About twenty minutes later.

Chen Qian was escorted to the second base.

"Okay, you can stay here for a while, and when I have settled things with the boss, I will send you to the boss. You can rest assured, the food here is first-class and will not treat you badly. After Lin Gou finished speaking to Chen Qian, he closed the door of the prison cell and left.

The cell was the size of a toilet cubicle, and it was no different from a dark room, except for a small window on the door that was fenced off for ventilation and light.

Chen Qian's hands and feet were shackled, and he sat calmly in the corner of the prison cell, glancing up from time to time, aiming at the surveillance camera with infrared lights in the upper left.

“102...... 103...... 104..."Chen Qianmo counted the time, calculating the passage of time while killing boredom.

At ten and three seconds.

The surveillance camera in the upper left suddenly turned off the infrared light,

Chen Qian knew that the "three-three-three" in the monitoring room had been resolved.

After another three minutes and eight seconds, a black shadow unknowingly rushed into the confinement chamber where Chen Qian was being held, and turned into an entity at a speed visible to the naked eye.


More than half an hour ago, it was not included in the Poké Ball by Chen Qian.

The "Darkrai" who was included in the elves in front of the forest dog was actually the howler whale king who was poured the [Change Potion] by Chen Qian.

Chen Qian expected that Lin Gou would inevitably confirm his elves again and again.

Therefore, taking advantage of the time to enter the cave, Chen Qian planned everything, and in order to avoid flaws, the howler whale king, which had been stored in the elven ranch, played a huge role, and was released to disguise and fill, successfully deceiving the eyes of the forest dog.

Who would have thought that Chen Qian would have such a trick to hide?

Darkrai waved his arm, sharpening iron like clay to cut through the shackles that bound Chen Qian's hands and feet.

"Thankfully, well done. The corners of Chen Qian's mouth raised.

"What's next?" Darkrai asked.

"Has the department responsible for freeing the elves been found?"

"Found it, it's all put them in a nightmare. "

"Then let's capture the king directly, go find the forest dog, stun him, and then bring all my Poké Balls over. "

"Good. "


Communication room.

Lin Gou was leaning on the sofa at the moment, stretching Erlang's legs, playing with the Poke Ball he had obtained from Chen Gan.

Because of the boss's problem, he can't get in touch directly at the moment, so he can only wait.

"Boring, boring..."

The forest dog tilted his head and muttered boredly.

Sometimes he sighed, sometimes he closed his eyes and hummed a tune.

Suddenly, the video communicator in front of me rang.

Lin Gou immediately showed a happy look, sat upright, and tidied up his slightly messy clothes.

This shows the respect he has for his boss.

At the same time as pressing the connect button, Lin Gou still had a humble smile on his face, like a polite scholar at this moment, and he couldn't see his crazy energy on weekdays at all.

The screen flickered, but the next moment it wasn't the familiar face of the boss in front of me.

It's Chen Qian, who was imprisoned in the prison cell by him not long ago!


Lin Gou's eyes widened, and his heart jumped violently.

He hurriedly checked the communicator, and after confirming that it was correct, he looked at the screen again, and it was still Chen Gan's face, and he was smiling at him at the moment.

"You, boss, no..."

Lin Gou was a little incoherent for a while.

He obviously put Chen Qian in a prison cell!

But now that the boss's communication is dialed, how can it show Chen Gan's face?

Boss plastic surgery?

Or is this what the boss really is?

"I'm not your boss. Chen Qian spoke.

This time, Lin Gou finally reacted, and his face was as ugly as a ghost: "Aren't you in the prison cell?"

Chen Qian's eyebrows raised slightly: "Isn't it you who is in the prison cell?"

Hearing this, Lin Gou felt a bad premonition in his heart.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, and Hitomi suddenly shrank.

At this moment, the environment around him inexplicably became exactly the same as the prison cell that Chen Qian had been locked in before!

The space was the size of a toilet cubicle, with a small window fenced off by a fence to allow ventilation and light, and a rancid smell in the air.

Lin Gou was so shocked by the sudden scene that he was speechless.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the sofa he was sitting on was more and more wrong...

He swallowed unconsciously, and stiffly lowered his head to look, and what he saw almost didn't suffocate him.

Where is the sofa he is sitting on at the moment?

It's a meat chair made of severed limbs of elves!

Several elven faces were attached to it, and their hollow eyes seemed to stare at him!

On this meat chair, there are still many bugs flying around.

Rao is reckless, he almost can't bear this fright, and he has the illusion that he is stuck in his throat and is about to suffocate0....

How dare he sit in this chair again, and he stood up suddenly, his face as white as his hair with horror, and his brain was a mess of over-frightened man.

"Remember what I told you more than half an hour ago?"

Chen Qian on the screen sneered and let out a gloomy laugh, which made Lin Gou's whole heart tremble.

"What the hell are you doing!!" shouted the forest dog.

"I told you that you would die in the end!"

"If you have the ability, come out, don't mess with these things, come out!" Lin Gou grew louder and louder, and the fear in his heart continued to spread, so he had to rely on the form of swear words to give himself some courage.

"Didn't you say that as long as I can turn the tables, I'll take your life casually?" When Chen Qian said this, the corners of his mouth grinned in a strange arc, almost reaching the root of his ear.

Hearing this, Lin Gou's breath was suffocated, he was so frightened that he couldn't care about anything else, and ran towards the door!

But in the next moment, the only door suddenly turned into a wall, sealing the only way for the forest dog!

At the same time, Chen Qian in the screen was slowly walking out, he smiled sadly, and pinched the neck of the forest dog.

"If you want to lose the bet, give me your life!"

"No! no! no!!"

The forest dog was terrified, he wailed bitterly, but he broke free from his neck no matter what.

Despair gripped me, and consciousness gradually blurred...


Prison cell 3.5 doorway.

Chen Qian smelled a foul smell and couldn't help frowning.

He glanced down at the unconscious Wooddog who had been dragged by Darkrai and fell to the ground, noticing the wet ground beneath him.

That's where the smell comes from.

"What kind of nightmare did you arrange for him?" Chen Qian couldn't help but ask.

Darkrai shrugged.

"Forget it, I can't keep this alive anyway, he knows my secret, and he will have to destroy everything in the database. Chen Qian raised his hand and fanned his nose, then released the Kapu fin from the Poke Ball.

"Boom!" Kapu's face was very bad when he came out.

"I know you're unhappy that I've been subdued in this way, but for the sake of the big picture, there's no way around it. Chen Qian shrugged, "Anyway, I've done your job, and I've already solved this person, so you can do the rest yourself." "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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