautiful, but it is surrounded by all kinds of ugly and simple dilapidated houses, forming a slum-like area. outer city.

   "Wetherby can set up a department to be responsible for the review. From design to construction to delivery, it must meet the requirements of Winter City."

  David didn't speak. There is nothing wrong with Earl Sutton-Stewart's suggestion. Even if there is a problem, it is a human problem.

  Under normal circumstances, David would directly adopt it. He believed that those nobles would not dare to do anything for the time being right under his nose.

   If something really happens, you have to go to a farther place: the probability of the northern plains is not high, at least you have to go to Iron Tree Fort, or even a place further south of Iron Tree Fort.

  With the continuous expansion of the Winter Kingdom, those cities will undergo various reconstructions. This kind of real estate business will definitely be the most delicious cake in the Winter Kingdom in the future.

  From this point of view, handing over these affairs will indeed help the rapid construction of the entire Winter Kingdom, allowing other regions to quickly catch up with Winter City.

  In order to prevent Winter City and remote cities from being in different eras in the future.

  It can also bring in more employed people, such as those craftsmen who still insist on doing construction work, they can all pull up a team to take on this kind of work.

  Even if everyone only recruits a few more apprentices and small workers, how many jobs will be created?

  Considering that people will continue to enter Winter City in the future, David must consider the work of these people: even if these people are not willing to do these laborious tasks, these teams also need to manage money, negotiate, and find civilian jobs for engineering projects.

   "Just do it!"

   A new proposal was finalized casually. Next, Wetherby and his subordinates need to work together to improve this plan, striving to maximize the beneficial parts of it and suppress the bad ones.

   It will be years before we know the final outcome.

  David knows that any decision is accompanied by risks, and he should not resist just because he sees the disadvantages. In that case, nothing can be done.

  The official implementation of this proposal also means that the development model of Winter City has loosened a small hole, and it is no longer purely implemented according to the plan.

  More people will participate in the development of the game of Winter City, but unlike pure 'free development', David, as a dictatorial king, still holds the final decision.

  Therefore, as long as David pays close attention to his kingdom, the development of the whole kingdom cannot deviate from the established general direction.

   Not only because the Winter Kingdom is a dictatorial imperial country, but also because David is the one with the biggest fist in the whole kingdom.

   That's the point!

   It is also the reason why David is willing to open a gap appropriately to allow more people to participate.

  So he doesn't worry about someone messing around, if he wants to die, he can try it! David just used it to show off how sharp Winterfell's guillotine is!

  (end of this chapter)

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